Class GuardSupport


public class GuardSupport extends Base
A concrete implementation of Guardian/Guardable interactions. GuardSupport is used by a Guardian to manage its responsibilities.
Coherence 3.5
  • Field Details


      public static final long GUARDIAN_MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL
      The maximum interval at which the Guardian thread should call check() to verify its guardables.
      See Also:

      protected static final long GUARDIAN_LATE_THRESHOLD
      The threshold past which a guardian considers itself late in checking its guardables.
      See Also:

      protected static final long GUARDIAN_EARLY_THRESHOLD
      The threshold before which than which a guardian considers itself early in checking its guardables.
      See Also:

      protected static final long GUARDIAN_LOG_INTERVAL
      The minimum interval at which the Guardian should log thread dumps.
      See Also:
    • m_aGuardContext

      protected GuardSupport.Context[] m_aGuardContext
      Array of GuardContexts for the registered Guardables. May contain nulls.
    • m_cGuardable

      protected int m_cGuardable
      The number of registered Guardables.
    • m_guardian

      protected Guardian m_guardian
      The Guardian that is managing this GuardSupport.
    • m_ldtNextCheck

      protected long m_ldtNextCheck
      The next time at which the Guardables should be checked.
    • m_tlContext

      protected static ThreadLocal m_tlContext
      ThreadLocal containing the GuardContext associated with the current thread.
    • s_atomicLogTime

      protected static AtomicLong s_atomicLogTime
      Atomic counter containing the last log time stamp.
  • Constructor Details

    • GuardSupport

      public GuardSupport(Guardian guardian)
      Construct a GuardSupport for the specified Guardian.
      guardian - the guardian managing this GuardSupport
  • Method Details

    • getGuardContexts

      protected GuardSupport.Context[] getGuardContexts()
      Return the array of GuardContext objects for the Guardables managed by this GuardSupport.
      the array of managed GuardContext objects
    • setGuardContexts

      protected void setGuardContexts(GuardSupport.Context[] aGuardContext)
      Set the array of GuardContext objects for the Guardables that are managed by this GuardSupport.
      aGuardContext - the array of managed GuardContext objects
    • getGuardian

      protected Guardian getGuardian()
      Return the Guardian that manages this GuardSupport.
      the Guardian that manages this GuardSupport
    • getNextCheckTime

      public long getNextCheckTime()
      Return the next time at which the Guardables should be checked.
      the next time at which the Guardables should be checked
    • setNextCheckTime

      protected void setNextCheckTime(long ldtNextCheck)
      Set the next time at which the Guardables should be checked.
      ldtNextCheck - the next time at which the Guardables should be checked
    • add

      public Guardian.GuardContext add(Guardable guardable, long cMillis, float flPctRecover)
      Add the specified guardable to the set of Guardables managed by this manager, subject to the specified service parameters. If the specified guardable is already guarded by this manager, adjust the service parameters.
      guardable - the Guardable object to be managed
      cMillis - the timeout for the specified Guardable
      flPctRecover - the percentage of the timeout after which to attempt recovery of the Guardable; 0 < flPctRecover <= 1.0
      the GuardContext for the specified Guardable
    • remove

      public void remove(Guardable guardable)
      Remove the specified Guardable from the set of Guardables managed by this manager.
      guardable - the guardable to remove
    • getGuardableCount

      public int getGuardableCount()
      Return the number of Guardables that are registered with this GuardSupport.
      the number of registered Guardable objects
    • setGuardableCount

      protected void setGuardableCount(int cGuardable)
      Set the number of Guardables that are registered with this GuardSupport.
      cGuardable - the number of registered Guardable objects
    • check

      public long check()
      Check the registered Guardable objects for timeout, taking appropriate action and calculate the timestamp when the next check should be performed. The next check time can later be retrieved by the getNextCheckTime() method.
      the number of milliseconds past the time when the guardables should have been checked, or 0 if the check was performed on time
    • release

      public void release()
      Release the Guardables managed by this GuardSupport. Releasing a Guardable causes it to no longer be guarded.
    • instantiateContext

      protected GuardSupport.Context instantiateContext(Guardable guardable, long cMillis, float flPctRecover)
      guardable - the Guardable object to be managed
      cMillis - the timeout for the specified Guardable
      flPctRecover - the percentage of the timeout after which to attempt recovery of the Guardable; 0 < flPctRecover <= 1.0
      a Context for the specified guardable and SLA parameters
    • getThreadContext

      public static Guardian.GuardContext getThreadContext()
      Obtain the GuardContext associated with the current thread.
      the GuardContext or null if it has not been set
    • setThreadContext

      public static void setThreadContext(Guardian.GuardContext context)
      Associate the specified GuardContext with the current thread.
      context - the GuardContext to associate with the current thread
    • heartbeat

      public static void heartbeat()
      Issue a heartbeat on the GuardContext associated with the current thread.
    • heartbeat

      public static void heartbeat(long cMillis)
      Issue a heartbeat of the specified duration on the GuardContext associated with the current thread.
      cMillis - the number of milliseconds to heartbeat for
    • reset

      public static void reset()
      Issue a reset on the GuardContext associated with the current thread.
    • logStackTraces

      public static void logStackTraces()
      Collect stack traces and synchronization information for all running threads and write them to the error log.
    • getThreadDump

      public static String getThreadDump()
      Get the full thread dump.
      a string containing the thread dump