Class MapListenerSupport


public class MapListenerSupport extends Base
This class provides support for advanced MapListener functionality.
Coherence 2.3
gg 2003.09.16
  • Field Details


      protected static final int PLAN_NONE
      A plan has not yet been formed.
      See Also:

      protected static final int PLAN_NO_LISTENERS
      There are no listeners.
      See Also:

      protected static final int PLAN_ALL_LISTENER
      There is one all-keys non-filtered listener.
      See Also:

      protected static final int PLAN_KEY_LISTENER
      There is one key listener (even if for multiple keys).
      See Also:

      protected static final int PLAN_NO_OPTIMIZE
      There is no optimized plan, so just use the default approach.
      See Also:

      protected final Listeners NO_LISTENERS
      An empty set of Listeners. Because this is a theoretically mutable object that is used as a return value, it is purposefully not static.
    • m_mapListeners

      protected Map m_mapListeners
      The collections of MapListener objects that have signed up for notifications from an ObservableMap implementation keyed by the corresponding Filter objects.
    • m_mapKeyListeners

      protected Map m_mapKeyListeners
      The collections of MapListener objects that have signed up for key based notifications from an ObservableMap implementation keyed by the corresponding key objects.
    • m_mapStandardListeners

      protected Map m_mapStandardListeners
      The subset of standard (not lite) global listeners. The keys are the Filter objects, the values are sets of corresponding standard listeners.
    • m_mapStandardKeyListeners

      protected Map m_mapStandardKeyListeners
      The subset of standard (not lite) key listeners. The keys are the key objects, the values are sets of corresponding standard listeners.
    • m_nOptimizationPlan

      protected int m_nOptimizationPlan
      The optimization plan which indicates the fastest way to put together a set of listeners.
    • m_listenersCached

      protected Listeners m_listenersCached
      A cached set of Listeners.
  • Constructor Details

    • MapListenerSupport

      public MapListenerSupport()
      Constructs a new MapListenerSupport object.
  • Method Details

    • addListener

      public void addListener(MapListener listener, Filter filter, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener that receives events based on a filter evaluation.
      listener - the listener to add
      filter - a filter that will be passed MapEvent objects to select from; a MapEvent will be delivered to the listener only if the filter evaluates to true for that MapEvent; null is equivalent to a filter that always returns true
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
    • addListenerWithCheck

      public boolean addListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Filter filter, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener that receives events based on a filter evaluation.
      listener - the listener to add
      filter - a filter that will be passed MapEvent objects to select from; a MapEvent will be delivered to the listener only if the filter evaluates to true for that MapEvent; null is equivalent to a filter that always returns true
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
      false iff there already existed a "covering" listener for that filter (either standard or lite for a lite call and standard otherwise)
    • addListener

      public void addListener(MapListener listener, Object oKey, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener for a specific key.
      listener - the listener to add
      oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to register the event listener
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
    • addListenerWithCheck

      public boolean addListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Object oKey, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener for a specific key.
      listener - the listener to add
      oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to register the event listener
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
      false iff there already existed a "covering" listener for that key (either standard or lite for a lite call and standard otherwise)
    • addListener

      public void addListener(MapListener listener, Set setKey, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener for a set of keys.
      listener - the listener to add
      setKey - the key set for which to register the event listener
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
    • addListenerWithCheck

      public void addListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Set setKey, boolean fLite)
      Add a map listener for a set of keys. This method will modify the passed set by removing the keys that already had existing "covering" listeners for them.
      listener - the listener to add
      setKey - the key set for which to register the event listener
      fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(MapListener listener, Filter filter)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events based on a filter evaluation.
      listener - the listener to remove
      filter - a filter used to evaluate events
    • removeListenerWithCheck

      public boolean removeListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Filter filter)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events based on a filter evaluation.
      listener - the listener to remove
      filter - a filter used to evaluate events
      true iff there are no longer any listeners for that filter
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(MapListener listener, Object oKey)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about a specific key.
      listener - the listener to remove
      oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to unregister the event listener
    • removeListenerWithCheck

      public boolean removeListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Object oKey)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about a specific key.
      listener - the listener to remove
      oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to unregister the event listener
      true iff there are no longer any listeners for that key
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(MapListener listener, Set setKey)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about specific keys.
      listener - the listener to remove
      setKey - the set of keys for which to unregister the event listener
    • removeListenerWithCheck

      public void removeListenerWithCheck(MapListener listener, Set setKey)
      Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about specific keys. This method will modify the passed set by removing the keys that still have existing "covering" listeners for them, so the keys that are retained in the set no longer have any listeners for them.
      listener - the listener to remove
      setKey - the set of keys for which to unregister the event listener
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Remove all signed up listeners.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains any listeners.
      true iff there are no listeners encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
    • getListenerCount

      public int getListenerCount()
      Return the number of listeners registered.
      the number of listeners registered
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty(Filter filter)
      Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains any listeners for a given filter.
      filter - the filter
      true iff there are no listeners for the specified filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty(Object oKey)
      Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains any listeners for a given key.
      oKey - the key
      true iff there are no listeners for the specified filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
    • containsStandardListeners

      public boolean containsStandardListeners(Filter filter)
      Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains any standard (not lite) listeners for a given filter.
      filter - the filter
      true iff there are no standard listeners for the specified filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
    • containsStandardListeners

      public boolean containsStandardListeners(Object oKey)
      Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains any standard (not lite) listeners for a given key.
      oKey - the key
      true iff there are no standard listeners for the specified filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
    • getFilterSet

      public Set getFilterSet()
      Obtain a set of all filters that have associated global listeners.

