Interface Registry

public interface Registry
The Coherence cluster management gateway is an abstraction of the basic JMX registration APIs that is specific to managing Coherence clustered resources. Though this interface is closely related to the JMX infrastructure, it is independent from* classes. This enables remote management support for cluster nodes that are not co-located with any JMX services.

MBean Names

Each Coherence MBean has a unique ObjectName for registration in a MBeanServer that could either be co-located or remote in relation to the managed object. Each cluster node has a single instance of the following managed beans:
Managed Bean ObjectName
Managed Bean ObjectName
ManagementMBean type=Management
ReporterMBean type=Reporter
ClusterMBean type=Cluster
ClusterNodeMBean type=Node, nodeId=cluster node's id
PointToPointMBean type=PointToPoint, nodeId=cluster node's id

A cluster node may have zero or more instances of the following managed beans:

Managed Bean ObjectName
Managed Bean ObjectName
ServiceMBean type=Service, name=service name,nodeId=cluster node's id
CacheMBean type=Cache, service=service name,name=cache name, nodeId=cluster node's id[,tier=tier tag]
StorageManagerMBean type=StorageManager, service=service name,cache=cache name, nodeId=cluster node's id
ConnectionManagerMBean type=ConnectionManager, name=service name,nodeId=cluster node's id
ConnectionMBean type=Connection, name=service name,nodeId=cluster node's id, UUID=connection's UUID 
HealthCheckMBean type=Health, name=health check name,subType=health check subType,nodeId=cluster node's id
The domain name for each managed bean will be assigned automatically (see getDomainName().)

ClusterMBean Attributes and Operations

ClusterMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
ClusterName String RO The name of the cluster.
ClusterSize Integer RO The total number of cluster nodes.
LicenseMode String RO The license mode that this cluster is using. Possible values are Evaluation, Development or Production.
LocalMemberId Integer RO The member id for the cluster member that is co-located with the reporting MBeanServer; -1 if the cluster service is not running.
MemberIds int[] RO An array of all existing cluster member ids.
Members String[] RO An array of all existing cluster members.
MembersDeparted String[] RO An array of strings containing the Member information for recently departed cluster members. Members will be removed from this array when the member id is recycled. This information is since the node has joined the cluster and is reset when the MBeanServer node leaves and rejoins the cluster. The MembersDepartureCount is the total count of departed members and not the size of this array.
MembersDepartureCount Long RO The number of times this node has observed another node`s departure from the cluster since this management node has joined the cluster or statistics have been reset.
OldestMemberId Integer RO The senior cluster member id; -1 if the cluster service is not running.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
Running Boolean RO Specifies whether or not the cluster is running.
Version String RO The Coherence version.
ClusterMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
configureTracing String sRole, java.lang.Float fRatio void Configure the tracing sampling ratio for those members matching the specified role, or if role is null or empty, configure the tracing ratio for all cluster members.
dumpClusterHeap String sRole void Dump heap across the cluster.
ensureRunning void void Ensures that the cluster service is running on this node.
flightRecording String sRole, java.lang.String sCmd, java.lang.String sOptions String[] Perform a Java flight recorder operation on all eligible cluster members. If a role is specified, the JFR will be performed on the members of the given role; otherwise, it will be performed on all the members. The valid commands are: jfrStart, jfrStop, jfrDump, jfrCheck. The options are comma separated JFR options.
getClusterConfig void String Get Coherence Cluster configuration.
getClusterDescription void String Get cluster description.
logClusterState String sRole void Log state on cluster members running with specified role. If sRole is not specified, state will be logged on all cluster members. The state includes full thread dump and outstanding polls.
resumeService String sService void Resume all suspended members of the service identified by the specified name. If "Cluster" is passed for the service name, all services (including the ClusterService) will be resumed.
shutdown void void Shuts down the cluster service on this node.
suspendService String sService void Suspend all members of the service identified by the specified name. A suspended Service has been placed in a "quiesced" or "deactivated" state in preparation to be shutdown. Once suspended, a service may be "resumed" or "reactivated" with the resumeService operation. If "Cluster" is passed for the service name, all services (including the ClusterService) will be suspended.

