Class WrapperConcurrentMap.Lock

    • Constructor Detail

      • Lock

        protected Lock()
        Construct a new Lock object.
    • Method Detail

      • assign

        protected boolean assign​(long cWait)
        Assign the ownership of this Lock to the calling thread.

        Note: caller of this method is expected to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        cWait - the number of milliseconds to continue trying to obtain a lock; pass zero to return immediately; pass -1 to block the calling thread until the lock could be obtained
        true if lock was successful; false otherwise
      • waitForNotify

        protected long waitForNotify​(long cWait)
        Wait for a Lock release notification.

        Note: caller of this method is expected to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        cWait - the number of milliseconds to continue waiting; pass -1 to block the calling thread indefinitely
        updated wait time.
      • release

        protected boolean release()
        Release this Lock.

        Note: caller of this method is expected to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        true if unlock is successful; false if the entry remained locked
      • isDirty

        protected boolean isDirty()
        Checks whether or not this Lock object is held by another thread.

        Note: caller of this method is expected to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        true if the Lock is held by another thread; false otherwise
      • isOwnedByCaller

        protected boolean isOwnedByCaller()
        Checks whether or not this Lock object is held by the calling thread.

        Note: unlike other methods of this class, the caller of this method is not required to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        true if the Lock is held by the calling thread; false otherwise
      • isDiscardable

        protected boolean isDiscardable()
        Checks whether or not this Lock object is discardable.

        Note: caller of this method is expected to hold a synchronization monitor for the Lock object while making this call.

        true if the Lock is discardable; false otherwise
      • getLockThread

        protected Thread getLockThread()
        Return the Thread object holding this Lock.
        the Thread object holding this Lock.
      • getLockCount

        protected int getLockCount()
        Return the lock count.
        the lock count
      • getBlockCount

        protected int getBlockCount()
        Return the blocked threads count.
        the blocked threads count
      • getLockTypeDescription

        protected String getLockTypeDescription()
        Return a human readable description of the Lock type.
        a human readable description of the Lock type
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a human readable description of the Lock.
        toString in class Object
        a human readable description of the Lock