Class BackupStatementBuilder.BackupStatement

    • Field Detail

      • f_sCache

        protected final String f_sCache
        The name of the cache to be backed up.
      • f_sFile

        protected final String f_sFile
        The file name to write the cache contents to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupStatement

        public BackupStatement​(String sCache,
                               String sFile)
        Construct a BackupStatement that backs the specified cache up to the specified file.
        sCache - the name of the cache to be backed up
        sFile - the name of the file to use to back up the cache
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public StatementResult execute​(ExecutionContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: Statement
        Execute a CohQL query or command and return the relevant result.
        ctx - the context to use
        a StatementResult containing the results of executing the statement
      • sanityCheck

        public void sanityCheck​(ExecutionContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: Statement
        Perform sanity checks on the statement that will be executed.

        Implementations can fail sanity checking by throwing an unchecked exception (RuntimeException).

        Specified by:
        sanityCheck in interface Statement
        sanityCheck in class AbstractStatement
        ctx - the context to use
      • showPlan

        public void showPlan​(PrintWriter out)
        Description copied from interface: Statement
        Output to the provided PrintWriter a human readable trace of the actions that will be taken by this statement if or when executed.
        out - the PrintWriter to write the trace to