ClusterNodeMBean Attributes and Operations

ClusterNodeMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
BufferPublishSize Integer RW The buffer size of the unicast datagram socket used by the Publisher, measured in the number of packets. Changing this value at runtime is an inherently unsafe operation that will pause all network communications and may result in the termination of all cluster services.
BufferReceiveSize Integer RW The buffer size of the unicast datagram socket used by the Receiver, measured in the number of packets. Changing this value at runtime is an inherently unsafe operation that will pause all network communications and may result in the termination of all cluster services.
CpuCount Integer RO Number of CPU cores for the machine this Member is running on.
FlowControlEnabled Boolean RO Indicates whether or not FlowControl is enabled.
GuardRecoverCount Integer RO The number of recovery attempts executed for all guardables on this node since the node statistics were last reset.
GuardTerminateCount Integer RO The number of termination attempts executed for all guardables on this node since the node statistics were last reset.
Id Integer RO The short Member id that uniquely identifies the Member at this point in time and does not change for the life of this Member.
LoggingDestination String RO The output device used by the logging system. Valid values are stdout, stderr, jdk, log4j2, or a file name.
LoggingFormat String RW Specifies how messages will be formatted before being passed to the log destination
LoggingLevel Integer RW Specifies which logged messages will be output to the log destination. Valid values are non-negative integers or -1 to disable all logger output.
LoggingLimit Integer RW The maximum number of characters that the logger daemon will process from the message queue before discarding all remaining messages in the queue. Valid values are integers in the range [0...]. Zero implies no limit.
MachineId Integer RO The Member`s machine Id.
MachineName String RO A configured name that should be the same for all Members that are on the same physical machine, and different for Members that are on different physical machines.
MemberName String RO A configured name that must be unique for every Member.
MemoryAvailableMB Integer RO The total amount of memory in the JVM available for new objects in MB.
MemoryMaxMB Integer RO The maximum amount of memory that the JVM will attempt to use in MB.
MulticastAddress String RO The IP address of the Member`s MulticastSocket for group communication.
MulticastEnabled Boolean RO Specifies whether or not this Member uses multicast for group communication. If false, this Member will use the WellKnownAddresses to join the cluster and point-to-point unicast to communicate with other Members of the cluster.
MulticastPort Integer RO The port of the Member`s MulticastSocket for group communication.
MulticastTTL Integer RO The time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this Member`s MulticastSocket.
MulticastThreshold Integer RW The percentage (0 to 100) of the servers in the cluster that a packet will be sent to, above which the packet will be multicasted and below which it will be unicasted.
NackEnabled Boolean RO Indicates whether or not the early packet loss detection protocol is enabled.
NackSent Long RO The total number of NACK packets sent since the node statistics were last reset.
PacketDeliveryEfficiency Float RO The efficiency of packet loss detection and retransmission. A low efficiency is an indication that there is a high rate of unnecessary packet retransmissions.
PacketsBundled Long RO The total number of packets which were bundled prior to transmission. The total number of network transmissions is equal to (PacketsSent - PacketsBundled).
PacketsReceived Long RO The number of packets received since the node statistics were last reset.
PacketsRepeated Long RO The number of duplicate packets received since the node statistics were last reset.
PacketsResent Long RO The number of packets resent since the node statistics were last reset. A packet is resent when there is no ACK received within a timeout period.
PacketsResentEarly Long RO The total number of packets resent ahead of schedule. A packet is resent ahead of schedule when there is a NACK indicating that the packet has not been received.
PacketsResentExcess Long RO The total number of packet retransmissions which were later proven unnecessary.
PacketsSent Long RO The number of packets sent since the node statistics were last reset.
Priority Integer RO The priority or "weight" of the Member; used to determine tie-breakers.
ProcessName String RO A configured name that should be the same for Members that are in the same process (JVM), and different for Members that are in different processes. If not explicitly provided, for processes running with JRE 1.5 or higher the name will be calculated internally as the Name attribute of the system RuntimeMXBean, which normally represents the process identifier (PID).
ProductEdition String RO The product edition this Member is running. Possible values are: Standard Edition (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE), Grid Edition (GE).
PublisherPacketUtilization Float RO The publisher packet utilization for this cluster node since the node socket was last reopened. This value is a ratio of the number of bytes sent to the number that would have been sent had all packets been full. A low utilization indicates that data is not being sent in large enough chunks to make efficient use of the network.
PublisherSuccessRate Float RO The publisher success rate for this cluster node since the node statistics were last reset. Publisher success rate is a ratio of the number of packets successfully delivered in a first attempt to the total number of sent packets. A failure count is incremented when there is no ACK received within a timeout period. It could be caused by either very high network latency or a high packet drop rate.
QuorumStatus String RO The current state of the cluster quorum.
RackName String RO A configured name that should be the same for Members that are on the same physical "rack" (or frame or cage), and different for Members that are on different physical "racks".
ReceiverPacketUtilization Float RO The receiver packet utilization for this cluster node since the socket was last reopened. This value is a ratio of the number of bytes received to the number that would have been received had all packets been full. A low utilization indicates that data is not being sent in large enough chunks to make efficient use of the network.
ReceiverSuccessRate Float RO The receiver success rate for this cluster node since the node statistics were last reset. Receiver success rate is a ratio of the number of packets successfully acknowledged in a first attempt to the total number of received packets. A failure count is incremented when a re-delivery of previously received packet is detected. It could be caused by either very high inbound network latency or lost ACK packets.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
ResendDelay Integer RW The minimum number of milliseconds that a packet will remain queued in the Publisher`s re-send queue before it is resent to the recipient(s) if the packet has not been acknowledged. Setting this value too low can overflow the network with unnecessary repetitions. Setting the value too high can increase the overall latency by delaying the re-sends of dropped packets. Additionally, change of this value may need to be accompanied by a change in SendAckDelay value.
RoleName String RO A configured name that can be used to indicate the role of a Member to the application. While managed by Coherence, this property is used only by the application.
SendAckDelay Integer RW The minimum number of milliseconds between the queueing of an Ack packet and the sending of the same. This value should be not more then a half of the ResendDelay value.
SendQueueSize Integer RO The number of packets currently scheduled for delivery. This number includes both packets that are to be sent immediately and packets that have already been sent and awaiting for acknowledgment. Packets that do not receive an acknowledgment within ResendDelay interval will be automatically resent.
SiteName String RO A configured name that should be the same for Members that are on the same physical site (e.g. data center), and different for Members that are on different physical sites.
SocketCount Integer RO Number of CPU sockets for the machine this Member is running on.
Statistics String RO Statistics for this cluster node in a human readable format.
TcpRingFailures Long RO The number of recovered TcpRing disconnects since the node statistics were last reset. A recoverable disconnect is an abnormal event that is registered when the TcpRing peer drops the TCP connection, but recovers after no more then maximum configured number of attempts.This value will be -1 if the TcpRing is disabled.
Timestamp Date RO The date/time value (in cluster time) that this Member joined the cluster.
TracingSamplingRatio Float RW The ratio of spans to trace when tracing is enabled.
TrafficJamCount Integer RW The maximum total number of packets in the send and resend queues that forces the publisher to pause client threads. Zero means no limit.
TrafficJamDelay Integer RW The number of milliseconds to pause client threads when a traffic jam condition has been reached. Anything less than one (e.g. zero) is treated as one millisecond.
TransportBacklogDelay Long RW The total number of milliseconds that requests were delayed due to draining the backlog since the node statistics were last reset.
TransportReceivedBytes Long RO The number of bytes received by the service-dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportReceivedMessages Long RO The number of messages received by the service-dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportRetainedBytes Long RW The number of bytes retained by the service-dedicated transport awaiting delivery acknowledgment. This memory is allocated outside of the Java GC heap space.
TransportSentBytes Long RO The number of bytes sent by the service-dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportSentMessages Long RO The number of messages sent by the service-dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportStatus String RO The service-dedicated transport status information.
UID String RO The unique identifier of the Member which is calculated based on its Timestamp, Address, Port and MachineId. This identifier is unique throughout the life of the cluster.
UnicastAddress String RO The IP address of the Member`s DatagramSocket for point-to-point communication.
UnicastPort Integer RO The port of the Member`s DatagramSocket for point-to-point communication.
WeakestChannel Integer RO The id of the cluster node to which this node is having the most difficulty communicating, or -1 if none is found. A channel is considered to be weak if either the point-to-point publisher or receiver success rates are below 1.0.
WellKnownAddresses String[] RO An array of well-known socket addresses that this Member uses to join the cluster.
ClusterNodeMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
dumpHeap String sFileName String Dump heap on the node. The parameter "sFileName" specify the file in which to store the heap dump, or directory in which a dynamically named hprof file will be saved, or null for a dynamic file in the system temp directory. The method return the name of the stored file.
ensureService String sServiceName String Ensure that a specified Service runs at the cluster node represented by this MBean. This method will use the configurable cache factory to find out which service to start if necessary. Return value indicates the service type; null if a match could not be found.
getNodeDescription void String Get member description.
logNodeState void void Log a full thread dump and outstanding polls for the services running on the node.
reportEnvironment void String Return the environment information for this node. This includes details of the JVM as well as system properties.
reportNodeState void String Return a full thread dump and outstanding polls for the services running on the node.
resetStatistics void void Reset the cluster node statistics.
showTransportStatus void String Show detailed status information on the reliable transport.
shutdown void void Stop all the clustered services running at this node (controlled shutdown). The management of this node will not be available until the node is restarted (manually or programmatically).