      Note: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.

      a set of all filters that have associated global listeners
    • getKeySet

      public Set getKeySet()
      Obtain a set of all keys that have associated key listeners.

      Note: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.

      a set of all keys that have associated key listeners
    • getListeners

      public Listeners getListeners(Filter filter)
      Obtain the Listeners object for a given filter.

      Note: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.

      filter - the filter
      the Listeners object for the filter; null if none exists
    • getListeners

      public Listeners getListeners(Object oKey)
      Obtain the Listeners object for a given key.

      Note: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.

      oKey - the key
      the Listeners object for the key; null if none exists
    • collectListeners

      public Listeners collectListeners(MapEvent event)
      Collect all Listeners that should be notified for a given event.

      Note: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.

      event - the MapEvent object
      the Listeners object containing the relevant listeners
    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(MapEvent event, boolean fStrict)
      Fire the specified map event.
      event - the map event
      fStrict - if true then any RuntimeException thrown by event handlers stops all further event processing and the exception is re-thrown; if false then all exceptions are logged and the process continues
    • getMinVersions

      public VersionedPartitions getMinVersions(Filter filter)
      Return the minimum versions for the provided Filter.
      filter - the filter the listeners were registered with
      the minimum versions for the provided Filter
    • getMinVersions

      public VersionedPartitions getMinVersions(Object oKey)
      Return the minimum versions for the provided key.
      oKey - the key the listeners were registered with
      the minimum versions for the provided key
    • convertEvent

      public static MapEvent convertEvent(MapEvent event, ObservableMap mapConv, Converter convKey, Converter convVal)
      Convert the specified map event into another MapEvent that ensures the lazy event data conversion using the specified converters.
      event - the map event
      mapConv - the source for the converted event
      convKey - (optional) the key Converter
      convVal - (optional) the value converter
      the converted MapEvent object
    • enrichEvent

      public static MapEvent enrichEvent(MapEvent event, Listeners listeners)
      Transform the given MapEvent into a FilterEvent if it is not already a FilterEvent and there are matching filters associated with the specified Listeners object.
      event - the MapEvent to transform, if necessary
      listeners - the Listeners object
      a FilterEvent if the given MapEvent is not a FilterEvent and the specified Listeners object has associated filters; otherwise, the given MapEvent
    • unwrapEvent

      public static MapEvent unwrapEvent(MapEvent evt)
      Unwrap the specified map event and return the underlying source event.
      evt - the event to unwrap
      the unwrapped event
    • unwrap

      public static <K, V> MapListener<K,V> unwrap(MapListener<K,V> listener)
      Return the inner MapListener skipping any wrapper listeners.
      Type Parameters:
      K - key type for the map
      V - value type for the map
      listener - the listener to check against
      the inner MapListener skipping any wrapper listeners
    • isPrimingListener

      public static boolean isPrimingListener(MapListener listener)
      Check if the given listener is a PrimingListener or if it wraps one.
      listener - Map listener to check
      true iff the listener is a PrimingListener or wraps one
    • isVersionAware

      protected boolean isVersionAware(MapListener listener)
      Return true if the provided listener is version aware.
      listener - the listener to check
      true if the provided listener is version aware
    • isVersionUpdate

      protected boolean isVersionUpdate(MapEvent event)
      Return true if the provided MapEvent is due to a synthetic version update.
      event - the event to test
      true if the provided MapEvent is due to a synthetic version update
    • evaluateEvent

      protected boolean evaluateEvent(Filter filter, MapEvent event)
      Evaluate whether or not the specified event should be delivered to the listener associated with the specified filter.
      filter - the filter
      event - the event
      true iff the event should be delivered to the corresponding listener
    • isTransformedEvent

      protected boolean isTransformedEvent(MapEvent event)
      Return true iff the specified event represents a transformed CacheEvent.
      event - the event to test
      true iff the event has been transformed
    • addSafeListener

      protected static void addSafeListener(Map mapListeners, Object anyKey, MapListener listener)
      Ensure that the specified map has a Listeners object associated with the specified key and add the specified listener to it.
    • addSafeListener

      protected static void addSafeListener(Map mapListeners, Filter anyFilter, MapListener listener)
      Ensure that the specified map has a Listeners object associated with the specified Filter and add the specified listener to it.
    • removeSafeListener

      protected static void removeSafeListener(Map mapListeners, Object anyKey, MapListener listener)
      Remove the specified listener from the Listeners object associated with the specified key.
    • addListenerState

      protected static void addListenerState(Map mapStandardListeners, Object anyKey, MapListener listener, boolean fLite)
      Add a state information (lite or standard) associated with specified key and listener.
    • removeListenerState

      protected static void removeListenerState(Map mapStandardListeners, Object anyKey, MapListener listener)
      Remove a state information (lite or standard) associated with specified key and listener.
    • getMinVersions

      protected static VersionedPartitions getMinVersions(EventListener[] aListeners)
      Return the minimum versions received for all partitions for the provided listeners.
      aListeners - the listeners to interrogate
      the minimum versions received for all partitions for the provided listeners
    • min

      protected static VersionedPartitions min(VersionedPartitions versionsLHS, VersionedPartitions versionsRHS)
      Return the minimum versions for the provided two partition versioned data structures.
      versionsLHS - the first partition versioned object
      versionsRHS - the second partition versioned object
      the minimum versions for the provided two partition versioned data structures
    • getMinVersion

      protected static long getMinVersion(EventListener[] aListeners)
      Return a minimum version for the provided listeners.
      aListeners - the listeners to interrogate
      a minimum version for the provided listeners
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Provide a string representation of the MapListenerSupport object.
      toString in class Object
      a human-readable description of the MapListenerSupport instance