Class SegmentedConcurrentMap.SizeAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SegmentedHashMap.EntryAction, SegmentedHashMap.IterableEntryAction
    Enclosing class:

    protected static class SegmentedConcurrentMap.SizeAction
    extends SegmentedHashMap.EntryActionAdapter
    Action support for size(). The action is invoked on each Entry in the map to determine the number of key-value mappings contained in the map. SizeAction is not required to run while holding any segment-locks.

    The context object for a SizeAction is an opaque context created by instantiateContext.

    The result of invoking a SizeAction is the number of key-value mappings found in the map.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SizeAction

        protected SizeAction()
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size​(Object oContext)
        Return the number of Entry objects found while applying this action.
        oContext - the action context
        the number of Entry objects found
      • instantiateContext

        public Object instantiateContext​(boolean fEmptyCheck)
        Instantiate a context appropriate for applying SizeAction to count the number of entries in the map.
        fEmptyCheck - if true, only test for emptiness
        a context to use with a SizeAction