Class MapListenerSupport.FilterEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
PortableObject, Serializable
Enclosing class:

public static class MapListenerSupport.FilterEvent extends CacheEvent
An extension of the CacheEvent which may carry no values (old or new), but instead holds on an array of Filter objects being the "cause" of the event.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • f_aFilter

      protected final Filter[] f_aFilter
      Filters that caused the event.
    • f_event

      protected final MapEvent f_event
      Optional wrapped MapEvent.
  • Constructor Details

    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, boolean fSynthetic, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new lite (no values are specified) FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, boolean fSynthetic, boolean fPriming, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new lite (no values are specified) FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, Object oValueOld, Object oValueNew, boolean fSynthetic, boolean fPriming, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      oValueOld - the old value
      oValueNew - the new value
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, Object oValueOld, Object oValueNew, boolean fSynthetic, CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      oValueOld - the old value
      oValueNew - the new value
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, Object oValueOld, Object oValueNew, boolean fSynthetic, CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState, boolean fPriming, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      oValueOld - the old value
      oValueNew - the new value
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
      fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(ObservableMap map, int nId, Object oKey, Object oValueOld, Object oValueNew, boolean fSynthetic, CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState, boolean fPriming, boolean fExpired, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new FilterEvent.
      map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
      nId - this event's id
      oKey - the key into the map
      oValueOld - the old value
      oValueNew - the new value
      fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
      transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
      fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
      fExpired - true iff the event results from an eviction due to time
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • FilterEvent

      public FilterEvent(MapEvent event, Filter[] aFilter)
      Constructs a new FilterEvent that wraps the given MapEvent.
      event - the wrapped MapEvent
      aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
  • Method Details

    • getFilter

      public Filter[] getFilter()
      Return an array of filters that are the cause of this event.
      an array of filters
    • getMapEvent

      public MapEvent getMapEvent()
      Return the wrapped event.
      the underlying MapEvent
    • getDescription

      protected String getDescription()
      Get the event's description.
      getDescription in class CacheEvent
      this event's description
    • getKey

      public Object getKey()
      Return a key associated with this event.
      getKey in class MapEvent
      a key
    • getOldValue

      public Object getOldValue()
      Return an old value associated with this event.

      The old value represents a value deleted from or updated in a map. It is always null for "insert" notifications.

      getOldValue in class MapEvent
      an old value
    • getNewValue

      public Object getNewValue()
      Return a new value associated with this event.

      The new value represents a new value inserted into or updated in a map. It is always null for "delete" notifications.

      getNewValue in class MapEvent
      a new value