Class BinaryMap.Block

  • Enclosing class:

    public class BinaryMap.Block
    extends Base
    A Block is the unit of storage within a Buffer. There are free blocks and Entry blocks (that store key/value pairs).
    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        public static final int NONE
        Initial state, also state of an allocated block that has not been linked.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FREE

        public static final int FREE
        State of a block that is available for use.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ENTRY

        public static final int ENTRY
        State of a block that holds an Entry object's data.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OFFSET_HASH
        Offset of the key's hash within an Entry block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • OFFSET_KEY

        public static final int OFFSET_KEY
        Offset of the key data within an Entry block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OFFSET_VALUE
        Offset (not counting key length) of the value data within an Entry block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MIN_SPLIT

        public static final int MIN_SPLIT
        Minimum size of a block to split off a free block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MIN_FREE

        public static final int MIN_FREE
        Minimum size of a free block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MIN_ENTRY

        public static final int MIN_ENTRY
        Minimum size of an Entry block.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Block

        public Block()
        Construct a Block.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(int of)
        Configure the Block object to point to a specific offset within the Buffer.
        of - the offset of the Block within the Buffer
      • use

        protected void use()
        Increment the use count for this block.
      • finishUse

        protected boolean finishUse()
        Decrement the use count for this block and check if it is now zero.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the Block object so that it doesn't point into the Buffer. Block objects can be re-used to reduce allocations by calling the close() method.
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Close the Block object by resetting its contents and recycling the object.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close the Block object, flushing any pending changes, resetting its contents and recycling the object.
      • discard

        public void discard()
        Recycle the Block object, discarding any changes, resetting its contents and recycling the object.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Zero the block.
      • clearValue

        public void clearValue()
        Zero the value portion of the block.
      • getType

        public int getType()
        Determine the current Block type.
        one of {NONE, FREE, ENTRY}
      • setType

        public void setType​(int nType)
        Set the Block type.
        nType - the new Block type
      • isFree

        public boolean isFree()
        Determine if the Block is marked as free.
        true if and only if the type is FREE
      • isEntry

        public boolean isEntry()
        Determine if the Block is marked as an Entry.
        true if and only if the type is ENTRY
      • getOffset

        public int getOffset()
        Determine the offset of this Block in the Buffer.
        the offset of this Block in the Buffer, or NIL if this Block has not been initialized
      • setOffset

        public void setOffset​(int ofBlock)
        Specify the offset of this Block in the Buffer.
        ofBlock - the offset of this Block
      • getLength

        public int getLength()
        Determine the length of the block.
        the length, in bytes, of this block
      • length

        public int length()
        Determine the length of the block.
        the length, in bytes, of this block
      • getSizeCode

        public int getSizeCode()
        Determine the "free block size code" for a block of this size.
        the size code for this block
      • getNextBlockOffset

        public int getNextBlockOffset()
        Determine the offset of the next Block in the Buffer.
        the offset of the next Block in the Buffer, or NIL if this Block is the last in the Buffer
      • setNextBlockOffset

        public void setNextBlockOffset​(int ofBlock)
        Specify the offset of the next Block in the Buffer.
        ofBlock - the offset of the next contiguous Block
      • getPrevBlockOffset

        public int getPrevBlockOffset()
        Determine the offset of the previous Block in the Buffer.
        the offset of the previous Block in the Buffer, or NIL if this Block is the first in the Buffer
      • setPrevBlockOffset

        public void setPrevBlockOffset​(int ofBlock)
        Specify the offset of the previous Block in the Buffer.
        ofBlock - the offset of the previous contiguous Block
      • getNextNodeOffset

        public int getNextNodeOffset()
        Determine the offset of the next Block in the linked list.
        the offset of the next Block in the linked list, or NIL if this Block is the last in the linked list
      • setNextNodeOffset

        public void setNextNodeOffset​(int ofBlock)
        Specify the offset of the next Block in the linked list.
        ofBlock - the offset of the next Block in the linked list of Blocks
      • getPrevNodeOffset

        public int getPrevNodeOffset()
        Determine the offset of the previous Block in the linked list.
        the offset of the previous Block in the linked list, or NIL if this Block is the first in the linked list of Blocks
      • setPrevNodeOffset

        public void setPrevNodeOffset​(int ofBlock)
        Specify the offset of the previous Block in the linked list.
        ofBlock - the offset of the previous Block in the linked list of blocks
      • getKeyHash

        public int getKeyHash()
        Get the hash code for the Entry block.
        the hash code for the Entry block
      • getKeyLength

        public int getKeyLength()
        Get the length of the Entry key in the block.
        the length, in bytes, of the key
      • getKey

        public Binary getKey()
        Get the Entry key in the block, lazy loading it if necessary.
        the Entry key
      • setKey

        public void setKey​(Binary bin)
        Update the Entry key in the block. The write is deferred.
        bin - the Entry key
      • getValueLength

        public int getValueLength()
        Get the length of the Entry value in the block.
        the length, in bytes, of the value
      • getValue

        public Binary getValue()
        Get the Entry value in the block, lazy loading it if necessary.
        the Entry value
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Binary bin)
        Update the Entry value in the block. The write is deferred.
        bin - the Entry value
      • getFillLength

        public int getFillLength()
        Get the size of the fill in the block.
        the length, in bytes, of the fill
      • readHeader

        public void readHeader()
        Read a block's header data from the Buffer. Also reads key hash, key length and value length.
      • writeHeader

        public void writeHeader()
        Write the block's data to the Buffer.
      • readKey

        public void readKey()
        Read the "key" portion of an Entry block.
      • writeKey

        public void writeKey()
        Write the "key" portion of an Entry block, including the key hash.
      • readValue

        public void readValue()
        Read the "value" portion of an Entry block. Note that if the length of the key is modified, the value must be read first or it will be unreadable.
      • writeValue

        public void writeValue()
        Write the "value" portion of an Entry block.
      • link

        public void link()
        Link this block (either an Entry or free block) into the appropriate data structures (either the hash bucket or the free list.)
      • unlink

        public void unlink()
        Unlink this block (either an Entry or free block) from the appropriate data structures (either the hash bucket or the free list.)
      • split

        public void split​(int cbRetain)
        If possible, chop a free block into two free blocks, or chop the end of an Entry block to make a free block.
        cbRetain - the number of bytes to allocate to the first of the two free blocks
      • merge

        public void merge()
        Merge a free block with any free blocks that it borders.
      • allocate

        public void allocate​(int cb)
        Allocate this free block (or at least a specified number of bytes of this block) as an Entry block. Note that the block is an Entry in an unlinked state at the termination of this method.
        cb - the minimum number of bytes required for the Entry block
      • free

        public void free()
        Free this Entry block. Note that this has the effect of closing the block.