Class CacheFactory


public abstract class CacheFactory extends Base
Factory for the Coherence™ cache product.

One of the most common functions provided by the CacheFactory is ability to obtain an instance of a cache. To get a cache reference use the getCache(String, ClassLoader) or getCache(String) methods.

When a cache retrieved by any of the above methods is no longer used, it is recommended to call releaseCache(NamedCache) to release the associated resources. To destroy all instances of the cache across the cluster, use destroyCache(NamedCache).

Applications that require more control when obtaining cache and service references should use the CacheFactoryBuilder API.

cp, gg 2001.12.14
  • Field Details


      public static final String PRODUCT
      The product name string.

      public static final String VERSION
      Software version string.

      public static final int VERSION_ENCODED
      Software version encoded to an int.
  • Constructor Details

    • CacheFactory

      public CacheFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getCacheFactoryBuilder

      public static CacheFactoryBuilder getCacheFactoryBuilder()
      Obtain the CacheFactoryBuilder singleton using the configuration info from the "cache-factory-builder-config" element.
      an instance of CacheFactoryBuilder
      Coherence 3.5.1
    • setCacheFactoryBuilder

      public static void setCacheFactoryBuilder(CacheFactoryBuilder cfb)
      Specify a singleton CacheFactoryBuilder.
      cfb - an instance of CacheFactoryBuilder
      Coherence 3.5.1
    • getConfigurableCacheFactory

      public static ConfigurableCacheFactory getConfigurableCacheFactory()
      Obtain the ConfigurableCacheFactory singleton using the configuration info from the "configurable-cache-factory-config" element located in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      an instance of ConfigurableCacheFactory
      Coherence 2.2
    • getConfigurableCacheFactory

      public static ConfigurableCacheFactory getConfigurableCacheFactory(ClassLoader loader)
      Obtain the ConfigurableCacheFactory associated with the specified class loader.

      Note: if setConfigurableCacheFactory( has been called, the same factory instance will be returned.

      loader - the class loader for which to return a configurable cache factory
      the configurable cache factory for the specified loader
    • setConfigurableCacheFactory

      public static void setConfigurableCacheFactory(ConfigurableCacheFactory factory)
      As of 12.2.1 deprecated with no replacement
      Specify a singleton of ConfigurableCacheFactory.
      factory - an instance of ConfigurableCacheFactory
      Coherence 2.2
    • getService

      public static Service getService(String sName)
      Return an instance of a service configured by the current ConfigurableCacheFactory. This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureService(String) method.
      sName - service name (unique for a given configurable cache factory). If the Service with the specified name already exists, a reference to the same object will be returned
      the Service object
      Coherence 3.3
    • getCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getCache(String sName)
      Return an instance of an cache configured by the current ConfigurableCacheFactory

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureCache(String, ClassLoader, NamedCache.Option...) method, using Base.ensureClassLoader(ClassLoader) to determine the ClassLoader and no options.

      sName - cache name (unique for a given configurable cache factory). If the NamedCache with the specified name already exists, a reference to the same object will be returned
      the NamedCache object
      Coherence 2.2
    • getCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getCache(String sName, NamedMap.Option... options)
      Return an instance of an cache configured by the current ConfigurableCacheFactory, using the specified NamedMap.Options.

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureCache(String, ClassLoader, NamedCache.Option...) method, using Base.ensureClassLoader(ClassLoader) to determine the ClassLoader.

      To enable type-safety checking, applications may specify the TypeAssertion NamedMap.Option.

      sName - cache name (unique for a given configurable cache factory). If the NamedCache with the specified name already exists, a reference to the same object will be returned
      the NamedCache object
    • getCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getCache(String sName, ClassLoader loader)
      Return an instance of a cache configured by the current ConfigurableCacheFactory with a specific ClassLoader no options.

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureCache(String, ClassLoader, NamedCache.Option...) method.

      sName - cache name (unique for a given configurable cache factory). If the NamedCache with the specified name already exists, a reference to the same object will be returned
      loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects inserted in the map by other members of the cluster
      the NamedCache reference
      Coherence 2.2
    • getCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getCache(String sName, ClassLoader loader, NamedMap.Option... options)
      Return an instance of a cache configured by the current ConfigurableCacheFactory with a specific ClassLoader and NamedMap.Options

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureCache(String, ClassLoader, NamedCache.Option...) method.

