Interface PersistenceEnvironmentInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getPersistenceActiveDirectory

        File getPersistenceActiveDirectory()
        Return the directory under which cached data is actively persisted by the environment.
        the active directory
      • getPersistenceBackupDirectory

        File getPersistenceBackupDirectory()
        Return the directory under which cached data is actively persisted by the environment.
        the backup directory
      • getPersistenceEventsDirectory

        File getPersistenceEventsDirectory()
        Return the directory under which cached data is actively persisted by the environment.
        the events directory
      • getPersistenceSnapshotDirectory

        File getPersistenceSnapshotDirectory()
        Return the directory under which copies of cached data are persisted by the environment.
        the snapshot directory
      • getPersistenceTrashDirectory

        File getPersistenceTrashDirectory()
        Return the directory under which potentially corrupted persisted data is stored by the environment.
        the trash directory
      • getPersistenceActiveSpaceUsed

        long getPersistenceActiveSpaceUsed()
        Return the total size in bytes used by the persistence layer to persist mutating cache operations.
        the total size
      • getPersistenceBackupSpaceUsed

        long getPersistenceBackupSpaceUsed()
        Return the total size in bytes used by the persistence layer to persist backups of mutating cache operations.
        the total size