Interface TopicService

All Superinterfaces:
ClassLoaderAware, Controllable, Service, Service
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface TopicService extends Service
A TopicService is a service providing Topics that can be used for publish/subscribe functionality and message queue processing.
  • Method Details

    • ensureTopic

      <T> NamedTopic<T> ensureTopic(String sName, ClassLoader loader)
      Obtain a Topic interface that provides
      sName - - the name, within this TopicService, that uniquely identifies a topic
      loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize messages sent to the topic by other members of the cluster; null is legal, and implies the default ClassLoader, which will typically be the context ClassLoader for this service
      a NamedTopic interface which can be used to access the resources of the specified topic
    • releaseTopic

      void releaseTopic(NamedTopic topic)
      Release local resources associated with the specified instance of the topic. This invalidates a reference obtained by using the ensureTopic(String, ClassLoader) method.

      Releasing a topic reference to a topic makes the topic reference no longer usable, but does not affect the topic itself. In other words, all other references to the topic will still be valid, and the topic data is not affected by releasing the reference.

      The reference that is released using this method can no longer be used; any attempt to use the reference will result in an exception.

      The purpose for releasing a topic reference is to allow the topic implementation to release the ClassLoader used to deserialize items in the topic. The topic implementation ensures that all references to that ClassLoader are released. This implies that objects in the topic that were loaded by that ClassLoader will be re-serialized to release their hold on that ClassLoader. The result is that the ClassLoader can be garbage-collected by Java in situations where the topic is operating in an application server and applications are dynamically loaded and unloaded.

      topic - the topic object to be released
      See Also:
    • destroyTopic

      void destroyTopic(NamedTopic topic)
      Release and destroy the specified topic.

      Warning: This method is used to completely destroy the specified topic across the cluster. All references in the entire cluster to this topic will be invalidated, the data will be cleared, and all resources will be released.

      topic - the cache object to be released
      See Also:
    • getTopicBackingMapManager

      TopicBackingMapManager getTopicBackingMapManager()
      the TopicBackingMapManager
    • getChannelCount

      int getChannelCount(String sName)
      Return the number of channels the topic has.
      sName - the name of the topic
      the number of channels the topic has
    • ensureChannelCount

      default int ensureChannelCount(String sName, int cChannel)
      Ensure the specified topic has at least the required number of channels.
      sName - the name of the topic
      cChannel - the required channel count
      the number of channels the topic has
    • ensureChannelCount

      int ensureChannelCount(String sName, int cRequired, int cChannel)
      Ensure the specified topic has at least the required number of channels.
      sName - the name of the topic
      cRequired - the minimum required channel count
      cChannel - the channel count to set if the current count is less than cRequired
      the number of channels the topic has
    • getTopicNames

      Set<String> getTopicNames()
      Returns the names of the topics known to this service.
      the names of the topics known to this service