Uses of Package

Packages that use com.tangosol.util.function
A small toolkit of classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables.
Classes to allow submission of tasks to the grid for execution.
Various predicates used by the Executor Service.
Contains classes to enable Repository-like access to Coherence data.
Contains classes related to partitioned cache implementation of Coherence JCache.
Contains packages and classes related to the Coherence REST API utilities.
Contains basic cluster interfaces and factories.
Contains classes providing various caching strategies.
Contains classes related to the Coherence Management Framework.
Contains classes that providing topic entities for publish/subscribe messaging.
Contains various generic utilities.
Contains concrete Comparator implementations and related interfaces.
Contains ValueExtractor and ValueUpdater related classes.
Contains Functional interfaces allowing remote execution of lambda expressions and method references.
Contains concrete InvocableMap.EntryProcessor implementations.
Contains classes to support functional-style operations on remote streams of elements, such as map-reduce transformations on collections.