Class AbstractReadBuffer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ReadBuffer, ByteSequence, HashEncoded, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractByteArrayReadBuffer, ByteBufferReadBuffer, MultiBufferReadBuffer

public abstract class AbstractReadBuffer extends Base implements ReadBuffer, HashEncoded
Abstract base implementation of the ReadBuffer interface.
cp 2006.04.17
  • Field Details

    • NO_BYTES

      public static final byte[] NO_BYTES
      An empty byte array (by definition immutable).

      public static final Binary NO_BINARY
      An empty Binary object.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractReadBuffer

      public AbstractReadBuffer()
  • Method Details

    • getBufferInput

      public ReadBuffer.BufferInput getBufferInput()
      Get a BufferInput object to read data from this buffer. Note that each call to this method will return a new BufferInput object, with the possible exception being that a zero-length ReadBuffer could always return the same instance (since there is nothing to read).
      Specified by:
      getBufferInput in interface ReadBuffer
      a BufferInput that is reading from this buffer starting at offset zero
    • getReadBuffer

      public ReadBuffer getReadBuffer(int of, int cb)
      Obtain a ReadBuffer for a portion of this ReadBuffer.
      Specified by:
      getReadBuffer in interface ReadBuffer
      of - the beginning index, inclusive
      cb - the number of bytes to include in the resulting ReadBuffer
      a ReadBuffer that represents a portion of this ReadBuffer
    • toByteArray

      public byte[] toByteArray()
      Get the contents of the ReadBuffer as a byte array.

      This is the equivalent of toByteArray(0, length()).

      Specified by:
      toByteArray in interface ReadBuffer
      a byte[] with the contents of this ReadBuffer object
    • toByteArray

      public byte[] toByteArray(int of, int cb)
      Get a portion of the contents of the ReadBuffer as a byte array.

      This method is an equivalent of getReadBuffer(of, cb).toByteArray().

      Specified by:
      toByteArray in interface ReadBuffer
      of - the beginning index, inclusive
      cb - the number of bytes to include in the resulting byte[]
      a byte[] containing the specified portion of this ReadBuffer
    • toBinary

      public Binary toBinary()
      Return a new Binary object that holds the complete contents of this ReadBuffer.

      This is the equivalent of toBinary(0, length()).

      Specified by:
      toBinary in interface ByteSequence
      Specified by:
      toBinary in interface ReadBuffer
      the contents of this ReadBuffer as a Binary object
    • toBinary

      public Binary toBinary(int of, int cb)
      Return a Binary object that holds the specified portion of this ReadBuffer.

      This method is an equivalent of getReadBuffer(of, cb).toBinary().

      Specified by:
      toBinary in interface ReadBuffer
      of - the beginning index, inclusive
      cb - the number of bytes to include in the Binary object
      a Binary object containing the specified portion of this ReadBuffer
    • subSequence

      public ByteSequence subSequence(int ofStart, int ofEnd)
      Returns a new ByteSequence that is a subsequence of this sequence. The subsequence starts with the byte value at the specified index and ends with the byte value at index ofEnd - 1. The length (in bytes) of the returned sequence is ofEnd - ofStart, so if ofStart == ofEnd then an empty sequence is returned.
      Specified by:
      subSequence in interface ByteSequence
      Specified by:
      subSequence in interface ReadBuffer
      ofStart - the start index, inclusive
      ofEnd - the end index, exclusive
      the specified subsequence
      Coherence 3.7
    • getEncodedHash

      public int getEncodedHash()
      Return the encoded hash value or HashEncoded.UNENCODED if absent.
      Specified by:
      getEncodedHash in interface HashEncoded
      the encoded hash value or HashEncoded.UNENCODED if absent
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Compare two ReadBuffer objects for equality.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface ReadBuffer
      equals in class Object
      o - a ReadBuffer object
      true iff the other ReadBuffer is identical to this
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Create a clone of this ReadBuffer object.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ReadBuffer
      clone in class Object
      a ReadBuffer object with the same contents as this ReadBuffer object
    • instantiateReadBuffer

      protected abstract ReadBuffer instantiateReadBuffer(int of, int cb)
      Factory method: Instantiate a ReadBuffer for a portion of this ReadBuffer.
      of - the beginning index, inclusive
      cb - the number of bytes to include in the resulting ReadBuffer
      a ReadBuffer that represents a portion of this ReadBuffer
    • instantiateBufferInput

      protected abstract ReadBuffer.BufferInput instantiateBufferInput()
      Factory method: Instantiate a BufferInput object to read data from the ReadBuffer.
      a new BufferInput reading from this ReadBuffer
    • checkBounds

      protected void checkBounds(int of, int cb)
      Check if the specified read is within bounds.
      of - the absolute offset of the read operation
      cb - the length in bytes of the read operation
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified read is not within bounds
    • readUnsignedByte

      public static int readUnsignedByte(ByteSequence bin, int of)
      Read an unsigned byte value from the given ByteSequence and offset.

      This method is the counterpart for the DataOutput.writeByte(int) method when it is used with unsigned 8-bit values.

      bin - the byte sequence
      of - the offset
      an int value in the range 0x00 to 0xFF
    • readPackedInt

      public static int readPackedInt(ByteSequence bin, int of)
      Read an int value using a variable-length storage format as described by WriteBuffer.BufferOutput.writePackedInt(int) from the given ByteSequence and offset.
      bin - the byte sequence
      of - the offset
      an int value
    • sizeofPackedInt

      public static int sizeofPackedInt(int n)
      Return the number of bytes that would be required to store the given int using the variable-length storage format as described by WriteBuffer.BufferOutput.writePackedInt(int).
      n - the integer that will be stored as a packed int
      the number of bytes required to store the packed int