Class Security

  • public abstract class Security
    extends Base
    The Security class is used to associate client's identity with an action that requires access to protected clustered resources.

    Consider the following code example:

        Subject subject = Security.login(sPrincipal, acPassword);
        PrivilegedAction action =
            new PrivilegedAction()
                public Object run()
                    return CacheFactory.getCache(sCacheName);
        NamedCache cache = (NamedCache) Security.runAs(subject, action);
    The implementation of the run() method in PrivilegedAction does not have to be an immediate CacheFactory related call; it could be any sequence of code. Any calls that made within that context will be executed with the same privileges.

    If a call that accesses a protected clustered resource is made outside of the "runAs" scope, the AccessController will instantiate and use a CallbackHandler specified in the tangosol-coherence.xml descriptor. If it is not specified and security is enabled the resource access request will be rejected.

    A SecurityException is thrown if the caller does not have permission to call a particular method; the controlling permissions are instances of with corresponding target names such as "coherence.login" or "coherence.runAs".

    Coherence 2.5
    gg 2004.06.02
    • Field Detail

      • ENABLED

        public static final boolean ENABLED
        Indicates if security is enabled by the operational configuration.

        public static final boolean SUBJECT_SCOPED
        Indicates if subject scope is enabled by the operational configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Security

        public Security()
    • Method Detail

      • login

        public static Subject login​(String sName,
                                    char[] acPassword)
        Perform the authentication. This method does nothing and returns null if Coherence security is disabled.
        sName - the user name to use for authentication
        acPassword - the password to use for authentication
        the authenticated Subject object that has associated Principals and Credentials; null if security is disabled
        SecurityException - if authentication fails
      • login

        public static Subject login​(CallbackHandler handler)
        Perform the authentication. This method does nothing and returns null if Coherence security is disabled.
        handler - the CallbackHandler to be used for authentication
        the authenticated Subject object that has associated Principals and Credentials; null if security is disabled
        SecurityException - if authentication fails
      • runAs

        public static Object runAs​(Subject subject,
                                   PrivilegedAction action)
        Executes a privileged action on behalf of the user identity. If Coherence security is disabled the subject parameter is ignored and this method behaves effectively as "return"
        subject - the identity to perform action on behalf of
        action - the privileged action to perform
        the result of the action
      • runAs

        public static Object runAs​(Subject subject,
                                   PrivilegedExceptionAction action)
                            throws PrivilegedActionException
        Executes a privileged exception action on behalf of the user identity. If Coherence security is disabled the subject parameter is ignored and this method behaves effectively as "return"
        subject - the identity to perform action on behalf of
        action - the privileged exception action to perform
        the result of the action
        PrivilegedActionException - if the specified action's run method threw a checked exception
      • checkPermission

        public static void checkPermission​(Cluster cluster,
                                           String sServiceName,
                                           String sCacheName,
                                           String sAction)
        Check if the current user has permission to perform the action against "clustered resources", such as clustered services and caches.
        cluster - the Cluster object
        sServiceName - the name of the Service
        sCacheName - the name of the Cache
        sAction - the action to be performed (for example, "create", "destroy", "join")
        SecurityException - if permission is denied