PointToPointMBean Attributes and Operations

PointToPointMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
DeferredPackets Integer RO The number of packets addressed to the viewed member that the viewing member is currently deferring to send. The viewing member will delay sending these packets until the number of outstanding packets falls below the value of the Threshold attribute. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
Deferring Boolean RO Indicates whether or not the viewing member is currently deferring packets to the viewed member. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
LastIn Long RO The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the viewing member last received an acknowledgment from the viewed member.
LastOut Long RO The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the viewing member last sent a packet to the viewed member.
LastSlow Long RO The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the viewing member declared the viewed member as slow, or -1 if the viewed member has never been declared slow.
OutstandingPackets Integer RO The number of packets that the viewing member has sent to the viewed member which have yet to be acknowledged. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
PauseRate Float RO The percentage of time since the last time statistics were reset in which the viewing member considered the viewed member to be unresponsive. Under normal conditions this value should be very close to 0.0. Values near 1.0 would indicate that the viewed node is nearly inoperable, likely due to extremely long GC pauses. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
Paused Boolean RO Indicates whether or not the viewing member currently considers the viewed member to be unresponsive. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
PublisherSuccessRate Float RO The publisher success rate from the viewing node to the viewed node since the statistics were last reset.
ReceiverSuccessRate Float RO The receiver success rate from the viewing node to the viewed node since the statistics were last reset.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
Threshold Integer RO The maximum number of outstanding packets for the viewed member that the viewing member is allowed to accumulate before initiating the deferral algorithm. The value of this attribute is only meaningful if the viewing member has FlowControl enabled.
ViewedMemberId Integer RW The Id of the member being viewed.
ViewerStatistics String[] RO Human readable summary of the point-to-point statistics from the viewing member for all other members.
PointToPointMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
resetStatistics void void Reset the viewing member`s point-to-point statistics for all other members.
trackWeakest void void Instruct the PointToPointMBean to track the weakest member. A viewed member is considered to be weak if either the corresponding publisher or receiver success rates are below 1.0.

