Interface KeyAssociation<T>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPersistenceManager.AbstractPersistentStore.BatchTask, AbstractPersistenceManager.AbstractPersistentStore.DeleteExtentTask, AbstractPersistenceManager.AbstractPersistentStore.OpenTask, AbstractPersistenceManager.BatchTasks, CompositeKey, NonBlockingFiniteStateMachine.Task

public interface KeyAssociation<T> extends Associated<T>
A KeyAssociation represents a key object that has a natural association with another key object. The key object and the associated key may refer to entries in the same or different caches.

For example, the information provided by a key that implements KeyAssociation may be used to place the key into the same partition as its associated key.

See KeyAssociatedFilter for an example of a distributed query that takes advantage of a custom KeyAssociation implementation to dramatically optimize its performance.

Coherence 3.0