Interface GrpcProxyMetricsMBean

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GrpcProxyMetricsMBean
    The gRPC Proxy metrics MBean.
    Jonathan Knight 2020.10.14
    • Method Detail

      • getSuccessfulRequestCount

        long getSuccessfulRequestCount()
        Return the count of requests that responded with success.
        the count of requests that responded with success
      • getSuccessfulRequestFifteenMinuteRate

        double getSuccessfulRequestFifteenMinuteRate()
        Return the fifteen minute rate of successful requests.
        the fifteen minute rate of successful requests
      • getSuccessfulRequestFiveMinuteRate

        double getSuccessfulRequestFiveMinuteRate()
        Return the five minute rate of successful requests.
        the five minute rate of successful requests
      • getSuccessfulRequestOneMinuteRate

        double getSuccessfulRequestOneMinuteRate()
        Return the one minute rate of successful requests.
        the one minute rate of successful requests
      • getSuccessfulRequestMeanRate

        double getSuccessfulRequestMeanRate()
        Return the one minute rate of successful requests.
        the one minute rate of successful requests.
      • getErrorRequestCount

        long getErrorRequestCount()
        Return the count of requests that responded with an error.
        the count of requests that responded with an error
      • getErrorRequestFifteenMinuteRate

        double getErrorRequestFifteenMinuteRate()
        Return the fifteen minute rate of requests that responded with an error.
        the fifteen minute rate of requests that responded with an error
      • getErrorRequestFiveMinuteRate

        double getErrorRequestFiveMinuteRate()
        Return the five minute rate of requests that responded with an error.
        the five minute rate of requests that responded with an error
      • getErrorRequestOneMinuteRate

        double getErrorRequestOneMinuteRate()
        Return the one minute rate of requests that responded with an error.
        the one minute rate of requests that responded with an error
      • getErrorRequestMeanRate

        double getErrorRequestMeanRate()
        Return the mean rate of requests that responded with an error.
        the mean rate of requests that responded with an error
      • getMessagesReceivedCount

        long getMessagesReceivedCount()
        Return the count of messages received.
        the count of messages received
      • getMessagesReceivedFifteenMinuteRate

        double getMessagesReceivedFifteenMinuteRate()
        Return the fifteen minute rate of messages received.
        the fifteen minute rate of messages received
      • getMessagesReceivedFiveMinuteRate

        double getMessagesReceivedFiveMinuteRate()
        Return the five minute rate of messages received.
        the five minute rate of messages received
      • getMessagesReceivedOneMinuteRate

        double getMessagesReceivedOneMinuteRate()
        Return the one minute rate of messages received.
        the one minute rate of messages received
      • getMessagesReceivedMeanRate

        double getMessagesReceivedMeanRate()
        Return the mean rate of messages received.
        the mean rate of messages received
      • getResponsesSentCount

        long getResponsesSentCount()
        Return the count of responses sent.
        the count of responses sent
      • getResponsesSentFifteenMinuteRate

        double getResponsesSentFifteenMinuteRate()
        Return the fifteen minute rate of responses sent.
        the fifteen minute rate of responses sent
      • getResponsesSentFiveMinuteRate

        double getResponsesSentFiveMinuteRate()
        Return the five minute rate of responses sent.
        the five minute rate of responses sent
      • getResponsesSentOneMinuteRate

        double getResponsesSentOneMinuteRate()
        Return the one minute rate of responses sent.
        the one minute rate of responses sent
      • getResponsesSentMeanRate

        double getResponsesSentMeanRate()
        Return the mean rate of responses sent.
        the mean rate of responses sent
      • getRequestDuration75thPercentile

        double getRequestDuration75thPercentile()
        Return the 75th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the 75th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDuration95thPercentile

        double getRequestDuration95thPercentile()
        Return the 95th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the 95th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDuration98thPercentile

        double getRequestDuration98thPercentile()
        Return the 98th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the 98th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDuration99thPercentile

        double getRequestDuration99thPercentile()
        Return the 99th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the 99th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDuration999thPercentile

        double getRequestDuration999thPercentile()
        Return the 99.9th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the 99.9th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDurationMax

        double getRequestDurationMax()
        Return the maximum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the maximum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDurationMean

        double getRequestDurationMean()
        Return the mean value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the mean value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDurationMin

        double getRequestDurationMin()
        Return the minimum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the minimum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getRequestDurationStdDev