ServiceMBean Attributes and Operations

ServiceMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
BackupCount Integer RO The number of backups for every cache storage.
BackupCountAfterWritebehind Integer RO The number of members of the partitioned (distributed) cache service that will retain backup data that does _not_ require write-behind, i.e. data that is not vulnerable to being lost even if the entire cluster were shut down.
EventBacklog Integer RO The size of the backlog queue that holds events scheduled to be processed by the EventDispatcher thread.
EventCount Long RO The total number of processed events since the last time the statistics were reset.
EventInterceptorInfo String[] RO An array of statistics for events processed by event interceptors.
IndexingTotalMillis Long RO The total amount of time taken to build indices for all storage instances and partitions owned by this member. Building of indices may be performed in parallel thus this value may be less than suming StorageManagerMBean.IndexingTotalMillis.
JoinTime Date RO The date/time value (in cluster time) that this Member joined the service.
MemberCount Integer RO Specifies the total number of cluster nodes running this service.
MessagesLocal Long RO The total number of messages which were self-addressed messages since the last time the statistics were reset. Such messages are used for servicing process-local requests and do not have an associated network cost.
MessagesReceived Long RO The total number of messages received by this service since the last time the statistics were reset. This value accounts for messages received by any (local, dedicated or shared) transport.
MessagesSent Long RO The number of messages sent by this service since the last time the statistics were reset. This value accounts for messages sent by any (local, dedicated or shared) transport.
OutgoingTransferCount Integer RO The number of partitions that are currently being transferred by this service member to other members.
OwnedPartitionsBackup Integer RO The number of partitions that this Member backs up (responsible for the backup storage).
OwnedPartitionsPrimary Integer RO The number of partitions that this Member owns (responsible for the primary storage).
PartitionsAll Integer RO The total number of partitions that every cache storage will be divided into.
PartitionsEndangered Integer RO The total number of partitions that are not currently backed up.
PartitionsUnbalanced Integer RO The total number of primary and backup partitions which remain to be transferred until the partition distribution across the storage enabled service members is fully balanced.
PartitionsVulnerable Integer RO The total number of partitions that are backed up on the same machine where the primary partition owner resides.
PersistenceActiveSpaceAvailable Long RO The total remaining free space (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to persist active cache data.
PersistenceActiveSpaceTotal Long RO The total size (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to persist active cache data.
PersistenceActiveSpaceUsed Long RO The total size (in bytes) used by the persistence layer to persist active cache data.
PersistenceBackupSpaceAvailable Long RO The total remaining free space (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to persist backup cache data.
PersistenceBackupSpaceTotal Long RO The total size (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to persist backup cache data.
PersistenceBackupSpaceUsed Long RO The total size (in bytes) used by the persistence layer to persist backup cache data.
PersistenceEnvironment String RO A description of the configured persistence environment or 'n/a' if one has not been configured.
PersistenceLatencyAverage Float RO The average latency (in millis) added to a mutating cache operation by active persistence operations.
PersistenceLatencyMax Long RO The maximum latency (in millis) added to a mutating cache operation by an active persistence operation.
PersistenceMode String RO The current persistence mode for this service. A value of 'active' indicates that all mutating cache operations (i.e. writes) will be persisted via the configured persistence-environment. A value of 'live' indicates that all reads and writes will be performed against the configured persistence-environment. A value of 'on-demand' indicates that a persistence-environment has been configured and is available but is not being actively used. In all modes a persistent snapshot can be taken of all caches managed by this service using the configured persistence-environment. A value of 'n/a' indicates that persistence is not configured for this service.
PersistenceSnapshotArchiver String RO A description of the configured snapshot archiver or 'n/a' if one has not been configured.
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceAvailable Long RO The total remaining free space (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to store snapshots.
PersistenceSnapshotSpaceTotal Long RO The total size (in bytes) of the file system used by the persistence layer to store snapshots.
QuorumStatus String RO The current state of the service quorum.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RequestAverageDuration Float RO The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestMaxDuration Long RO The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of a request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestPendingCount Long RO The number of pending requests issued by the service.
RequestPendingDuration Long RO The duration (in milliseconds) of the oldest pending request issued by the service.
RequestTimeoutCount Long RO The total number of timed-out requests since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestTimeoutMillis Long RW The default timeout value in milliseconds for requests that can be timed-out (e.g. implement the interface), but do not explicitly specify the request timeout value.
RequestTotalCount Long RO The total number of synchronous requests issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.
Running Boolean RO Specifies whether or not the service is running.
SeniorMemberId Integer RO The service senior member id; -1 if the service is not running.
Statistics String RO Statistics for this service in human readable format.
StatusHA String RO The High Availability status for this service. The value of MACHINE-SAFE means that all the cluster nodes running on any given machine could be stopped at once without data loss. The value of NODE-SAFE means that any cluster node could be stopped without data loss. The value of ENDANGERED indicates that abnormal termination of any cluster node that runs this service may cause data loss. If either or both site and rack groupings are configured, the values SITE-SAFE and RACK-SAFE mean that all the cluster nodes running on any given site or rack, respectively, could be stopped at once without data loss.
StatusHACode Integer RO The High Availability status for this service. The value of 3 (MACHINE-SAFE) means that all the cluster nodes running on any given machine could be stoppped at once without data loss. The value of 2 (NODE-SAFE) means that any cluster node could be stoppped without data loss. The value of 1 (ENDANGERED) indicates that abnormal termination of any cluster node that runs this service may cause data loss. If the rack and site names are configured, the values 5 (SITE-SAFE) and 4 (RACK-SAFE) mean that all the cluster nodes running on any given site or rack, respectively, could be stoppped without data loss. If StatusHA is not applicable for the service, -1 is returned.
StorageEnabled Boolean RO Specifies whether or not the local storage is enabled for this cluster Member.
StorageEnabledCount Integer RO Specifies the total number of cluster nodes running this Service for which local storage is enabled.
TaskAverageDuration Float RO The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual task execution.
TaskBacklog Integer RO The size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service threads.
TaskCount Long RO The total number of executed tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskHungCount Integer RO The total number of currently executing hung tasks.
TaskHungDuration Long RO The longest currently executing hung task duration in milliseconds.
TaskHungTaskId String RO The id of the of the longest currently executing hung task.
TaskHungThresholdMillis Long RW The amount of time in milliseconds that a task can execute before it is considered hung. Note that a posted task that has not yet started is never considered as hung.
TaskMaxBacklog Integer RO The maximum size of the backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskTimeoutCount Integer RO The total number of timed-out tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskTimeoutMillis Long RW The default timeout value in milliseconds for tasks that can be timed-out (e.g. implement the interface), but do not explicitly specify the task execution timeout value.
ThreadAbandonedCount Integer RO The number of abandoned threads from the service thread pool. A thread is abandoned and replaced with a new thread if it executes a task for a period of time longer than execution timeout and all attempts to interrupt it fail.
ThreadAverageActiveCount Float RO The average number of active (not idle) threads in the service thread pool since the last time the statistics were reset.
ThreadCount Integer RW The number of threads in the service thread pool. For services that support dynamic thread pool sizing, this is the current thread pool size.
ThreadCountMax Integer RW The maximum thread count allowed for this service when dynamic thread pool sizing is enabled.
ThreadCountMin Integer RW The minimum thread count for this service when dynamic thread pool sizing is enabled.
ThreadCountUpdateTime Date RO The last time an update was made to the ThreadCount. This attribute is only valid when ThreadPoolSizingEnabled is true.
ThreadIdleCount Integer RO The number of currently idle threads in the service thread pool.
ThreadPoolSizingEnabled Boolean RO Whether or not dynamic thread pool sizing is enabled for this service.
TransportAddress String RO The service dedicated transport address if any. When present this transport allows the service instance to communicate with other service members via a dedicated transport rather then using the shared cluster transport.
TransportBackloggedConnectionList String[] RO A list of currently backlogged connections on the service dedicated transport.
TransportBackloggedConnections Integer RO The number of currently backlogged connections on the service dedicated transport. Any new requests which require the connection will block until the backlog is cleared.
TransportConnections Integer RO The number of connections currently maintained by the service dedicated transport. This count may be lower than MemberCount if some members have been not been configured to use the dedicated transport, or if it has been identified that there is no advantage in using the dedicated transport for communication with certain members.
TransportReceivedBytes Long RO The number of bytes received by the service dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportReceivedMessages Long RO The number of messages received by the service dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportRetainedBytes Long RO The number of bytes retained by the service dedicated transport awaiting delivery acknowledgment. This memory is allocated outside of the Java GC heap space.
TransportSentBytes Long RO The number of bytes sent by the service dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportSentMessages Long RO The number of messages sent by the service dedicated transport since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransportStatus String RO The service dedicated transport status information. rest.collector=set
Type String RO The type identifier of the service.
ServiceMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
getServiceDescription void String Get service description
reportDistributionState Boolean fVerbose String Report partition distributions for which this service member is either the sender or receiver, and which are still in-progress since the last partition assignment analysis. Verbose mode includes partition numbers for all pending or scheduled partitions in the report.
reportOwnership Boolean fVerbose String Report the ownership summary. If called with the verbose flag set to true, include specific partition numbers in the report. Hint: machine-safe partitions are marked with a '+'; vulnerable partitions are not.
resetStatistics void void Reset the service statistics.
showTransportStatus void String Show detailed status information on the reliable transport.
shutdown void void Stop the service. This is a controlled shut-down, and is preferred to the 'stop' method.
start void void Start the service.
stop void void Hard-stop the service. Use 'shutdown()' method for normal service termination.