      To enable type-safety checking, applications may specify the TypeAssertion NamedMap.Option.

      sName - cache name (unique for a given configurable cache factory). If the NamedCache with the specified name already exists, a reference to the same object will be returned
      loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects inserted in the map by other members of the cluster
      options - the NamedMap.Options
      the NamedCache reference
      Coherence 2.2
    • getTypedCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getTypedCache(String sCacheName, TypeAssertion<K,V> assertion)
      Return an instance of a cache with the given name satisfying the specified TypeAssertion.

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureTypedCache(String, ClassLoader, TypeAssertion) method, using Base.ensureClassLoader(ClassLoader) to determine the ClassLoader.

      sCacheName - the cache name
      assertion - the TypeAssertion
      a NamedCache reference
      Coherence 12.2.1
      See Also:
    • getTypedCache

      public static <K, V> NamedCache<K,V> getTypedCache(String sCacheName, ClassLoader loader, TypeAssertion<K,V> assertion)
      Return an instance of a cache with the given name satisfying the specified TypeAssertion.

      This helper method is a simple wrapper around the ConfigurableCacheFactory.ensureTypedCache(String, ClassLoader, TypeAssertion) method.

      sCacheName - the cache name
      loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects in the cache
      assertion - the TypeAssertion
      a NamedCache reference
      Coherence 12.2.1
      See Also:
    • getLocalTransaction

      public static TransactionMap getLocalTransaction(NamedCache map)
      Factory method returning an instance of the TransactionMap that is based on the specified NamedCache and is local to this JVM.

      Note: TransactionMap instance returned by this method will also implement the NamedCache interface, allowing a client code to chain local transaction by using the returned TransactionMap as a parameter for another getLocalTransaction() call.

      map - the NamedCache object to be used as a base for transaction
      a TransactionMap instance
      Coherence 1.2
    • commitTransactionCollection

      public static boolean commitTransactionCollection(Collection collCaches, int cRetry)
      Commit the transaction represented by a collection of TransactionMap objects. Due to any of a number of reasons, the transaction could fail to commit; if it fails to commit, the transaction is rolled back.
      collCaches - a collection of TransactionMap objects
      cRetry - the number of times [0..100] to retry a stage of the transaction if a concurrency conflict occurs
      true if the transaction could be committed; false otherwise
    • rollbackTransactionCollection

      public static void rollbackTransactionCollection(Collection collCaches)
      Roll back the transaction represented by a collection of TransactionMap objects.
      collCaches - a collection of TransactionMap objects
    • getCluster

      public static Cluster getCluster()
      Return a Cluster object for Coherence services.
      a Cluster object which may or may not be running
      Coherence 1.1
    • ensureCluster

      public static Cluster ensureCluster()
      Obtain a Cluster object running Coherence services. Calling this method is optional. The cluster member carrying caching services will be lazily initialized when a first cache is about to be created. However, that operation could take significant time (especially for a first cluster member). This method forces initialization, making all cache creating requests predictably faster.
      a Cluster object
      Coherence 1.1
    • shutdown

      public static void shutdown()
      Shutdown all clustered services.
      Coherence 1.0
    • releaseCache

      public static void releaseCache(NamedCache cache)
      Release local resources associated with the specified instance of the cache. This invalidates a reference obtained by any of getCache() methods.

      Releasing a NamedCache reference makes it no longer usable, but does not affect the content of the cache. In other words, all other references to the cache will still be valid, and the cache data is not affected by releasing the reference.

      The reference that is released using this method can no longer be used; any attempt to use the reference will result in an exception.

      The purpose for releasing a cache reference is to allow the cache implementation to release the ClassLoader used to deserialize items in the cache. The cache implementation ensures that all references to that ClassLoader are released. This implies that objects in the cache that were loaded by that ClassLoader will be re-serialized to release their hold on that ClassLoader. The result is that the ClassLoader can be garbage-collected by Java in situations where the cache is operating in an application server and applications are dynamically loaded and unloaded.

      cache - the NamedCache object to be released
      Coherence 1.1
      See Also:
    • destroyCache

      public static void destroyCache(NamedCache cache)
      Releases and destroys the specified NamedCache.

