Interface KeyAssociator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface KeyAssociator
    A KeyAssociator provides key associations on behalf of a set of keys. The information provided by a KeyAssociator will be used to place all associated keys into the same partition. Custom KeyAssociator implementations should not allow circular associations.

    See KeyAssociatedFilter for an example of a distributed query that takes advantage of a custom KeyAssociator implementation to dramatically optimize its performance.

    Coherence 3.0
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(PartitionedService service)
        Initialize the KeyAssociator and bind it to a PartitionedService.
        service - the PartitionedService that this associator is being bound to
      • getAssociatedKey

        Object getAssociatedKey​(Object oKey)
        Determine the key object to which the specified key object is associated.

        Note: Circular associations are not permitted.

        oKey - the key to get an association for
        the key object that is associated with the specified key, or null if the specified key has no association