        double getRequestDurationStdDev()
        Return the standard deviation from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
        the standard deviation from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the request duration metric.
      • getMessageDuration75thPercentile

        double getMessageDuration75thPercentile()
        Return the 75th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the 75th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDuration95thPercentile

        double getMessageDuration95thPercentile()
        Return the 95th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the 95th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDuration98thPercentile

        double getMessageDuration98thPercentile()
        Return the 98th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the 98th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDuration99thPercentile

        double getMessageDuration99thPercentile()
        Return the 99th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the 99th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDuration999thPercentile

        double getMessageDuration999thPercentile()
        Return the 99.9th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the 99.9th percentile value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDurationMax

        double getMessageDurationMax()
        Return the maximum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the maximum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDurationMean

        double getMessageDurationMean()
        Return the mean value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the mean value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDurationMin

        double getMessageDurationMin()
        Return the minimum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the minimum value from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getMessageDurationStdDev

        double getMessageDurationStdDev()
        Return the standard deviation from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
        the standard deviation from the distribution of samples in the latest snapshot of the message duration metric.
      • getTaskBacklog

        int getTaskBacklog()
        Return the number of tasks that have been added to the pool, but not yet scheduled for execution.
        the number of tasks that have been added to the pool, but not yet scheduled for execution
      • getDaemonCountMax

        int getDaemonCountMax()
        Returns the maximum number of daemon threads that the pool can create.
        the maximum number of daemon threads that the pool can create
      • setDaemonCountMax

        void setDaemonCountMax​(int count)
        Set the maximum daemon pool thread count.
        count - the maximum daemon pool thread count
      • getDaemonCountMin

        int getDaemonCountMin()
        Returns the minimum number of daemon threads that the pool should have.
        the minimum number of daemon threads that the pool should have
      • setDaemonCountMin

        void setDaemonCountMin​(int count)
        Set the minimum daemon pool thread count.
        count - the minimum daemon pool thread count
      • getDaemonCount

        int getDaemonCount()
        Return the number of Daemon threads that exist, if the pool has been started, or the number of Daemon threads that will be created, if the pool has not yet been started.
        the number of Daemon threads that exist
      • getAbandonedThreadCount

        int getAbandonedThreadCount()
        Return the total number of abandoned Daemon threads.

        Note: this property is purposely not reset when stats are reset.

        the total number of abandoned Daemon threads
      • getTaskActiveMillis

        long getTaskActiveMillis()
        Return the total number of milliseconds spent by all Daemon threads while executing tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.

        Note: this value could be greater then the time elapsed since each daemon adds its own processing time when working in parallel.

        the total number of milliseconds spent by all Daemon threads while executing tasks since the last time the statistics were reset
      • getHungTaskCount

        int getHungTaskCount()
        Return the total number of currently executing hung tasks.

        Note: this property is purposely not reset when stats are reset.

        the total number of currently executing hung tasks
      • getHungTaskDuration

        long getHungTaskDuration()
        Return the longest currently executing hung task duration (in milliseconds).

        Note: this property is purposely not reset when stats are reset.

        the longest currently executing hung task duration (in milliseconds)
      • getLastResetMillis

        long getLastResetMillis()
        Return the last time stats were reset.
        the last time stats were reset
      • getLastResizeMillis

        long getLastResizeMillis()
        Return the last time the daemon pool was resized.
        the last time the daemon pool was resized
      • getTaskAddCount

        long getTaskAddCount()
        Return the total number of tasks added to the pool since the last time the statistics were reset.
        the total number of tasks added to the pool since the last time the statistics were reset
      • getTaskCount

        long getTaskCount()
        Return the total number of tasks executed by Daemon threads since the last time the statistics were reset.
        the total number of tasks executed by Daemon threads since the last time the statistics were reset
      • getMaxTaskBacklog

        int getMaxTaskBacklog()
        Return the maximum backlog value since the last time the statistics were reset.
        the maximum backlog value since the last time the statistics were reset
      • getTaskTimeoutCount

        int getTaskTimeoutCount()
        Return the total number of timed-out tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.
        the total number of timed-out tasks since the last time the statistics were reset
      • getTaskTimeout

        long getTaskTimeout()
        Return the default timeout value for PriorityTasks that don't explicitly specify the execution timeout value.
        the default timeout value for PriorityTasks that don't explicitly specify the execution timeout value