Class PeekOPToken

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PeekOPToken
    extends OPToken
    A PeekOPToken is a token that contains other OPToken instances. It will defer calls to the nud(OPParser) and led(OPParser, Term) methods to these other tokens. The exact instance of the OPToken deferred to will be determined by looking ahead at the next token in the token stream and calling the contained OPToken with that id.
    Coherence 12.2.1
    jk 2014.02.12
    • Field Detail

      • f_mapTokens

        protected final Map<String,​OPToken> f_mapTokens
        The Map of OPToken instances that will be called depending on the value of the next token in the stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PeekOPToken

        public PeekOPToken​(String sId,
                           OPToken... tokens)
        Construct a new PeekOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        tokens - the tokens to defer to
      • PeekOPToken

        public PeekOPToken​(String sId,
                           int nBindingPower,
                           OPToken... tokens)
        Construct a new PeekOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        nBindingPower - the precedence binding power of this token
        tokens - the tokens to defer to
      • PeekOPToken

        public PeekOPToken​(String sId,
                           String sASTName,
                           OPToken... tokens)
        Construct a new PeekOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        sASTName - the type code for this token
        tokens - the tokens to defer to
      • PeekOPToken

        public PeekOPToken​(String sId,
                           int nBindingPower,
                           String sASTName,
                           OPToken... tokens)
        Construct a new PeekOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        nBindingPower - the precedence binding power of this token
        sASTName - the type code for this token
        tokens - the tokens to defer to
      • PeekOPToken

        public PeekOPToken​(String sId,
                           int nBindingPower,
                           String sLedASTName,
                           String sNudASTName,
                           OPToken... aTokens)
        Construct a new PeekOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        nBindingPower - the precedence binding power of this token
        sLedASTName - the name for this tokens AST
        sNudASTName - the name for this tokens AST
        aTokens - the tokens to defer to
    • Method Detail

      • addOPToken

        public void addOPToken​(OPToken token)
        Add the specified OPToken to the Map of tokens that will be called depending on the next token parsed from the token stream.
        token - the OPToken to call if the next token in the stream matches the specified OPTokens identifier
      • addOPToken

        public void addOPToken​(String id,
                               OPToken token)
        Add the specified OPToken to the Map of tokens that will be called depending on the next token parsed from the token stream.
        id - the identifier to match with the next token in the stream
        token - the OPToken to call if the next token in the stream matches the specified identifier
      • getOPToken

        public OPToken getOPToken​(String sId)
        Obtain the OPToken that is mapped to the specified identifier.
        sId - the identifier to obtain the mapped OPToken for
        the OPToken mapped to the specified identifier
      • defaultNud

        protected Term defaultNud​(OPParser parser)
        The default nud method that will be called if there is no OPToken mapped for the token parsed from the token stream.

        This method may be overridden in sub-classes that require different default processing to the default OPToken.nud(OPParser) method.

        parser - the current token stream's parser
        the result of calling the default nud method
      • defaultLed

        protected Term defaultLed​(OPParser parser,
                                  Term leftNode)
        The default led method that will be called if there is no OPToken mapped for the token parsed from the token stream. This method may be overridden in sub-classes that require different default processing to the default OPToken.led(OPParser, Term) method.
        parser - the current token stream's parser
        leftNode - the left node of the current AST
        the result of calling the default led method
      • nud

        public Term nud​(OPParser parser)
        Process this token in the context of parser p with the null denotation. A nud method typically will have no interest in the token to the left. The processing results in an Abstract Syntax Tree Node that captures the meaning
        nud in class OPToken
        parser - the parser that is the context for parsing
        an AstNode
      • led

        public Term led​(OPParser parser,
                        Term leftNode)
        Process this token and possibly the given leftNodein the context of a parser with the left denotation. A led method typically will be interested t in the token to the left. The processing results in an Abstract Syntax Tree Node that captures the meaning
        led in class OPToken
        parser - the parser that is the context for parsing
        leftNode - an ast Term that the token is possibly interested in
        an AstNode
      • findMatchingOPToken

        protected OPToken findMatchingOPToken​(OPParser parser)
        Return the OPToken mapped to the next token in the OPParser's token stream.
        parser - the OPParser providing the token stream
        the OPToken matching the next token in the stream or null if there is no OPToken mapped to the next token in the stream.