Class DefaultResourceConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.tangosol.coherence.http.HttpApplication,<org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig>,, org.glassfish.jersey.ExtendedConfig, org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerConfig
Direct Known Subclasses:
ContainerResourceConfig, PassThroughResourceConfig

@ApplicationPath("/api") public class DefaultResourceConfig extends org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig implements com.tangosol.coherence.http.HttpApplication
An extension of org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig that registers the Coherence REST root resource and provider classes, in addition to user defined package names.
ic 2011.07.05
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor.
    Construct an instance of ResourceConfig that initialized with a given set of resource/provider classes and Coherence predefined root resource and providers.
    Construct an instance of ResourceConfig that initialize Coherence predefined properties and searches for root resource classes and providers in the specified packages.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static Map<String,>
    Construct a map with URL suffix to media type mappings.
    protected boolean
    Return whether REST API is run inside the container (true) or standalone (false).
    protected void
    Register the predefined Coherence REST container request filters.
    protected void
    Register the predefined Coherence REST container response filters.
    protected void
    Register the default Coherence REST providers.
    protected void
    Register the predefined Coherence REST resource filter factories.
    protected void
    Register the default Coherence REST root resource class.

    Methods inherited from class org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig

    addProperties, files, files, forApplication, forApplicationClass, forApplicationClass, getApplication, getApplicationName, getApplicationPath, getClasses, getClassLoader, getConfiguration, getContracts, getInstances, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getResources, getRuntimeType, getSingletons, hasProperty, isEnabled, isEnabled, isProperty, isRegistered, isRegistered, packages, packages, packages, property, register, register, register, register, register, register, register, register, registerClasses, registerClasses, registerFinder, registerInstances, registerInstances, registerResources, registerResources, setApplicationName, setClassLoader, setProperties

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface com.tangosol.coherence.http.HttpApplication

    configure, getPath
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultResourceConfig

      public DefaultResourceConfig()
      Default constructor.
    • DefaultResourceConfig

      public DefaultResourceConfig(Class<?> classes)
      Construct an instance of ResourceConfig that initialized with a given set of resource/provider classes and Coherence predefined root resource and providers.
      classes - a set of resource/provider classes to initialize the resource configuration with. If null or an empty set is provided, the Coherence predefined root resource and providers will be used.
    • DefaultResourceConfig

      public DefaultResourceConfig(String... asPackages)
      Construct an instance of ResourceConfig that initialize Coherence predefined properties and searches for root resource classes and providers in the specified packages.
      asPackages - an array of package names to be scanned for root resource classes and providers. If null or an empty array is provided, the Coherence predefined root resource and providers will be used.
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • registerRootResource

      protected void registerRootResource()
      Register the default Coherence REST root resource class.
    • registerProviders

      protected void registerProviders()
      Register the default Coherence REST providers.
    • registerContainerRequestFilters

      protected void registerContainerRequestFilters()
      Register the predefined Coherence REST container request filters.
    • registerContainerResponseFilters

      protected void registerContainerResponseFilters()
      Register the predefined Coherence REST container response filters.
    • registerResourceFilterFactories

      protected void registerResourceFilterFactories()
      Register the predefined Coherence REST resource filter factories.
    • isRunningInContainer

      protected boolean isRunningInContainer()
      Return whether REST API is run inside the container (true) or standalone (false).
      whether REST API is run inside the container (true) or standalone (false)
    • getExtensionsMap

      protected static Map<String,> getExtensionsMap()
      Construct a map with URL suffix to media type mappings.

      Supported values are ".txt", ".bin", ".xml", ".json".

      URL suffix to media type mappings