Class AbstractSnapshotStatement

    • Field Detail

      • MONTH_NAME

        public static final SimpleDateFormat MONTH_NAME
        Format month name.

        public static final SimpleDateFormat WEEKDAY_NAME
        Format weekday name.
      • SLEEP_TIME

        public static final long SLEEP_TIME
        Sleep time between checking operation completion.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • f_sSnapshotName

        protected final String f_sSnapshotName
        Snapshot name to utilize.
      • f_sServiceName

        protected final String f_sServiceName
        Service name to carry out operations for.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSnapshotStatement

        public AbstractSnapshotStatement​(String sSnapshotName,
                                         String sServiceName)
        Create a AbstractSnapshotStatement that will prove base functionality for other snapshot commands.
        sSnapshotName - the snapshot name to create
        sServiceName - the service to snapshot
    • Method Detail

      • showPlan

        public void showPlan​(PrintWriter out)
        Description copied from interface: Statement
        Output to the provided PrintWriter a human readable trace of the actions that will be taken by this statement if or when executed.
        out - the PrintWriter to write the trace to
      • getConfirmationMessage

        protected String getConfirmationMessage​(String sAction)
        Return a confirmation message.
        sAction - the action to be performed
        a confirmation message
      • validateSnapshotName

        protected void validateSnapshotName​(String sSnapshotName)
                                     throws CohQLException
        Validate that the snapshot name conforms to standard.
        sSnapshotName - the name of snapshot to validate
        CohQLException - if the name is not valid
      • validateServiceExists

        protected void validateServiceExists​(com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.PersistenceToolsHelper helper)
        Validate that the service f_sServiceName exists.
        helper - the PersistenceToolsHelper instance to use to validate
      • validateSnapshotExistsForService

        protected void validateSnapshotExistsForService​(com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.PersistenceToolsHelper helper)
        Validate that a snapshot f_sSnapshotName exists for the given service f_sServiceName.
        helper - the PersistenceToolsHelper instance to use to validate
      • validateArchivedSnapshotExistsForService

        protected void validateArchivedSnapshotExistsForService​(com.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.internal.PersistenceToolsHelper helper)
        Validate that an archived snapshot f_sSnapshotName exists for the given service f_sServiceName.
        helper - the PersistenceToolsHelper instance to use to validate
      • replaceDateMacros

        protected static String replaceDateMacros​(String sSnapshotName)
        Replace the following macro's for the snapshot name:
        • %y - Year
        • %m - Month
        • %d - Day of month
        • %w - Day of week. mon,tues,wed, etc
        • %M - Month name - Jan, Feb, etc
        • %hh - Hour
        • %mm - Minute
        sSnapshotName - the snapshot name to replace macros
        the formatted snapshot name