Interface NonBlockingInvocable

All Superinterfaces:
Invocable, Runnable, Serializable

public interface NonBlockingInvocable extends Invocable
NonBlockingInvocable is an Invocable that can be executed asynchronously.

The NonBlockingInvocable is designed to allow invocation service thread to execute the corresponding task and get invocation result without blocking.

Coherence 12.2.1
bbc 2014-10-16
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called exactly once by the InvocationService to execute this task.

    Methods inherited from interface

    getResult, init, run
  • Method Details

    • run

      void run(Continuation cont)
      Called exactly once by the InvocationService to execute this task. The implementation must hold on the provided Continuation and call Continuation.proceed(R), passing in the result, when the execution completes.

      Important note: failure to call the Continuation may cause the caller thread to be blocked indefinitely.

      cont - the Continuation to call when the execution completes