Class SimpleAssignmentStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
PartitionAssignmentStrategy, SimpleStrategyMBean
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleAssignmentStrategy extends Object implements PartitionAssignmentStrategy, SimpleStrategyMBean
SimpleAssignmentStrategy is a PartitionAssignmentStrategy that attempts to balance the partition distribution based on the number of primary and backup partitions owned. The SimpleAssignmentStrategy will attempt to ensure machine-safety, but only if a balanced "safe" distribution is achievable.

The SimpleAssignmentStrategy is an extensible implementation of the internal distribution algorithm that was available prior to Coherence 3.7.

Coherence 3.7
rhl 2010.11.08
  • Field Details


      protected static final Comparator MEMBERID_COMPARATOR
      Comparator used to provide arbitrary (equals-compatible) comparisons between members.

      protected static final String MSG_NO_RESULT
      The message returned by SimpleStrategyMBean when the distribution coordinator has not done its first analysis yet.
      See Also:

      protected static final String MSG_NO_PENDING
      The message returned by SimpleStrategyMBean when all suggested distributions have completed and none are in-progress or scheduled.
      See Also:
    • m_manager

      protected DistributionManager m_manager
      The DistributionManager.
    • m_ctxLast

      The last analysis context.
    • m_setOwnersLast

      protected Set m_setOwnersLast
      The Set of ownership-enabled members at the time of the last analysis.
    • m_mapSuggestLast

      protected Map<Ownership,PartitionSet> m_mapSuggestLast
      The Map containing the last distribution suggested by this strategy.
    • m_statsPartition

      protected SimpleAssignmentStrategy.JMXPartitionStats m_statsPartition
      The JMXPartitionStats that hold the last updated jmx attributes.
    • m_fRefresh

      protected boolean m_fRefresh
      True if JMXPartitionStats should be updated.
    • m_cPlanCompletionDelay

      protected long m_cPlanCompletionDelay
      The amount of time in ms to delay the analysis after a distribution suggestion has been made and before it is carried out.
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleAssignmentStrategy

      public SimpleAssignmentStrategy()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • getManager

      public DistributionManager getManager()
      Return the DistributionManager.
      the DistributionManager
    • getLastAnalysisContext

      public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext getLastAnalysisContext()
      Return the last AnalysisContext.
      the last AnalysisContext
    • setLastAnalysisContext

      protected void setLastAnalysisContext(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Set the last AnalysisContext.
      ctx - the AnalysisContext
    • getLastOwnershipMembers

      public Set getLastOwnershipMembers()
      Return the set of ownership-enabled members present when the analysis was last considered.
      the set of ownership-enabled members when analysis was last considered
    • setLastOwnershipMembers

      protected void setLastOwnershipMembers(Set setOwners)
      Record the set of ownership-enabled members present when the analysis was last considered.
      setOwners - the set of ownership-enabled members
    • getMemberJoinDelay

      protected long getMemberJoinDelay()
      Return the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis after a member has joined. This delay could be used to "dampen" the reactivity of the strategy to membership changes.
      the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis after a member joins
    • getSuggestionDelay

      protected long getSuggestionDelay()
      Return the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis.
      the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis
    • getSuggestionCompletionDelay

      protected long getSuggestionCompletionDelay()
      Return the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis after a distribution suggestion has been made and before it is carried out. This delay could be used to "dampen" the volatility of the strategy by allowing sufficient time for in-flight transfers to complete prior to considering further recommendations.
      the amount of time in ms to delay the analysis after a suggestion is made
    • init

      public void init(DistributionManager manager)
      Initialize the PartitionAssignmentStrategy and bind it to the specified DistributionManager. This method is called only on the distribution coordinator, prior its first distribution analysis.
      Specified by:
      init in interface PartitionAssignmentStrategy
      manager - the DistributionManager that this strategy is bound to
    • analyzeOrphans

      public void analyzeOrphans(Map<Member,PartitionSet> mapConstraints)
      Analyze and suggest the assignment of orphaned partitions (partitions without an active primary or backup owner) subject to the specified constraints. For each partition, the supplied constraints specify the set of members which are eligible to be assigned the ownership.

      The strategy must provide suggestions for all orphaned partitions which are consistent with the supplied constraints. Failure to provide a complete set of valid suggestions may result in the loss of partition data.

