Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't
already exist in the repository.
Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't
already exist in the repository.
Update an entity using specified updater and the new value, and optional
EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it
doesn't already exist in the repository.
Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't
already exist in the repository.
Update an entity using specified updater function, and optional EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it doesn't
already exist in the repository.
Update an entity using specified updater and the new value, and optional
EntityFactory that will be used to create entity instance if it
doesn't already exist in the repository.