Class MBeanAccessor.Invoke

All Implemented Interfaces:
Remote.Function<MBeanServer,Map<String,Object>>, Serializable, Function<MBeanServer,Map<String,Object>>
Enclosing class:

public static class MBeanAccessor.Invoke extends Object implements Remote.Function<MBeanServer,Map<String,Object>>, Serializable
The Remote.Function for the MBeanServerConnection.invoke method.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • m_query

      The query used to reduce the MBeans.
    • m_sOperationName

      protected String m_sOperationName
      The the name of the operation to be invoked.
    • m_arguments

      protected Object[] m_arguments
      The arguments to the operation.
    • m_signature

      protected String[] m_signature
      The signature of the operation.
  • Constructor Details

    • Invoke

      public Invoke()
      Default constructor.
    • Invoke

      public Invoke(MBeanAccessor.QueryBuilder.ParsedQuery query, String sOperationName, Object[] aoArguments, String[] asSignature)
      Create an Invoke object.
      query - the MBean query
      sOperationName - the name of the operation to be invoked
      aoArguments - the arguments to the operation
      asSignature - the signature of the operation
  • Method Details