Class ClassHelper

  • public abstract class ClassHelper
    extends Object
    This abstract class contains dynamic (reflect-based) class, method, and field manipulation methods.

    Note: This class is primarily for supporting generated code.

    1.00, 11/22/96
    Cameron Purdy
    • Field Detail


        public static final Class[] VOID_PARAMS
        Useful constant for methods with no parameters.
      • VOID

        public static final Object[] VOID
        Useful constant for methods with no arguments.

        public static final String REFLECT_FILTER_SEPARATOR
        Separator for filter patterns.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String REFLECT_FILTER_PROPERTY
        Configure reflection allowed class white list and/or black list by setting the value of this system property to a set of patterns.

        Patterns are separated by ";" (semicolon). Whitespace is significant and is considered part of the pattern.

        • If the pattern starts with "!", the class is rejected if the remaining pattern is matched; otherwise the class is allowed if the pattern matches.
        • If the pattern ends with ".**" it matches any class in the package and all subpackages.
        • If the pattern ends with ".*" it matches any class in the package.
        • If the pattern ends with "*", it matches any class with the pattern as a prefix.
        • If the pattern is equal to the class name, it matches.
        • Otherwise, the pattern is not matched.

        The resulting filter tries to match the class, if any. The first pattern that matches, working from left to right, determines if a reflection is allowed on a class by the filter or rejected. If none of the patterns match the class, reflection will be allowed.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DEFAULT_REFLECT_ALLOWED_BLACKLIST
        Default reflection filter list which disables reflection against the following types:
        • java.lang.Class
        • java.lang.System
        • java.lang.Runtime
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassHelper

        public ClassHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • isInstanceOf

        public static boolean isInstanceOf​(Object obj,
                                           String sClz)
        Determine if the passed object is an instance of the specified class.
        obj - the object
        sClz - the class name
        true iff the passed object is an instance of the specified class
      • isInstanceOf

        public static boolean isInstanceOf​(Object obj,
                                           Class clz)
        Determine if the passed object is an instance of the specified class.
        obj - the object
        clz - the class
        true iff the passed object is an instance of the specified class
      • getPackageName

        public static String getPackageName​(Class clz)
        Determine the package name of a class.
        clz - the class to determine the package of
        the name of the package, including a trailing dot (which signifies that the string is a package name)
      • getPackageName

        public static String getPackageName​(String sName)
        Determine the package name from a class (or package) name.
           in      out
           ------- -------
           [blank] [blank]
           a       [blank]
           .a      .a.
           a.      a.
           .a.     .a.
           a.b     a.
           .a.b    .a.
           a.b.    a.b.
           .a.b.   .a.b.
        sName - the class name to determine the package of
        the name of the package, including a trailing dot (which signifies that the string is a package name)
      • getSimpleName

        public static String getSimpleName​(Class clz)
        Determine the simple (unqualified) name of a class.
        clz - the class to determine the simple name of
        the simple name of the class
      • getSimpleName

        public static String getSimpleName​(String sName)
        Determine the simple (unqualified) name of a class.
           in      out
           ------- -------
           [blank] [blank]
           a       a
           .a      [blank]
           a.      [blank]
           .a.     [blank]
           a.b     b
           .a.b    b
           a.b.    [blank]
           .a.b.   [blank]
        sName - the simple or qualified name of the class (or package)
        the simple name of the class
      • getQualifiedName

        public static String getQualifiedName​(String pkg,
                                              String sName)
        Build the fully qualified name of a class based on a package name and a simple class name.
        pkg - package name
        sName - simple class name
        fully qualified class name
      • getCompositePackage

        public static String getCompositePackage​(String pkg1,
                                                 String pkg2)
        Build the composite name of a package based on two package names. If there is a conflict, the second package name over-rides the first.
           pkg1        pkg2            composite
           ----------- --------------  ----------------------
           [blank]     [blank]         [blank]
           [blank]     yourpkg.        yourpkg.
           [blank]     .yourpkg.       .yourpkg.
           mypkg.      [blank]         mypkg.
           .mypkg.     [blank]         .mypkg.
           mypkg.      yourpkg.        yourpkg.
           mypkg.      .yourpkg.       mypkg.yourpkg.
           .mypkg.     .yourpkg.       .mypkg.yourpkg.
        pkg1 - the first (base) package
        pkg2 - the second (extending/overriding) package
        the composite package name, including a trailing dot
      • getCompositeName

        public static String getCompositeName​(Class clz,
                                              String sName)
        Build the composite name of a class based on an existing class and a second class name.
        clz - the existing class
        sName - the name to use to build the composite class name
        the composite name of the class
      • getCompositeName

        public static String getCompositeName​(String sName1,
                                              String sName2)
        Build the composite name of a class based on an existing class name and a second class name. For example:
           Class       Name           Derived
           ----------- -------------- ----------------------
           Test        Net            Net
           mypkg.Test  Net            mypkg.Net
           mypkg.Test  yourpkg.       yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg       mypkg.yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.      mypkg.yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  yourpkg.Net    yourpkg.Net
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.Net   mypkg.yourpkg.Net
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.Net.  mypkg.yourpkg.Net.Test
        sName1 - the existing class name
        sName2 - the name to use to build the composite class name
        the composite name of the class
      • getDerivedName

