Interface TermWalker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.AbstractCoherenceQueryWalker, FilterBuilder

    public interface TermWalker
    TermWalker is a visitor class that provides a framework for walking Term Trees
    djl 2009.08.31
    • Method Detail

      • acceptNode

        void acceptNode​(String sFunctor,
                        NodeTerm term)
        The receiver has been dispatched to from the given node.
        sFunctor - the node functor
        term - the NodeTerm
      • acceptAtom

        void acceptAtom​(String sFunctor,
                        AtomicTerm atomicTerm)
        The receiver has been dispatched to from the given atom.
        sFunctor - the node functor
        atomicTerm - the AtomicTerm
      • acceptTerm

        void acceptTerm​(String sFunctor,
                        Term term)
        The receiver has been dispatched to from the given atom.
        sFunctor - the node functor
        term - the Term
      • getResult

        Object getResult()
        Return the result of the previous TermTree walk. This value could be null if no trees have been walked or the last tree walk resulted in an undetermined state.
        the result of the previous TermTree walk
      • walk

        Object walk​(Term term)
        Return the result of the walking the specified TermTree. This value could be null if the tree walk results in an undetermined state.
        term - the term tree to walk to obtain a result object
        the result of walking the specified TermTree