      Specified by:
      analyzeOrphans in interface PartitionAssignmentStrategy
      mapConstraints - the map of assignment constraints associating members with the set of partitions that they could be assigned ownership of
    • analyzeDistribution

      public long analyzeDistribution()
      Analyze the distribution and return the desired time interval before the next distribution analysis. This method may or may not make distribution suggestions through the distribution manager. The strategy can influence (but not guarantee) the frequency with which it is analyzed by returning the desired interval before the next call, or -1 if the strategy has no preference and will rely on the PartitionedService to decide.

      As a result of failover, partitions may become 'endangered', meaning that the necessary number of backups do not exist. Failure to suggest a distribution recovery plan for those partitions may result in the partition remaining in the endangered state. Additionally, ownership-enabled service members that are in the process of shutting down will wait until all owned partitions are transferred out. Failure to suggest a distribution plan may delay the exit of these leaving members.

      The statistics and ownership information exposed by the DistributionManager will not mutate for the duration of this method call.

      Specified by:
      analyzeDistribution in interface PartitionAssignmentStrategy
      the time interval before the next desired analysis, or -1
    • analyzeDistribution

      protected long analyzeDistribution(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Analyze the distribution and suggest the resulting distribution to distribution manager.
      ctx - the analysis context
      the time interval before the next desired analysis, or -1
    • primeDistribution

      protected void primeDistribution(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Optimize the distribution with minimum backup fan-out by distributing the partitions among first two strong members.
      ctx - the analysis context
    • analyze

      protected long analyze(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Analyze the distribution using the specified analysis context.
      ctx - the analysis context
      the time interval before the next desired analysis, or -1
    • checkSimpleDistribution

      protected boolean checkSimpleDistribution(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Analyze the distribution for the special two-server case using the specified analysis context.
      ctx - the analysis context
      true if the simple distribution is in effect
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Return a human-readable description of the state of the partition assignment.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface PartitionAssignmentStrategy
      a human-readable description
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • checkLeaving

      protected void checkLeaving(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check for any service members that are leaving, and adjust the distribution plan accordingly.

      Partitions owned by leaving members must be transferred to other members before the departing members are able to shutdown.

      ctx - the AnalysisContext
    • validateBackups

      protected void validateBackups(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check if there are enough ownership members to maintain the configured backup count, reducing the number of backups otherwise.
      ctx - the AnalysisContext
    • checkPrimaryBalance

      protected void checkPrimaryBalance(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check the distribution to ensure that primary the partition load is balanced.
      ctx - the analysis context
    • doBalancePrimary

      protected int doBalancePrimary(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx, Member memberFrom, PartitionSet parts, Member[] aMembersTarget)
      Do balancing transfers for primary distribution.
      ctx - the analysis context
      memberFrom - the member to transfer partitions from
      parts - the set of partitions from which to transfer
      aMembersTarget - the (unordered) array of members
      the number of changes (transfers) that were made
    • checkEndangered

      protected void checkEndangered(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check the distribution to ensure that backups are created for any "endangered" partitions.

      A partition is "endangered" if it is incompletely backed up (e.g. some backup copies do not exist).

      ctx - the analysis context
    • checkBackupStrong

      protected int checkBackupStrong(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check that the backups are strong.
      ctx - the analysis context
      the number of changes (transfers) that were made
    • checkBackupBalance

      protected int checkBackupBalance(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check that the distribution of backup partitions is balanced.
      ctx - the analysis context
      the number of changes (transfers) that were made
    • checkBackupOverloaded

      protected int checkBackupOverloaded(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx)
      Check if the distribution of backup partitions is balanced. If not, disturb the distribution by moving a partition from the overloaded member to another member that retains partition strength.
      ctx - the analysis context
      the number of unbalanced partitions that need to be transferred
    • getMember

      protected Member getMember(int nMemberId)
      Return the PartitionedService Member with the specified mini-id.
      nMemberId - the mini-id
      the PartitionedService Member with the specified mini-id, or null
    • getVariance

      protected int getVariance(SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext ctx, boolean fPrimary)
      Return the maximum load variance in the partition assignments represented by the analysis context. The maximum variance is the difference in load between the 'lightest' and 'heaviest' members.
      ctx - the analysis context
      fPrimary - true iff the "primary" load variance should be computed
      the maximum variance
    • chainComparators

      protected static Comparator chainComparators(Comparator comp1, Comparator comp2)
      Helper method to return a Comparator chaining the specified comparators.
      comp1 - the first comparator
      comp2 - the second comparator
      a chained comparator
    • chainComparators

