Class AbstractPersistenceManager.Task

    • Field Detail

      • f_canceled

        protected boolean f_canceled
        Canceled flag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Task

        public Task()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public abstract void execute()
        Execute the task.
      • cancel

        public final void cancel​(Throwable eCause)
        Cancel execution of the task.
        eCause - the optional cause of the cancellation
      • register

        protected void register()
        Register this task with the manager.
      • notifyCanceled

        protected void notifyCanceled​(Throwable eCause)
        Notify the task that it has been canceled.
        eCause - the optional cause of the cancellation
      • run

        public final void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable