Interface ResourceMappingRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • findCacheMapping

        default CacheMapping findCacheMapping​(String sName)
        Attempts to find the CacheMapping that matches the specified name and type.

        The matching algorithm first attempts to find an exact match of a CacheMapping with the provided name. Should that fail, all of the currently registered wild-carded CacheMappings are searched to find a match (in the order in which they were registered), with the most specific (longest match) being returned if there are multiple matches.

        sName - the name
        null if a mapping could not be located for the specified name and type
      • findMapping

        <M extends ResourceMapping> M findMapping​(String sName,
                                                  Class<M> type)
        Attempts to find the ResourceMapping that matches the specified name and type.

        The matching algorithm first attempts to find an exact match of a ResourceMapping with the provided name. Should that fail, all of the currently registered wild-carded ResourceMappings are searched to find a match (in the order in which they were registered), with the most specific (longest match) being returned if there are multiple matches.

        sName - the name
        type - the type of the mapping to locate
        null if a mapping could not be located for the specified name and type