      protected static Comparator chainComparators(Comparator comp1, Comparator comp2, Comparator comp3)
      Helper method to return a Comparator chaining the specified comparators.
      comp1 - the first comparator
      comp2 - the second comparator
      comp3 - the third comparator
      a chained comparator
    • filterSort

      protected static int filterSort(Object[] ao, Comparator comparator, Filter filter)
      Filter the elements in the specified array and sort any matching elements using the specified comparator. All matching results will be compacted to the front of the array. The order of results not matching the filter is undefined.
      ao - the object array to sort and filter
      comparator - the comparator to order the elements
      filter - the filter to use to filter the results
      the number of elements matching the specified filter
    • filterSort

      protected static int filterSort(Object[] ao, int cElems, Comparator comparator, Filter filter)
      Filter the specified array elements and sort any matching elements using the specified comparator. All matching results will be compacted to the front of the array. The order of results not matching the filter is undefined.
      ao - the object array to sort and filter
      cElems - the number of elements to filter and sort
      comparator - the comparator to order the elements
      filter - the filter to use to filter the results
      the number of elements matching the specified filter
    • filterArray

      protected static int filterArray(Object[] ao, Filter filter)
      Apply the specified filter to the elements of the specified array. All matching results will be compacted to the front of the array in a "stable" manner. The order of results not matching the filter may not be preserved.
      ao - the object array to apply the filter to
      filter - the filter to apply
      the number of elements matching the specified filter
    • filterArray

      protected static int filterArray(Object[] ao, int cElems, Filter filter)
      Apply the specified filter to the specified array elements. All matching results will be compacted to the front of the array in a "stable" manner. The order of results not matching the filter may not be preserved.
      ao - the object array to apply the filter to
      cElems - the number of elements to filter
      filter - the filter to apply
      the number of elements matching the specified filter
    • getPartitionCount

      public int getPartitionCount()
      Get the configured number of partitions for the service.
      Specified by:
      getPartitionCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the partition count
    • getBackupCount

      public int getBackupCount()
      Get the configured number of backups.
      Specified by:
      getBackupCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the backup count
    • getServiceNodeCount

      public int getServiceNodeCount()
      Get the number of storage-enabled nodes running this service.
      Specified by:
      getServiceNodeCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of storage-enabled nodes
    • getServiceMachineCount

      public int getServiceMachineCount()
      Get the number of machines that host storage-enabled nodes running this service.
      Specified by:
      getServiceMachineCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of machines with storage-enabled nodes
    • getServiceRackCount

      public int getServiceRackCount()
      Get the number of racks that host storage-enabled nodes running this service.
      Specified by:
      getServiceRackCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of racks with storage-enabled nodes
    • getServiceSiteCount

      public int getServiceSiteCount()
      Get the number of sites that host storage-enabled nodes running this service.
      Specified by:
      getServiceSiteCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of sites with storage-enabled nodes
    • getHAStatus

      public String getHAStatus()
      The High Availability status for the service.
      Specified by:
      getHAStatus in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      one of the following values: ENDANGERED, NODE-SAFE, MACHINE-SAFE, RACK-SAFE, SITE-SAFE
    • getHAStatusCode

      public int getHAStatusCode()
      The High Availability status for the service as an integer.

      Below is an example of how to map a HA Status integer to a string:

      Specified by:
      getHAStatusCode in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      integer representation of SimpleStrategyMBean.HAStatus
    • getHATarget

      public String getHATarget()
      The High Availability status that this strategy attempts to achieve. Values are the same as for HAStatus attribute.
      Specified by:
      getHATarget in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the target High Availability status
    • getFairShareBackup

      public int getFairShareBackup()
      Get the number of backup partitions per storage-enabled service member that this strategy will currently attempt to maintain.
      Specified by:
      getFairShareBackup in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of backup partitions per storage-enabled member
    • getFairSharePrimary

      public int getFairSharePrimary()
      Get the number of primary partitions per storage-enabled service member that this strategy will currently attempt to maintain.
      Specified by:
      getFairSharePrimary in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of primary partitions per storage-enabled member
    • getStrategyName

      public String getStrategyName()
      Get name of the PartitionAssignmentStrategy in use.
      Specified by:
      getStrategyName in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      partitioning strategy name
    • getLastAnalysisTime

