Class LocalAddressProviderBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalAddressProviderBuilder

        public LocalAddressProviderBuilder​(InetAddress addr,
                                           int nPortMin,
                                           int nPortMax)
        Constructs LocalAddressProviderBuilder with a resolved address.
        addr - the local address, or null
        nPortMin - the minimum port to use, or -1 to use ephemeral sub-ports
        nPortMax - the maximum port to use
      • LocalAddressProviderBuilder

        public LocalAddressProviderBuilder​(String sAddr,
                                           int nPortMin,
                                           int nPortMax,
                                           XmlElement xmlConfig)
        Constructs LocalAddressProviderBuilder deferring address resolution until realized.
        sAddr - the local address, or null
        nPortMin - the minimum port to use, or -1 to use ephemeral sub-ports
        nPortMax - the maximum port to use
        xmlConfig - optional xml to used in ConfigurationException if this is invalid.
      • LocalAddressProviderBuilder

        public LocalAddressProviderBuilder​(String sAddr,
                                           int nPortMin,
                                           int nPortMax)
        Constructs LocalAddressProviderBuilder deferring address resolution until realized.
        sAddr - the local address, or null
        nPortMin - the minimum port to use, or -1 to use ephemeral sub-ports
        nPortMax - the maximum port to use