Class GrpcServerController.Listener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class GrpcServerController.Listener
    extends Object
    implements com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
    A listener that will start the gRPC server base on Coherence or DefaultCacheServer lifecycle events.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Listener

        public Listener()
    • Method Detail

      • preStart

        public void preStart​(com.tangosol.application.Context ctx)
        Description copied from interface: com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        Called before the application is activated. In general this occurs before services in a cache configuration file are started thus allowing for pre service setup.

        The Context contains the context of the application allowing for a custom application to create custom services and/or a custom CacheFactoryBuilder implementation.

        Specified by:
        preStart in interface com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        ctx - the Context for the application
      • postStart

        public void postStart​(com.tangosol.application.Context ctx)
        Description copied from interface: com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        Called after the application is started. At this point, services marked with <autostart> will have been started. These services (and caches) can be accessed via Context.getConfigurableCacheFactory().
        Specified by:
        postStart in interface com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        ctx - the Context for the application
      • preStop

        public void preStop​(com.tangosol.application.Context ctx)
        Description copied from interface: com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        Called before the application stops its services and disposes of its resources.
        Specified by:
        preStop in interface com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        ctx - the Context for the application
      • postStop

        public void postStop​(com.tangosol.application.Context ctx)
        Description copied from interface: com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        Called after the application is stopped. At this point any services created by this application will have been stopped.
        Specified by:
        postStop in interface com.tangosol.application.LifecycleListener
        ctx - the Context for the application