Class LocalAtomicMarkableReference<V>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - the type of object referred to by this reference
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LocalAtomicMarkableReference<V>
    extends Object
    implements AtomicMarkableReference<V>
    Local implementation of AtomicMarkableReference interface, that simply wraps java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicMarkableReference instance.
    Aleks Seovic 2020.12.09
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalAtomicMarkableReference

        protected LocalAtomicMarkableReference​(V value,
                                               boolean initialMark)
        Construct LocalAtomicMarkableReference<V> instance.
        value - initial value
        initialMark - initial mark
      • LocalAtomicMarkableReference

        protected LocalAtomicMarkableReference​(AtomicMarkableReference<V> value)
        Construct LocalAtomicMarkableReference<V> instance.
        value - wrapped value
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public V get​(boolean[] abMarkHolder)
        Description copied from interface: AtomicMarkableReference
        Returns the current values of both the reference and the mark. Typical usage is boolean[1] holder; ref = v.get(holder); .
        Specified by:
        get in interface AtomicMarkableReference<V>
        abMarkHolder - an array of size of at least one. On return, markHolder[0] will hold the value of the mark.
        the current value of the reference
      • compareAndSet

        public boolean compareAndSet​(V expectedReference,
                                     V newReference,
                                     boolean fExpectedMark,
                                     boolean fNewMark)
        Description copied from interface: AtomicMarkableReference
        Atomically sets the value of both the reference and mark to the given update values if the current reference is equal to the expected reference and the current mark is equal to the expected mark.
        Specified by:
        compareAndSet in interface AtomicMarkableReference<V>
        expectedReference - the expected value of the reference
        newReference - the new value for the reference
        fExpectedMark - the expected value of the mark
        fNewMark - the new value for the mark
        true if successful
      • set

        public void set​(V newReference,
                        boolean fNewMark)
        Description copied from interface: AtomicMarkableReference
        Unconditionally sets the value of both the reference and mark.
        Specified by:
        set in interface AtomicMarkableReference<V>
        newReference - the new value for the reference
        fNewMark - the new value for the mark
      • attemptMark

        public boolean attemptMark​(V expectedReference,
                                   boolean fNewMark)
        Description copied from interface: AtomicMarkableReference
        Atomically sets the value of the mark to the given update value if the current reference is equal to the expected reference. Any given invocation of this operation may fail (return false) spuriously, but repeated invocation when the current value holds the expected value and no other thread is also attempting to set the value will eventually succeed.
        Specified by:
        attemptMark in interface AtomicMarkableReference<V>
        expectedReference - the expected value of the reference
        fNewMark - the new value for the mark
        true if successful