Class MBeanAccessor.QueryBuilder.ParsedQuery

    • Field Detail

      • m_sQuery

        protected String m_sQuery
        A query that can be passed to the MBeanServer to reduce the MBeans.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParsedQuery

        protected ParsedQuery()
        Construct a ParsedQuery instance.
      • ParsedQuery

        protected ParsedQuery​(String sQuery,
                              Map<String,​Filter<String>> mapFilters)
        Construct a ParsedQuery based on the given query expression and the map of key to Filter used to test against the corresponding key/value within the ObjectName.
        sQuery - the query to reduce the ObjectNames to consider
        mapFilters - a map of Filters to further reduce the MBeans
    • Method Detail

      • getQuery

        public String getQuery()
        Return the query to reduce the ObjectNames to consider.
        the query to reduce the ObjectNames to consider
      • getMapFilters

        public Map<String,​Filter<String>> getMapFilters()
        Return a map of key to Filter used to test against the corresponding key/value within the ObjectName.
        a map of Filters to further reduce the MBeans
      • getObjectNameFilter

        public Filter<ObjectName> getObjectNameFilter()
        Return a Filter that can be applied against an ObjectName and ensures all the Filters within the map of filters test successfully (logical AND).
        a Filter that can be applied against an ObjectName representing this query