      Warning: This method is used to completely destroy the specified cache across the cluster. All references in the entire cluster to this cache will be invalidated, the cached data will be cleared, and all resources will be released.

      cache - the NamedCache object to be destroyed
      Coherence 1.1
      See Also:
    • getEdition

      public static String getEdition()
      Returns the edition currently loaded based on the operational configuration.
      the abbreviated string representation of the current edition. Potential values include (GE,EE,SE,RTC,DC)
      Coherence 12.1.2
    • log

      @Deprecated public static void log(String sMessage, int nSeverity)
      since Coherence 14.1.2, and may be removed in a future version; use one of Logger methods instead.
      Log a message using Coherence logging facility which is driven by the "logging-config" element located in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      sMessage - a message to log
      nSeverity - the severity of the logged message; 0=default, 1=error; 2=warning; 3=info; 4-9=debug
      Coherence 2.0
    • isLogEnabled

      @Deprecated public static boolean isLogEnabled(int nSeverity)
      since Coherence 14.1.2, and may be removed in a future version; use Logger.isEnabled(int) method instead.
      Check if a message of the specified severity level will be logged using the Coherence logging facility.
      nSeverity - the severity of a message
      true if a message with the specified severity level will be logged; false otherwise
      Coherence 3.2
      See Also:
    • getClusterConfig

      public static XmlElement getClusterConfig()
      Return the default cluster configuration as defined by the "cluster-config" element in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      XmlElement representing the default cluster configuration
    • getReplicatedCacheConfig

      public static XmlElement getReplicatedCacheConfig()
      Return the default replicated cache configuration.
      XmlElement representing the replicated cache configuration
      See Also:
    • getDistributedCacheConfig

      public static XmlElement getDistributedCacheConfig()
      Return the default distributed (partitioned) cache configuration.
      XmlElement representing the partitioned cache configuration
      See Also:
    • getLicenseMode

      public static String getLicenseMode()
      Returns the value of license-mode child element of license-config element in the operational configuration.
      configured license mode of either eval, dev or prod
      Coherence 21.12
    • getLoggingConfig

      public static XmlElement getLoggingConfig()
      Return the configuration info for the logging facility as defined by the "logging-config" element in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      XmlElement representing the logging facility configuration
      Coherence 2.2
    • setLoggingConfig

      public static void setLoggingConfig(XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the configuration info for the logging facility. If the Logger daemon is already running, this call will also force its restart.
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the new logging configuration
      Coherence 3.4.1
    • getCacheFactoryBuilderConfig

      public static XmlElement getCacheFactoryBuilderConfig()
      Return the cache factory builder configuration as defined by the "cache-factory-builder-config" element in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      XmlElement representing the cache factory builder configuration
      Coherence 3.5.1
    • setCacheFactoryBuilderConfig

      public static void setCacheFactoryBuilderConfig(XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the cache factory builder configuration. If the Cluster service is already running, this call will not have any effect.
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the cache factory builder configuration
      Coherence 3.5.1
    • getConfigurableCacheFactoryConfig

      public static XmlElement getConfigurableCacheFactoryConfig()
      Return the configurable cache factory configuration as defined by the "configurable-cache-factory-config" element in the tangosol-coherence.xml configuration file.
      XmlElement representing the configurable cache factory configuration
      Coherence 2.2
    • setConfigurableCacheFactoryConfig

      public static void setConfigurableCacheFactoryConfig(XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the configurable cache factory configuration. If the Cluster service is already running, this call will not have any effect.
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the configurable cache factory configuration
      Coherence 3.4.1
    • getSecurityConfig

      public static XmlElement getSecurityConfig()
      Return the security framework configuration.
      XmlElement representing the security framework configuration
      Coherence 2.5
    • setSecurityConfig

      public static void setSecurityConfig(XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the security framework configuration. If the Cluster service is already running, this call will not have any effect.
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the security framework configuration
      Coherence 3.4.1
    • getManagementConfig

      public static XmlElement getManagementConfig()
      Return the management framework configuration.
      XmlElement representing the management framework configuration
      Coherence 3.3
    • setManagementConfig

      public static void setManagementConfig(XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the management framework configuration. If the Cluster service is already running, this call will not have any effect.
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the management framework configuration
      Coherence 3.4.1
    • getServiceConfig

      public static XmlElement getServiceConfig(String sServiceType)
      Return the configuration for the specified service type.
      sServiceType - the service type
      XmlElement representing the service configuration
      Coherence 2.2
    • setServiceConfig

      public static void setServiceConfig(String sServiceType, XmlElement xmlCfg)
      Set the configuration for the specified service type. If the Cluster service is already running, this call may not have any effect.
      sServiceType - the service type
      xmlCfg - an XmlElement representing the service configuration
      Coherence 3.4.1
    • setLoggingLevel

      public static void setLoggingLevel(Integer ILevel)
      Set the Coherence logging level.
      ILevel - the logging level to set
    • main

      public static void main(String[] asArg) throws Exception
      Invoke the Coherence command line tool.

      The Coherence command line tool can use JLine for enhanced command-line editing capabilities, such as having the up and down arrows move through the command history. However, JLine is not required. The Coherence command line tool supports JLine when the JLine 3.x library is included in the tool's JVM classpath.
