Class PartitionEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PartitionEvent
    extends EventObject
    The PartitionEvent carries information about an event related to one or more partitions.
    Coherence 3.3
    cp 2007.05.18
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected Member m_memberFrom
      The "from" member for events that represent transfer from a member.
      protected Member m_memberTo
      The "to" member for events that represent transfer to a member.
      protected int m_nId
      The event's id.
      protected PartitionSet m_setPartitions
      The set of affected partitions.
      static int PARTITION_ASSIGNED
      This event indicates that the ownership of one or more partitions have been assigned to a service member.
      static int PARTITION_LOST
      This event indicates that one or more partitions have been lost.
      This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions is beginning and the data that belongs to partitions in the specified partition set are about to be inserted into corresponding backing maps.
      This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions has completed and the data that belong to these partitions have been inserted into corresponding backing maps.
      static int PARTITION_RECOVERED
      This event indicates that one or more partitions have been recovered by a service member.
      This event indicates that data that belong to one or more partitions are about to be transferred to a different member.
      This event indicates that data that belong to one or more partitions have been successfully transferred to a different member and all the data for that partition have been removed from this node.
      This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions has been aborted (e.g. receiver's failure), and the partitions are now "owned" by this node again, and are about to be unfrozen.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int PARTITION_LOST
        This event indicates that one or more partitions have been lost. When a partition is lost, its ownership is re-assigned to an existing member, on which this event is then raised. By default, the partition is assigned to the senior ownership-enabled member running the partitioned service. For the PARTITION_LOST event, the partition set and "to member" will always be non-null.

        As of Coherence 3.6, a restart of an ownership-enabled member after the loss of all ownership-enabled members is indistinguishable from a fresh service start. In such a scenario, the PARTITION_ASSIGNED event is raised.

        Coherence 3.3
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_TRANSMIT_BEGIN
        This event indicates that data that belong to one or more partitions are about to be transferred to a different member. When this event is raised, the partitions have been frozen (no changes can occur to data managed within that partitions) and they have been "unowned".
        Coherence 3.5
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_TRANSMIT_COMMIT
        This event indicates that data that belong to one or more partitions have been successfully transferred to a different member and all the data for that partition have been removed from this node.
        Coherence 3.5
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_TRANSMIT_ROLLBACK
        This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions has been aborted (e.g. receiver's failure), and the partitions are now "owned" by this node again, and are about to be unfrozen.
        Coherence 3.5
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_RECEIVE_BEGIN
        This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions is beginning and the data that belongs to partitions in the specified partition set are about to be inserted into corresponding backing maps. When this is event is raised, this node is not yet an owner for these partitions.

        Note: if this event is raised as a result of a recovery from the backup during failover, the "member from" property will be null.

        Coherence 3.5
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_RECEIVE_COMMIT
        This event indicates that a transfer for one or more partitions has completed and the data that belong to these partitions have been inserted into corresponding backing maps. This event is raised immediately before this node becomes the partition owner.

        Note: if this event is raised as a result of a recovery from the backup during failover, the "member from" property will be null.

        Coherence 3.5
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_ASSIGNED
        This event indicates that the ownership of one or more partitions have been assigned to a service member. Partitions are initially assigned when the first ownership-enabled member joins the service, at which time this event is raised. By default, the partition is assigned to the senior ownership-enabled member running the partitioned service. For the PARTITION_ASSIGNED event, the partition set and "to member" will always be non-null.
        Coherence 3.6
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARTITION_RECOVERED
        This event indicates that one or more partitions have been recovered by a service member. Partitions are recovered from persistent storage when neither the primary nor any backup owners exist (e.g. during service startup or following the departure of all owners) and a persistent copy is located by the configured PersistenceEnvironment. For the PARTITION_RECOVERED event, the partition set and "to member" will always be non-null.
        Coherence 12.1.3
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_nId

        protected int m_nId
        The event's id.
      • m_setPartitions

        protected PartitionSet m_setPartitions
        The set of affected partitions.
      • m_memberFrom

        protected Member m_memberFrom
        The "from" member for events that represent transfer from a member.
      • m_memberTo

        protected Member m_memberTo
        The "to" member for events that represent transfer to a member.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartitionEvent

        public PartitionEvent​(PartitionedService svc,
                              int nId,
                              PartitionSet setPartitions,
                              Member memberFrom,
                              Member memberTo)
        Construct a partition event.
        svc - the service raising this event
        nId - the event ID, one of the PARTITION_* constants
        setPartitions - the set of partitions represented by this event; may be null
        memberFrom - the member that held the partitions prior to the action represented by this event; may be null
        memberTo - the member that holds the partitions after the action represented by this event; may be null
    • Method Detail

      • getService

        public PartitionedService getService()
        Determine the partitioned service that this event originates from.
        the originating service
      • getId

        public int getId()
        Return this event's id. The event id is one of the PARTITION_* enumerated constants.

        It is expected that new event IDs will be added to subsequent versions. Listener implementations that process partition events should only deal with event objects that have specific, known event IDs, and ignore all others.

        the event id
      • getPartitionSet

        public PartitionSet getPartitionSet()
        Determine the set of partitions represented by this event.
        the PartitionSet containing the partition identifiers represented by this event; may be null
      • getFromMember

        public Member getFromMember()
        Determine the member that held the partitions prior to the action represented by this event.
        the "from" Member for the partitions; may be null
      • getToMember

        public Member getToMember()
        Determine the member that holds the partitions after the action represented by this event.
        the "to" Member for the partitions; may be null
      • getDescription

        protected String getDescription()
        Get the event's description.
        this event's description
      • getDescription

        public static String getDescription​(int nId)
        Convert an event ID into a human-readable string.
        nId - an event ID, one of the PARTITION_* enumerated values
        a corresponding human-readable string, for example "lost"
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a String representation of this PartitionEvent object.
        toString in class EventObject
        a human-readable description of the PartitionEvent