Class ObservableSplittingBackingCache.CapacityAwareMap

    • Constructor Detail

      • CapacityAwareMap

        protected CapacityAwareMap​(BackingMapManager bmm,
                                   String sName)
        Create a CapacityAwareMap.
        bmm - a BackingMapManager that knows how to create and release the backing maps that this PartitionSplittingBackingMap is responsible for
        sName - the cache name for which this backing map exists
    • Method Detail

      • putInternal

        protected Object putInternal​(Map mapPart,
                                     Object oKey,
                                     Object oValue)
        Put the key and value into a map representing a given partition.
        putInternal in class PartitionSplittingBackingMap
        mapPart - a partition map
        oKey - oKey with which the specified value is to be associated
        oValue - oValue to be associated with the specified oKey
        previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for the key
      • putAllInternal

        protected void putAllInternal​(Map mapPart,
                                      Map map)
        Put all entries in mapUpdate into the provided map.
        putAllInternal in class PartitionSplittingBackingMap
        mapPart - a partition map
        map - the Map containing the key/value pairings to put into mapPart