CacheMBean Attributes and Operations

CacheMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
AverageGetMillis Double RO The average number of milliseconds per get() invocation since the last time statistics were reset. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
AverageHitMillis Double RO The average number of milliseconds per get() invocation that is a hit. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
AverageMissMillis Double RO The average number of milliseconds per get() invocation that is a miss. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
AveragePutMillis Double RO The average number of milliseconds per put() invocation since the cache statistics were last reset. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
BatchFactor Double RW The BatchFactor attribute is used to calculate the `soft-ripe` time for write-behind queue entries. A queue entry is considered to be `ripe` for a write operation if it has been in the write-behind queue for no less than the QueueDelay interval. The `soft-ripe` time is the point in time prior to the actual `ripe` time after which an entry will be included in a batched asynchronous write operation to the CacheStore (along with all other `ripe` and `soft-ripe` entries). This attribute is only applicable if asynchronous writes are enabled (i.e. the value of the QueueDelay attribute is greater than zero) and the CacheStore implements the storeAll() method. The value of the element is expressed as a percentage of the QueueDelay interval. Valid values are doubles in the interval [0.0, 1.0].
CacheHits Long RO The rough number of cache hits since the last time statistics were reset. A cache hit is a read operation invocation (i.e. get()) for which an entry exists in this map.
CacheHitsMillis Long RO The total number of milliseconds (since the last time statistics were reset) for the get() operations for which an entry existed in this map. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
CacheMisses Long RO The rough number of cache misses since the last time statistics were reset.
CacheMissesMillis Long RO The total number of milliseconds ( since the last time statistics were reset) for the get() operations for which no entry existed in this map. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
CachePrunes Long RO The number of `prune` operations since the last time statistics were reset. A prune operation occurs every time the cache reaches its high watermark.
CachePrunesMillis Long RO The total number of milliseconds for the prune operations since the last time statistics were reset.
CacheStoreType String RO The cache store type for this cache. Possible values include: NONE, READ-ONLY, WRITE-THROUGH, WRITE-BEHIND.
Description String RO The cache description.
ExpiryDelay Integer RW The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds. Value of zero indicates that the automatic expiry is disabled. Change of this attribute will not affect already-scheduled expiry of existing entries.
HighUnits Integer RW The limit of the cache size measured in units. The cache will prune itself automatically once it reaches its maximum unit level. This is often referred to as the `high water mark` of the cache.
HitProbability Double RO The rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that the next invocation will be a hit, based on the statistics collected since the last time statistics were reset.
LowUnits Integer RW The number of units to which the cache will shrink when it prunes. This is often referred to as a `low water mark` of the cache.
MemoryUnits Boolean RO Determines if Units is measuring the memory usage of the cache. If true, Units * UnitFactor is the number of bytes consumed by the cache.
PersistenceType String RO Deprecated - use attribute CacheStoreType instead.
QueueDelay Integer RW The number of seconds that an entry added to a write-behind queue will sit in the queue before being stored via a CacheStore. Applicable only for WRITE-BEHIND persistence type.
QueueSize Integer RO The size of the write-behind queue (if persistence type is WRITE-BEHIND) or the number of pending writes for non-blocking stores (stores implementing the NonBlockingEntryStore interface).
RefreshFactor Double RW The RefreshFactor attribute is used to calculate the `soft-expiration` time for cache entries. Soft-expiration is the point in time prior to the actual expiration after which any access request for an entry will schedule an asynchronous load request for the entry. This attribute is only applicable for a ReadWriteBackingMap which has an internal LocalCache with scheduled automatic expiration. The value of this element is expressed as a percentage of the internal LocalCache expiration interval. Valid values are doubles in the interval[0.0, 1.0]. If zero, refresh-ahead scheduling will be disabled.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RequeueThreshold Integer RW The maximum size of the write-behind queue for which failed CacheStore write operations are requeued. If zero, the write-behind requeueing will be disabled. Applicable only for WRITE-BEHIND persistence type.
Size Integer RO The number of entries in the cache.
StoreAverageBatchSize Long RO The average number of entries stored per CacheStore write operation. A call to the store() method is counted as a batch of one, whereas a call to the storeAll() method is counted as a batch of the passed Map size. The value of this attribute is -1 if the persistence type is NONE.
StoreAverageReadMillis Long RO The average time (in millis) spent per read operation; -1 if persistence type is NONE. This statistic is only tracked for caches associated with a CacheStore.
StoreAverageWriteMillis Long RO The average time (in millis) spent per write operation; -1 if persistence type is NONE. This statistic is only tracked for caches associated with a CacheStore.
StoreFailures Long RO The total number of CacheStore failures (load, store and erase operations); -1 if persistence type is NONE.
StoreReadMillis Long RO The cummulative time (in millis) spent on load operations; -1 if persistence type is NONE. This statistic is only tracked for caches associated with a CacheStore.
StoreReads Long RO The total number of load operations; -1 if persistence type is NONE.
StoreWriteMillis Long RO The cummulative time (in milliseconds) spent on store and erase operations; -1 if persistence type is NONE or READ-ONLY. This statistic is only tracked for caches associated with a CacheStore.
StoreWrites Long RO The total number of store and erase operations; -1 if persistence type is NONE or READ-ONLY.
TotalGets Long RO The total number of get() operations since the last time statistics were reset.
TotalGetsMillis Long RO The total number of milliseconds spent on get() operations since the last time statistics were reset. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
TotalPuts Long RO The total number of put() operations since the last time statistics were reset.
TotalPutsMillis Long RO The total number of milliseconds spent on put() operations since the last time statistics were reset. This statistic is only tracked for caches that may incur expensive hits (for example the front of a near cache).
UnitFactor Integer RO The factor by which the Units, LowUnits and HighUnits properties are adjusted. Using a BINARY unit calculator, for example, the factor of 1048576 could be used to count megabytes instead of bytes.
Units Integer RO The size of the cache measured in units. This value needs to be adjusted by the UnitFactor.
UnitsBytes Long RO The size of the cache measured in bytes.
CacheMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
resetStatistics void void Reset the cache statistics.

