Class EntrySetResource

  • public class EntrySetResource
    extends Object
    REST resource representing a set of cache entries.
    as 2011.06.28
    • Field Detail

      • m_cache

        protected NamedCache m_cache
        Cache which stores the referenced entries.
      • m_setKeys

        protected Set m_setKeys
        Referenced entries' keys.
      • m_clzValue

        protected Class m_clzValue
        Class of the referenced entries' values.
      • m_aggregatorRegistry

        protected AggregatorRegistry m_aggregatorRegistry
        Aggregator registry that is used to map the given aggregator name to an EntryAggregator instance.
      • m_processorRegistry

        protected ProcessorRegistry m_processorRegistry
        a processor registry that is used to map the given processor name to an EntryProcessor instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntrySetResource

        public EntrySetResource​(NamedCache cache,
                                Set setKeys,
                                Class clzValue)
        Construct an EntrySetResource.
        cache - cache that stores the referenced entries
        setKeys - keys of the referenced entries
        clzValue - class of the referenced entries' values
    • Method Detail

      • getValues

        public getValues​(@MatrixParam("p")
                                                   PropertySet propertySet)
        Return the entries' values or a subset of their properties.
        propertySet - properties to return (if null, values will be returned)
        entries' values or a subset of their properties
      • getEntries

        public getEntries​(@MatrixParam("p")
                                                    PropertySet propertySet)
      • aggregate

        @Path("{aggr: \\s*(\\w(?:\\w|-)*)\\((.*)\\)}")
        public aggregate​(@PathParam("aggr")
                                                   String sAggr)
        Perform an aggregating operation against the entries.
        sAggr - name of the aggregator
        the result of the aggregation
      • process

        @Path("{proc: \\s*(\\w(?:\\w|-)*)\\((.*)\\)}")
        public process​(@PathParam("proc")
                                                 String sProc)
        Invoke the specified processor against the entries.
        sProc - name of the processor
        a Map containing the results of invoking the EntryProcessor against the entries
      • delete

        public delete()
        Remove the entries.
        response with a status of 200 (OK)
      • values

        protected Collection values()
        Get the entries' values.
        entries' values
      • remove

        protected void remove()
        Remove the entries from the cache.