        public static String getDerivedName​(Class clz,
                                            String sPrefix)
        Build the name of a "derived" class based on an existing class and a "derived" class prefix.
        clz - the existing class
        sPrefix - the prefix to apply to the existing class to determine the name of the "derived" class
        the expected name of the "derived" class
      • getDerivedName

        public static String getDerivedName​(String sName,
                                            String sPrefix)
        Build the name of a "derived" class based on the name of an existing class and a "derived" class prefix. For example:
           Class       Prefix        Derived
           ----------- ------------- ----------------------
           Test        Net           NetTest
           mypkg.Test  Net           mypkg.NetTest
           mypkg.Test  yourpkg.      yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg      mypkg.yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.     mypkg.yourpkg.Test
           mypkg.Test  yourpkg.Net   yourpkg.NetTest
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.Net  mypkg.yourpkg.NetTest
           mypkg.Test  .yourpkg.Net. mypkg.yourpkg.Net.Test
        sName - the existing class name
        sPrefix - the prefix to apply to the existing class to determine the name of the "derived" class
        the expected name of the "derived" class
      • isPartialNameLegal

        public static boolean isPartialNameLegal​(String sName)
        Determine if a partial name (for example, a prefix, class name, package name, etc. as accepted by the above methods) is legal.
        sName - the partial name
        true if the name is a legal partial name
      • isSimpleNameLegal

        public static boolean isSimpleNameLegal​(String sName)
        Determine if the passed string is a legal simple name. This does not check if the name is reserved by the Java language.
        sName - the string containing the name
        true if a legal name, false otherwise
      • isQualifiedNameLegal

        public static boolean isQualifiedNameLegal​(String sName)
        Determine if the passed string is a legal dot-delimited identifier.
        sName - the string containing the dot-delimited identifier
        true if a legal identifier, false otherwise
      • getClassArray

        public static Class[] getClassArray​(Object[] aoParam)
        Calculate the class array based on the parameter array.
        aoParam - the parameter array
        the class array based on the parameter array
      • unwrap

        public static Class[] unwrap​(Class[] aClasses)
        Replace wrapper types with appropriate primitive types.
        aClasses - an array of classes
        the class array with primitive instead of wrapper types
      • getResources

        public static com.tangosol.util.Resources getResources​(Class clz,
                                                               String sName)
                                                        throws MissingResourceException
        Load the named resources for the specified class.
        clz - the class to get the resources for
        sName - the name of the resource class
        the resource bundle for the class's package
      • newInstance

        public static Object newInstance​(Class clz,
                                         Object[] aoParam)
                                  throws InstantiationException,
        Instantiate the specified class using the specified parameters.
        clz - the class to instantiate
        aoParam - the constructor parameters
        a new instance of the specified class
        InstantiationException - if an exception is raised trying to instantiate the object, whether the exception is a security, method access, no such method, or instantiation exception
        InvocationTargetException - if the constructor of the new object instance raises an exception
      • findMethod

        public static Method findMethod​(Class clz,
                                        String sName,
                                        Class[] aclzParam,
                                        boolean fStatic)
        Find a Method that matches the specified name and parameter types. If there are more than one matching methods, the first one will be returned.
        clz - the class reference
        sName - the method name
        aclzParam - the parameter types (some array elements could be null)
        fStatic - the method scope flag
        the matching Method object or null if no match could be found
      • getComponentType

        public static Class<?> getComponentType​(Type type)
        Obtains the component type of a collection or array (taking generic declarations into account).
        type - the collection or array Type
        the component type of the collection or null if the specified class is not a collection
      • getClass

        public static Class<?> getClass​(Type type)
        Obtains the most concrete runtime Class that may be used for the specified Type (taking generic declarations into account).
        type - the Type
        the runtime Class for the Type.
      • getReifiedTypes

        public static Map<String,​Type[]> getReifiedTypes​(Class<?> clz,
                                                               Class<?> clzDefiningType)
        Returns a map of types by type name as defined in clzDefiningType. Each type is reified by traversing the class hierarchy commencing from the first found reference of clzDefiningType in clz. The traversing completes when either a concrete substitution is found or the hierarchy can no longer be traversed, in which case the bounds will be returned.
             public class MyCallable
                     implements Callable<Boolean>
             Map<String, Type[]> mapTypes = ClassHelper.getReifiedTypes(MyCallable.class, Callable.class);
             assert mapTypes.get("V")[0] == Boolean.class;
        The returned map is ordered thus can be traversed assuming each entry being returned is in the same order as the definition of the generic types in clzDefiningType.
        clz - the concrete class that can be assigned to clzDefiningType
        clzDefiningType - the class (interface or abstract class) that holds the types to be reified
        a map of types by type name
      • getFullyQualifiedClassNameOf

        public static String getFullyQualifiedClassNameOf​(String sAbbreviatedClassName)
        Determines the fully qualified class name of the Coherence-style abbreviated class name.
        sAbbreviatedClassName - the abbreviated class name (or a regular class name)
        the fully qualified class name
      • isReflectionAllowed

        public static boolean isReflectionAllowed​(Object oTarget)
        Returns true if oTarget is a valid type for reflection operations.
        oTarget - the reflection target
        true if oTarget is a valid type for reflection operations