StorageManagerMBean Attributes and Operations

StorageManagerMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
ClearCount Long RO The number of clear() operations since the last time statistics were reset.
EventInterceptorInfo String[] RO An array of statistics for events processed by event interceptors.
EventsDispatched Long RO The total number of events dispatched by the StorageManager since the last time the statistics were reset.
EvictionCount Long RO The number of evictions from the backing map managed by this StorageManager caused by entries expiry or insert operations that would make the underlying backing map to reach its configured size limit. The eviction count is used to audit the cache size in a static system. Cache Size = Insert Count - Remove Count - Eviction count. Therefore the eviction count is not reset by the reset statistics method.
IndexInfo String[] RO An array of information for each index applied to the portion of the partitioned cache managed by the StorageManager. Each element is a string value that includes a ValueExtractor description, ordered flag (true to indicate that the contents of the index are ordered; false otherwise), and cardinality (number of unique values indexed).
IndexTotalUnits Long RO The total units used by all indices on the associated cache.
IndexingTotalMillis Long RO The cumulative duration in milliseconds of index builds since statistics were last reset.
InsertCount Long RO The number of inserts into the backing map managed by this StorageManager. In addition to standard inserts caused by put and invoke operations or synthetic inserts caused by get operations with read-through backing map topology, this counter is incremented when distribution transfers move resources `into` the underlying backing map and is decremented when distribution transfers move data `out`. The insert count is used to audit the cache size in a static system. Cache Size = Insert Count - Remove Count - Eviction count. Therefore the insert count is not reset by the reset statistics method.
ListenerFilterCount Integer RO The number of filter-based listeners currently registered with the StorageManager.
ListenerKeyCount Integer RO The number of key-based listeners currently registered with the StorageManager.
ListenerRegistrations Long RO The total number of listener registration requests processed by the StorageManager since the last time the statistics were reset.
LocksGranted Integer RO The number of locks currently granted for the portion of the partitioned cache managed by the StorageManager.
LocksPending Integer RO The number of pending lock requests for the portion of the partitioned cache managed by the StorageManager.
MaxQueryDescription String RO A string representation of a query with the longest execution time exceeding the MaxQueryThresholdMillis since statistics were last reset.
MaxQueryDurationMillis Long RO The duration in milliseconds of the longest query execution since statistics were last reset.
MaxQueryThresholdMillis Long RW A query execution threshold in milliseconds The longest query executing longer than this threshold will be reported by the MaxQueryDescription attribute.
NonOptimizedQueryAverageMillis Long RO The average duration in milliseconds per non-optimized query execution since the statistics were last reset.
NonOptimizedQueryCount Long RO The total number of queries that could not be resolved or were partially resolved against indexes since statistics were last reset.
NonOptimizedQueryTotalMillis Long RO The total execution time in milliseconds for queries that could not be resolved or were partially resolved against indexes since statistics were last reset.
OptimizedQueryAverageMillis Long RO The average duration in milliseconds per optimized query execution since the statistics were last reset.
OptimizedQueryCount Long RO The total number of queries that were fully resolved using indexes since statistics were last reset.
OptimizedQueryTotalMillis Long RO The total execution time in milliseconds for queries that were fully resolved using indexes since statistics were last reset.
QueryContentionCount Long RO Total number of times a query had to be re-evaluated due to a concurrent update since statistics were last reset. This statistics provides a measure of an impact of concurrent updates on the query perfomance. If the total number of queries is Q and the number of contentions is C then the expected performance degradation factor should be no more than (Q + C)/Q.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RemoveCount Long RO The number of removes from the backing map managed by this StorageManager caused by operations such as clear, remove or invoke. The remove count is used to audit the cache size in a static system. Cache Size = Insert Count - Remove Count - Eviction count. Therefore the remove count is not reset by the reset statistics method.
TriggerInfo String[] RO An array of information for each trigger applied to the portion of the partitioned cache managed by the StorageManager. Each element is a string value that represents a human-readable description of the corresponding MapTrigger.
StorageManagerMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
clearCache void void Removes all items from this cache. Clearing cache can be both a memory and CPU intensive task.
reportPartitionStats String sFormat Object Reports the size and count of entries for this cache across partitions. Format can be 'json' or 'csv'. For 'csv' the columns are partition, count, totalSize, maxEntrySize and memberId.
resetStatistics void void Reset the storage statistics. This method does not reset the EvictionCount, InsertCount or RemoveCount attributes.
size void Integer Returns the total size of the cache.
truncateCache void void Removes all items from this cache. The removal of entries caused by this truncate operation will not be observable.

ConnectionMBean Attributes and Operations

ConnectionMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
ClientAddress String RO The client's IP address.
ClientProcessName String RO The client process name.
ClientRole String RO The client role.
ConnectionTimeMillis Long RO The time duration (in milliseconds) that the client has been connected.
Member String RO Member information of the client connection.
MessagingDebug Boolean RW Debug flag. When true and the node's logging level is 6 or higher, sent and received messages will be logged for this connection. If this attribute in the ConnectionManager MBean is true and the node's logging level is 6 or higher, sent and received messages will also be logged.
OutgoingByteBacklog Long RO The backlog (in bytes) of the outgoing queue
OutgoingMessageBacklog Integer RO The backlog of the outgoing message queue.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RemoteAddress String RO The IP address of the corresponding client.
RemotePort Integer RO The port of the corresponding client.
Timestamp Date RO The date/time value (in local time) that the corresponding client connected to the Proxy.
TotalBytesReceived Long RO The total number of bytes received since the last time the statistics were reset.
TotalBytesSent Long RO The total number of bytes sent since the last time the statistics were reset.
TotalMessagesReceived Long RO The total number of messages received since the last time the statistics were reset.
TotalMessagesSent Long RO The total number of messages sent since the last time the statistics were reset.
UUID String RO The unique identifier for this connection.
ConnectionMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
closeConnection void void Close the corresponding connection.
resetStatistics void void Reset statistics.

