Class FilterEnumerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enumeration, Iterator

public class FilterEnumerator extends Base implements Enumeration, Iterator
Provide a generic implementation of an enumerator which can enumerate items based on an inclusion test.
cp 1997.09.05, cp 1998.08.07
  • Field Details

    • m_iter

      protected Iterator m_iter
      Objects to filter/enumerate.
    • m_test

      protected Filter m_test
      Test to perform on each item.
    • m_fNext

      protected boolean m_fNext
      Is there a next item which passed the test?
    • m_fPrev

      protected boolean m_fPrev
      Is there a previous item which passed the test and can be removed?
    • m_oNext

      protected Object m_oNext
      The next item which passed the test.
  • Constructor Details

    • FilterEnumerator

      public FilterEnumerator(Enumeration enmr, Filter test)
      Construct the Filter enumerator based on an Enumeration.
      enmr - Enumeration of objects to filter
      test - an inclusion test
    • FilterEnumerator

      public FilterEnumerator(Iterator iter, Filter test)
      Construct the Filter enumerator based on an Iterator.
      iter - Iterator of objects to filter
      test - an inclusion test
    • FilterEnumerator

      public FilterEnumerator(Object[] aoItem, Filter test)
      Construct the Filter enumerator based on an array of objects.
      aoItem - array of objects to enumerate
      test - an inclusion test
  • Method Details

    • hasMoreElements

      public boolean hasMoreElements()
      Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
      Specified by:
      hasMoreElements in interface Enumeration
      false if the enumeration has been exhausted
    • nextElement

      public Object nextElement()
      Get the next element in the enumeration.
      Specified by:
      nextElement in interface Enumeration
      the next element of this enumeration
    • hasNext

      public boolean hasNext()
      Tests if this Iterator contains more elements.
      Specified by:
      hasNext in interface Iterator
      true if the Iterator contains more elements, false otherwise
    • next

      public Object next()
      Returns the next element of this Iterator.
      Specified by:
      next in interface Iterator
      the next element in the Iterator
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Remove the last-returned element that was returned by the Iterator.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Iterator