Class BdbStoreManagerBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • BdbStoreManagerBuilder

        public BdbStoreManagerBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • getDirectory

        public String getDirectory​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the path name for the root directory that the BDB file manager uses to store files in. If not specified or specifies a non-existent directory, a temporary file in the default location is used.
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the root directory
      • setDirectory

        public void setDirectory​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the BDB root directory where BDB stores files.
        expr - the directory name
      • getStoreName

        public String getStoreName​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Specifies the name for a database table that the Berkeley Database JE store manager uses to store data in. Specifying this parameter causes the bdb-store-manager to use non-temporary (persistent) database instances. This is intended only for local caches that are backed by a cache loader from a non-temporary store, so that the local cache can be pre-populated from the disk on startup. This setting should not be enabled with replicated or distributed caches. Normally, the store name should be left unspecified, indicating that temporary storage is to be used.
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the store name
      • setStoreName

        public void setStoreName​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the BDB store (database table) name.
        expr - the store name
      • getXmlInitParams

        public String getXmlInitParams​(ParameterResolver resolver)
        Return the BDB init params needed to construct a BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager.
        resolver - the ParameterResolver
        the init params
      • setXmlInitParams

        public void setXmlInitParams​(Expression<String> expr)
        Set the BDB init params needed to construct a BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager.
        expr - the XML init params
        See Also:
        for je.* properties that can be configured.
      • getInitParams

        public ResolvableParameterList getInitParams()
        Return the BDB init params needed to construct a BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager.
        the init params
      • setInitParams

        public void setInitParams​(ResolvableParameterList listInitParams)
        Set the BDB init params needed to construct a BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager.
        listInitParams - list of resolvable init-params
        See Also:
        for je.* properties that can be configured.