Class ValueMacroExpression.OffsetLengthSubstringExpansionProcessor

Enclosing class:

protected static class ValueMacroExpression.OffsetLengthSubstringExpansionProcessor extends ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
Process :offset and :length substring expansion.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OffsetLengthSubstringExpansionProcessor

      protected OffsetLengthSubstringExpansionProcessor()
  • Method Details

    • getDelimiter

      public String getDelimiter()
      Description copied from class: ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
      Return delimiter being used by the processor.
      getDelimiter in class ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
      delimiter used by the processor or empty string if processor does not have a delimiter
    • canProcess

      public boolean canProcess(String sMacro)
      Description copied from class: ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
      Return true iff sMacro contains the delimiter that this processor handles.
      canProcess in class ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
      sMacro - the macro parameter
      true iff this processor can process sMacro
    • process

      public String process(String sMacro, ParameterResolver resolver, int cDepth)
      Perform substring expansion on sMacro.
       Note that length and offset are integer values.
      Substring expansion expands to up to length characters of the value of macro-parameter starting at the character specified by offset.
      If length is omitted, it expands to the substring of the value of macro-parameter starting at the character specified by offset and extending to the end of the value.
      If offset evaluates to a number less than zero, the value is used as an offset in characters from the end of the value of macro-parameter.
      If length evaluates to a number less than zero, it is interpreted as an offset in characters from the end of the value of macro-parameter. rather than a number of characters, and the expansion is the characters between offset and that result.

      Note that a negative offset or length must be separated from the colon by at least one space to avoid being confused with the macro parameter default delimiter :-.

      Examples illustrating substring expansion of a parameter:

       Given property parameter of string value 01234567890abcdefgh.
       ${parameter:7} evaluates to 7890abcdefgh
       ${parameter:7:0} evaluates to empty string
       ${parameter:7:2} evaluates to 78
       ${parameter:7: -2} evaluates to 7890abcdef
       ${parameter: -7} evaluates to bcdefgh
       ${parameter: -7:0} evaluates to empty string
       ${parameter: -7:2} evaluates to bc
       ${parameter: -7: -2} evaluates to bcdef
      process in class ValueMacroExpression.MacroExpansionProcessor
      sMacro - a string starting with prefix and ending with suffix
      resolver - macro parameter resolver
      cDepth - count of current macro parameter expansions
      the substring expanded value or the original parameter macro if it does not contain substring expansion