Class Atomics.SerializableAtomicMarkableReference<V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SerializableAtomicMarkableReference

        public SerializableAtomicMarkableReference()
        Required for serialization.
      • SerializableAtomicMarkableReference

        public SerializableAtomicMarkableReference​(V initialRef,
                                                   boolean initialMark)
        initialRef -
        initialMark -
    • Method Detail

      • readExternal

        public void readExternal​(DataInput in)
                          throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ExternalizableLite
        Restore the contents of this object by loading the object's state from the passed DataInput object.
        Specified by:
        readExternal in interface ExternalizableLite
        in - the DataInput stream to read data from in order to restore the state of this object
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NotActiveException - if the object is not in its initial state, and therefore cannot be deserialized into
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​(DataOutput out)
                           throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ExternalizableLite
        Save the contents of this object by storing the object's state into the passed DataOutput object.
        Specified by:
        writeExternal in interface ExternalizableLite
        out - the DataOutput stream to write the state of this object to
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs