Interface ClassLoaderAware

All Known Subinterfaces:
CacheService, Cluster, Controllable, DistributedCacheService, InvocationService, NameService, PagedTopicService, PartitionedService, ProxyService, QueueService, Service, Service, TopicService
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigurablePofContext, DaemonPoolExecutor, DefaultSerializer, MultiplexingSerializer, NearCache, SafeConfigurablePofContext, SimpleDaemonPoolExecutor, TracingDaemonPool, VersionedNearCache, WrapperCacheService, WrapperInvocationService, WrapperService

public interface ClassLoaderAware
The ClassLoaderAware interface provides the ability to configure a ClassLoader to be used by the implementing object when loading classes or resources.
Coherence 3.2
jh 2006.07.21
  • Method Details

    • getContextClassLoader

      ClassLoader getContextClassLoader()
      Retrieve the context ClassLoader for this object. The context ClassLoader is provided by the creator of the object for use by the object when loading classes and resources.
      the context ClassLoader for this object
      See Also:
    • setContextClassLoader

      void setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
      Specify the context ClassLoader for this object. The context ClassLoader can be set when the object is created, and allows the creator to provide the appropriate class loader to be used by the object when when loading classes and resources.
      loader - the context ClassLoader for this object