Interface InterceptorRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • registerEventInterceptor

        String registerEventInterceptor​(EventInterceptor<?> interceptor)
        Register an EventInterceptor uniquely identified based on the presence of an annotation or default to the fully qualified class name. The EventInterceptor will be introduced to all current and future EventDispatchers.
        interceptor - the EventInterceptor to register
        a string identifier used to register the interceptor
        IllegalArgumentException - if an EventInterceptor with the same identifier is already registered
      • registerEventInterceptor

        String registerEventInterceptor​(EventInterceptor<?> interceptor,
                                        RegistrationBehavior behavior)
        Register an EventInterceptor uniquely identified based on the presence of an annotation or default to the fully qualified class name. The RegistrationBehavior specifies how to act upon registering a duplicate interceptor. The EventInterceptor will be introduced to all current and future EventDispatchers.
        interceptor - the EventInterceptor to register
        behavior - the behavior enacted upon discovering duplicate interceptors
        a string identifier used to register the interceptor
        IllegalArgumentException - if an EventInterceptor with the same identifier is already registered
      • registerEventInterceptor

        String registerEventInterceptor​(String sIdentifier,
                                        EventInterceptor<?> interceptor,
                                        RegistrationBehavior behavior)
        Register a uniquely identified EventInterceptor. The EventInterceptor will be introduced to all current and future EventDispatchers.
        sIdentifier - the unique name identifying the EventInterceptor
        interceptor - the EventInterceptor to register
        behavior - the behavior enacted upon discovering duplicate interceptors
        IllegalArgumentException - if an EventInterceptor with the same identifier is already registered
      • unregisterEventInterceptor

        void unregisterEventInterceptor​(String sIdentifier)
        Unregister an EventInterceptor, and remove it from all EventDispatchers.
        sIdentifier - the unique identifier of the interceptor to unregister