ConnectionManagerMBean Attributes and Operations

ConnectionManagerMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
AverageRequestTime Float RO The average processing time in milliseconds for HTTP requests.
ConnectionCount Integer RO The number of client connections.
HostIP String RO The IP address and port of the Proxy host.
HttpServerType String RO The type of HTTP server or n/a if not using HTTP protocol.
IncomingBufferPoolCapacity Long RO The pool capacity (in bytes) of the incoming buffer.
IncomingBufferPoolSize Integer RO The number of buffers in the incoming pool.
MessagingDebug Boolean RW Debug flag. When true and the node's logging level is 6 or higher, sent and received messages will be logged for all the connections under this service.
OutgoingBufferPoolCapacity Long RO The pool capacity (in bytes) of the outgoing buffer.
OutgoingBufferPoolSize Integer RO The number of buffers in the outgoing pool.
OutgoingByteBacklog Long RO The backlog (in bytes) of the outgoing queue
OutgoingMessageBacklog Long RO The backlog of the outgoing message queue.
Protocol String RO Protocol associated with this ConnectionManagerMBean. Valid values are tcp or http.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RequestsPerSecond Float RO The number of HTTP requests per second since the statistics were reset.
ResponseCount1xx Long RO The number of HTTP responses in the 100-199 range.
ResponseCount2xx Long RO The number of HTTP responses in the 200-299 range.
ResponseCount3xx Long RO The number of HTTP responses in the 300-399 range.
ResponseCount4xx Long RO The number of HTTP responses in the 400-499 range.
ResponseCount5xx Long RO The number of HTTP responses in the 500-599 range.
TotalBytesReceived Long RO The total number of bytes received by the Proxy host since the statistics were last reset.
TotalBytesSent Long RO The total number of bytes sent by the Proxy host since the statistics were last reset.
TotalErrorCount Long RO The number of HTTP requests that caused errors.
TotalMessagesReceived Long RO The total number of messgaes received by the Proxy host since the statistics were last reset.
TotalMessagesSent Long RO The total number of messgaes sent by the Proxy host since the statistics were last reset.
TotalRequestCount Long RO The number of requests serviced since the HTTP server was started or the statistics were reset.
UnauthorizedConnectionAttempts Long RO The number of connection attempts from unauthorized hosts.
ConnectionManagerMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
resetStatistics void void

ManagementMBean Attributes and Operations

ManagementMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
ExpiryDelay Long RW The number of milliseconds that the MBeanServer will keep a remote model snapshot before refreshing.
RefreshCount Long RO The total number of snapshots retrieved since the statistics were last reset.
RefreshExcessCount Long RO The number of times the MBean server predictively refreshed information and the information was not accessed.
RefreshOnQuery Boolean RO Specifies whether or not the refresh-on-query MBeanServer is configured. If this is true then the RefreshPolicy value should be `refresh-onquery`.
RefreshPolicy String RW The policy used to determine the behavior when refreshing remote models. Valid values are: refresh-ahead, refresh-behind, refresh-expired, refresh-onquery. Invalid values will convert to `refresh-expired`.
RefreshPredictionCount Long RO The number of times the MBeanServer used a predictive (refresh-behind, refresh-ahead, refresh-onquery) algorithm to refresh MBean information.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
RefreshTimeoutCount Long RO The number of times this management node has timed out while attempting to refresh remote MBean attributes.
RemoteNotificationCount Long RO The total number of remote notifications received for all MBeans by this node since the last time the statistis were reset.
ManagementMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
resetStatistics void void Reset the SyncCount, MissCount and AsyncCount Statistics.

TransactionManagerMBean Attributes and Operations

TransactionManagerMBean attributes
Name Type Access Description
CommitTotalMillis Long RO The cumulative time (in milliseconds) spent during the commit phase since the last time statistics were reset.
RefreshTime Date RO The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.
TimeoutMillis Long RO The transaction timeout value in milliseconds. Note that this value will only apply to transactional connections obtained after the value is set.
TotalActive Long RO The total number of currently active transactions. An active transaction is counted as any transaction that contains at least one modified entry and has yet to be committed or rolled back. Note that the count is maintained at the coordinator node for the transaction, even though multiple nodes may have participated in the transaction.
TotalCommitted Long RO The total number of transactions that have been committed by the Transaction Manager since the last time the statistics were reset. Note that the count is maintained at the coordinator node for the transaction being committed, even though multiple nodes may have participated in the transaction.
TotalRecovered Long RO The total number of transactions that have been recovered by the Transaction Manager since the last time the statistics were reset. Note that the count is maintained at the coordinator node for the transaction being recovered, even though multiple nodes may have participated in the transaction.
TotalRolledback Long RO The total number of transactions that have been rolled back by the Transaction Manager since the last time the statistics were reset. Note that the count is maintained at the coordinator node for the transaction being rolled back, even though multiple nodes may have participated in the transaction.
TransactionTotalMillis Long RO The cumulative time (in milliseconds) spent on active transactions since the last time the statistics were reset.
TransactionManagerMBean operations
Name Parameters Return Type Description
resetStatistics void void Reset the transaction statistics.

Custom MBeans

In addition to the standard Coherence managed object types, any dynamic or standard MBean type may be registered locally or globally using the Registry.

For example, the following code registers a custom standard MBean object globally:

 Registry    registry = CacheFactory.ensureCluster().getManagement();
 CustomMBean bean     = new Custom();
 String      sName    = registry.ensureGlobalName("type=Custom");

 registry.register(sName, bean);
Coherence 3.0
gg 2004.11.01, jh 2005.09.14
  • Field Details


      static final String SERVICE_NAME
      The name of the Invocation service used for remote management.
      See Also:

      static final String CLUSTER_TYPE
      String representation of the ObjectName for the ClusterMBean. There will be one and only one MBean by this name. It represents a local cluster node and can only be viewed or managed locally.
      See Also:

      static final String NODE_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ClusterNodeMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String SERVICE_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ServiceMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String CACHE_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the CacheMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String VIEW_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ViewMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String STORAGE_MANAGER_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the StorageManagerMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String POINT_TO_POINT_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the PointToPointMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String CONNECTION_MANAGER_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ConnectionManagerMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String CONNECTION_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ConnectionMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String MANAGEMENT_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ManagementMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String REPORTER_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ReporterMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String TRANSACTION_MANAGER_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the TransactionManagerMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String JOURNAL_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the JournalMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String FEDERATION_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the FederationMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String PERSISTENCE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the PersistenceManagerMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the PartitionAssignmentStrategy (SimpleStrategyMBean).
      See Also:

