Class ConcurrentNotifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class ConcurrentNotifier
    extends Object
    implements Notifier
    A Condition-like object, usable by multiple threads to both wait and signal.

    Note that no synchronization is needed to use this class; i.e. clients must not synchronize on this class prior to calling await() or signal(), nor should the use any of the primitive wait() or notify() methods.

    Unlike the SingleWaiterMultiNotifier, this notifier implementation requires the notion of a ready check. When the notifier is ready then a call to await because a no-op. An example ready check for a notifier based queue removal would be !queue.isEmpty();

    mf 2018.04.13
    • Field Detail

      • m_oWaitHead

        protected volatile Object m_oWaitHead
        The head of a stack of waiting threads. The head can be either a Thread, or a Link.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConcurrentNotifier

        public ConcurrentNotifier()
    • Method Detail

      • await

        public void await​(long cMillis)
                   throws InterruptedException
        Description copied from interface: Notifier
        Wait for a notification. Note that spurious wake-ups are possible.
        Specified by:
        await in interface Notifier
        cMillis - the maximum wait time in milliseconds, or zero for indefinite
        InterruptedException - if the calling thread is interrupted while it is waiting
      • signal

        public void signal()
        Description copied from interface: Notifier
        Notifies the waiting thread(s), waking them up if awaiting.
        Specified by:
        signal in interface Notifier
      • signalInternal

        protected void signalInternal()
        Full version of signal.
      • park

        protected void park​(long cMillis)
                     throws InterruptedException
        Block the calling thread if the notifier is not ready.
        cMillis - the time to block for
        InterruptedException - if the calling thread is interrupted
      • makeSelfLink

        protected ConcurrentNotifier.Link makeSelfLink​(Thread threadThis,
                                                       long lBitThis,
                                                       Object oHead)
        Make a link for the calling thread, checking if one already exists for this notifier.
        threadThis - the calling thread
        lBitThis - this thread's contribution to the bloom filter
        oHead - the current head
        this thread's link, or null if we should not block
      • isReady

        protected abstract boolean isReady()
        Return true if the notifier is ready, i.e. threads entering await cant return without blocking.
        true if the notifier is ready