Class SQLOPToken

    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLOPToken

        public SQLOPToken​(String id)
        Construct a new SQLOPToken with the given parameters.
        id - string identifier for this token
      • SQLOPToken

        public SQLOPToken​(String id,
                          String sNudASTName)
        Construct a new SQLOPToken with the given parameters.
        id - string identifier for this token
        sNudASTName - the ast name to use for constructing an ast
    • Method Detail

      • checkAlias

        protected Term checkAlias​(OPParser p,
                                  String... expectedNextKeywords)
        Check to see if there is an alias and create a Term to hold the alias identifier if one exists
        p - The current Parser
        expectedNextKeywords - The next keyword to expect
        the alias Term