      public Date getLastAnalysisTime()
      Get the last time a partition distribution analysis was performed.
      Specified by:
      getLastAnalysisTime in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the time of the last analysis
    • getCoordinatorId

      public int getCoordinatorId()
      Get the node id of the ownership distribution coordinator.
      Specified by:
      getCoordinatorId in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      current distribution coordinator node id
    • getRemainingDistributionCount

      public int getRemainingDistributionCount()
      Get the number of distributions (partition transfers) that remain to be completed before the service achieves the goals set by this strategy.
      Specified by:
      getRemainingDistributionCount in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the number of remaining partition transfers
    • getAveragePartitionSizeKB

      public long getAveragePartitionSizeKB()
      Get the average partition storage size.
      Specified by:
      getAveragePartitionSizeKB in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the average partition storage size in kilobytes
    • getMaxPartitionSizeKB

      public long getMaxPartitionSizeKB()
      Get the maximum partition storage size.
      Specified by:
      getMaxPartitionSizeKB in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the maximum partition storage size in kilobytes
    • getMaxStorageSizeKB

      public long getMaxStorageSizeKB()
      Get maximum node storage size.
      Specified by:
      getMaxStorageSizeKB in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the maximum node storage size in kilobytes
    • getAverageStorageSizeKB

      public long getAverageStorageSizeKB()
      Get the average node storage size.
      Specified by:
      getAverageStorageSizeKB in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the average node storage size in kilobytes
    • getMaxLoadNodeId

      public int getMaxLoadNodeId()
      Get the node id with the maximum storage size.
      Specified by:
      getMaxLoadNodeId in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      the node id with the maximum storage size
    • updateCompositeStats

      protected SimpleAssignmentStrategy.JMXPartitionStats updateCompositeStats()
      Return a JMXPartitionStats that contains calculated MBean Attributes, updated periodically.
      JMXPartitionStats with calculated MBean Attributes
    • reportScheduledDistributions

      public String reportScheduledDistributions(boolean fVerbose)
      Report partitions that storage-enabled members are waiting to receive or still need to send in order to achieve distribution goal set by the strategy.
      Specified by:
      reportScheduledDistributions in interface SimpleStrategyMBean
      fVerbose - if true, the report includes partition numbers for each scheduled transfer
      a description of scheduled distributions for the service
    • registerMBean

      protected void registerMBean()
      Register an MBean representing this SimpleAssignmentStrategy.

      This implementation creates and registers a SimpleStrategyMBean.

    • makeMBeanName

      protected String makeMBeanName(PartitionedService service)
      Create a name for the MBean representing this strategy.

      The name must be globally unique, but not contain the nodeId property. This allows us to re-bind the same JMX name to the MBean on a different node when the distribution coordinator migrates.

      service - partitioned service that uses this strategy
      the name for the MBean
    • unregisterMBean

      protected void unregisterMBean()
      Unregister the MBean representing this SimpleAssignmentStrategy.
    • emitLossNotification

      protected void emitLossNotification(PartitionSet partsLost)
      Emit a partition loss notification for given partitions.
      partsLost - the partition id that has been lost
    • collectScheduledDistributions

      protected Map<Member,PartitionSet[]> collectScheduledDistributions()
      Collect the scheduled partition distributions, grouped by the primary owner and storage index. A partition distribution (either primary or backup) is considered to be scheduled if the distribution has been suggested but the ownership change has not yet occurred.
      a Map of partition sets still awaiting distribution keyed by primary owner
    • getUnownedPartitions

      protected PartitionSet getUnownedPartitions(PartitionSet parts, int nMember)
      Calculate a subset of the PartitionSet consisting of partitions that are not owned (primary or backup) by the specified member.
      parts - set of partitions to check the ownership of
      nMember - the member-id
      the subset of partitions that are not owned by the specified member
    • splitByOwner

      protected SortedMap<Integer,PartitionSet> splitByOwner(PartitionSet parts)
      Split the partition set scheduled for distribution by the current primary owner (all transfers originate from the primary owner).
      parts - a set of partitions not yet transferred
      the partitions scheduled for distribution, associated with their primary owners
    • instantiateLoadCalculator

      public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.LoadCalculator instantiateLoadCalculator(boolean fPrimary)
      Instantiate the load calculator.
      fPrimary - true iff the load calculator will be used for primary partition load; backup otherwise
      a load calculator
    • instantiateAnalysisContext

      public SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext instantiateAnalysisContext()
      Factory method.
      a new AnalysisContext