Class ReadWriteBackingMap.NonBlockingEntryStoreWrapper.StoreOperationObserver

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoreOperationObserver

        public StoreOperationObserver()
        Default constructor.
      • StoreOperationObserver

        public StoreOperationObserver​(Set setEntries)
        Constructor with initial set of entries to be stored.
        setEntries - the entries that need storing
    • Method Detail

      • onNext

        public void onNext​(BinaryEntry binEntry)
        Indicates the associated operation (load or store) has completed successfully and applied to the provided BinaryEntry.
        Specified by:
        onNext in interface StoreObserver
        binEntry - the associated entry
      • onError

        public void onError​(BinaryEntry binEntry,
                            Exception exception)
        Indicate that the corresponding entry is in error, due to the given exception.
        Specified by:
        onError in interface StoreObserver
        binEntry - the associated entry
        exception - exception providing error details
      • onComplete

        public void onComplete()
        Complete the current operation. This is the last call to make on an observer, to signify that no further processing is necessary.
        Specified by:
        onComplete in interface StoreObserver