Interface Subscriber.ChannelOwnershipListener

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Subscriber.ChannelOwnershipListener
    A listener that receives notification of channel ownership changes.
    • Method Detail

      • onChannelsAssigned

        void onChannelsAssigned​(Set<Integer> setAssigned)
        The channels owned by a subscriber have changed.
        setAssigned - the set of channels assigned to the subscriber
      • onChannelsRevoked

        void onChannelsRevoked​(Set<Integer> setRevoked)
        Channels previously owned by a subscriber have been revoked.
        setRevoked - the set of revoked channels
      • onChannelsLost

        void onChannelsLost​(Set<Integer> setLost)
        Channels previously owned by a subscriber have been lost, this is typically as a result of the subscriber being timed out or disconnection from the cluster.
        setLost - the set of lost channels