Class EntryResource

  • public class EntryResource
    extends Object
    REST resource representing a single cache entry.
    as 2011.06.06
    • Field Detail

      • m_cache

        protected NamedCache m_cache
        NamedCache which stores the referenced entry.
      • m_oKey

        protected Object m_oKey
        Referenced entry's key.
      • m_clzValue

        protected Class m_clzValue
        Class of the referenced entry's value.
      • m_marshallerRegistry

        protected MarshallerRegistry m_marshallerRegistry
        Marshaller registry to obtain marshallers from.
      • m_processorRegistry

        protected ProcessorRegistry m_processorRegistry
        a processor registry that is used to map the given processor name to an EntryProcessor instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntryResource

        public EntryResource​(NamedCache cache,
                             Object oKey,
                             Class clzValue)
        Construct EntryResource.
        cache - cache in which referenced entry is stored
        oKey - referenced entry's key
        clzValue - class of the referenced entry's value
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public get​(@MatrixParam("p")
                                             PropertySet propertySet,
        Return the entry value or a subset of its properties.
        propertySet - properties to return (if null, value itself will be returned)
        request - current HTTP request
        entry value or a subset of its properties
      • put

        public put​(@Context
                                             InputStream in)
        Update the entry value.
        headers - a mutable map of the HTTP message headers.
        in - a stream containing a JSON/XML/Binary representation of the new value
        response with a status of 200 (OK) if the entry was updated successfully, or a status of 409 (Conflict) if the value class implements the Versionable interface and the version of the entry in the cache does not match the version of the entry in the request (in case of conflict, the current entry value will be returned in the body of the response as well)
      • delete

        public delete()
        Remove the entry.
        response with a status of 200 (OK) if entry was removed successfully, or with a status of 404 (Not Found) if it wasn't present in the cache
      • process

        @Path("{proc: \\s*(\\w(?:\\w|-)*)\\((.*)\\)}")
        public process​(@PathParam("proc")
                                                 String sProc)
        Invoke the specified processor against the entry's key.
        sProc - name of the processor
        the result of the invocation as returned from the EntryProcessor
      • addListener

        public MapEventOutput addListener​(@QueryParam("lite")
                                          boolean fLite)
        Register SSE event listener for this entry.
        fLite - flag specifying whether to register for lite or full events
        the EventOutput that will be used to send events to the client
      • putInternal

        protected putInternal​(Object oValue)
        Update the cache entry.
        oValue - new entry value
        response with a status of 200 (OK) if the entry was updated successfully, or a status of 409 (Conflict) if the value class implements the Versionable interface and the version of the entry in the cache does not match the version of the entry in the request (in case of conflict, the current entry value will be returned in the body of the response as well)
      • getValue

        protected Object getValue()
        Get the entry value.
        entry value, or void if the entry does not exist
      • setValue

        protected Object setValue​(Object oValue)
        Set the entry value.
        oValue - new value
        current entry value if there is a conflict, or null otherwise
      • remove

        protected Object remove()
        Remove entry from the cache.
        entry value, or void if the entry does not exist
      • exists

        protected boolean exists()
        Return true if the referenced entry exists in the cache.
        true if the entry exists, false otherwise