      static final String HEALTH_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the HealthCheck MBeans.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_NODE_ID
      String representing the "nodeId" key of an ObjectName for a global MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_RESPONSIBILITY
      String representing the "responsibility" key of an ObjectName for a global MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_MEMBER
      String representing the "member" key of an ObjectName for an extended global MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_CLUSTER
      String representing the "cluster" key of an ObjectName for an extended global MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_SERVICE
      String representing the "service" key of an ObjectName for an extended global MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String EXECUTOR_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the ExecutorMBean.
      See Also:

      static final String PAGED_TOPIC_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the Paged Topic MBean.
      See Also:
    • KEY_NAME

      static final String KEY_NAME
      String representing the "name" part of ObjectName for MBeans.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_TOPIC
      String representing the "topic" name part of ObjectName for the Paged Topic MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_TOPIC_GROUP
      String representing the "group" name part of ObjectName for the Paged Topic Subscriber MBean.
      See Also:
    • KEY_ID

      static final String KEY_ID
      String representing the "id" name part of ObjectName for an MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String SUBSCRIBER_GROUP_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the Subscriber Group MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String SUBSCRIBER_TYPE
      String representing the "type" part of ObjectName for the Subscriber MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String KEY_SUBTYPE_TYPE
      String representing the "subtype" key of ObjectName for a Durable Subscriber MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String SUBSCRIBER_DURABLE_TYPE
      String representing the "subtype" part of ObjectName for a Durable Subscriber MBean.
      See Also:

      static final String SUBSCRIBER_ANONYMOUS_TYPE
      String representing the "subtype" part of ObjectName for an Anonymous Subscriber MBean.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDomainName

      String getDomainName()
      Domain name for managed beans registered by Coherence clustered services. For cluster nodes that are co-located with an MBeanServer instance, the returned value is "Coherence" (or "Coherence@NNN" in a case of a name conflict when multiple clusters run within the same JVM). For the nodes that are managed remotely and do not run an MBeanServer, the returned value is an empty string.
      the domain name
    • ensureGlobalName

      String ensureGlobalName(String sName)
      Convert the passed MBean name to a global name if necessary.

      A name is global if it satisfies either of the two conditions:

      1. it contains a nodeId key property that differentiates an MBean name from an otherwise identical MBean name registered by a different cluster node;
      2. it contains a responsibility key property and is guaranteed to be registered by no more than one cluster node.
      sName - any valid MBean name
      a fully qualified version of the given MBean name
    • ensureGlobalName

      String ensureGlobalName(String sName, Member member)
      Convert the passed MBean name to a global name for a given cluster Member if necessary.

      A name is global if it satisfies either of the two conditions:

      1. it contains a nodeId key property that differentiates an MBean name from an otherwise identical MBean name registered by a different cluster node;
      2. it contains a responsibility key property and is guaranteed to be registered by no more than one cluster node.
      sName - any valid MBean name
      member - a cluster member
      a fully qualified version of the given MBean name
      Coherence 12.2.1
    • isRegistered

      boolean isRegistered(String sName)
      Check whether or not the specified name is already registered.
      sName - the MBean's name
      true iff the specified name is already registered
    • register

      void register(String sName, Object oBean)
      Register a manageable object. The object itself is not necessarily an MBean. If the object is not an MBean (standard or dynamic), the Registry will determine what MBean corresponds to the object and will instantiate and register the necessary MBean either locally or globally depending on the type of the managed object.

      If the given MBean name is a global name, the corresponding MBean will be registered with all available MBeanServers (local or remote); otherwise, the MBean will only be registered with the local MBeanServer.

      sName - the MBean's name
      oBean - the managed object
    • unregister

      void unregister(String sName)
      Unregister managed objects that match the specified object name or name pattern (query name).
      sName - MBean's name or a name pattern
    • getNotificationManager

      NotificationManager getNotificationManager()
      Obtain a reference to the NotificationManager for this Registry.
      the NotificationManager object
    • getMBeanServerProxy

      MBeanServerProxy getMBeanServerProxy()
      Obtain a reference to the MBeanServerProxy for this Registry.
      the MBeanServerProxy
    • isExtendedMBeanName

      boolean isExtendedMBeanName()
      Return true iff extended global MBean names are to be used.
      true iff extended global MBean names are to be used
    • register

      void register(HealthCheck healthCheck)
      Register a HealthCheck.
      healthCheck - the HealthCheck to register
    • unregister

      void unregister(HealthCheck healthCheck)
      Unregister a previously registered HealthCheck.
      healthCheck - the HealthCheck to unregister
    • getHealthChecks

      Collection<HealthCheck> getHealthChecks()
      Returns an immutable collection of the currently registered health checks.
      an immutable collection of the currently registered health checks
    • getHealthCheck

      default Optional<HealthCheck> getHealthCheck(String sName)
      Return an Optional containing the HealthCheck with the specified name, or an empty Optional if no HealthCheck has been registered with the specified name.
      sName - the name of the HealthCheck to return
      an Optional containing the HealthCheck with the specified name
    • allHealthChecksReady

      boolean allHealthChecksReady()
      Returns true if the all the registered health checks are ready.

      Only health checks that return true from their HealthCheck.isMemberHealthCheck() method are included in this check.

      The concept of what "ready" means may vary for different types of HealthCheck.

      true if the all the registered health checks are ready.
    • allHealthChecksLive

      boolean allHealthChecksLive()
      Returns true if the all the registered health checks are live.

      Only health checks that return true from their HealthCheck.isMemberHealthCheck() method are included in this check.

      The concept of what "live" means may vary for different types of HealthCheck.

      true if the all the registered health checks are live.
    • allHealthChecksStarted

      boolean allHealthChecksStarted()
      Returns true if the all the registered health checks are started.

      Only health checks that return true from their HealthCheck.isMemberHealthCheck() method are included in this check.

      The concept of what "started" means may vary for different types of HealthCheck.

      true if the all the registered health checks are started.
    • allHealthChecksSafe

      boolean allHealthChecksSafe()
      Returns true if the all the registered health checks are safe.

      Only health checks that return true from their HealthCheck.isMemberHealthCheck() method are included in this check.

      The concept of what "safe" means may vary for different types of HealthCheck.

      true if the all the registered health checks are safe.