Class OverflowMap.HistoricCacheEvent

    • Field Detail

      • m_oValueLatestOld

        protected Object m_oValueLatestOld
        A previous value, but the most recent of the previous values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HistoricCacheEvent

        public HistoricCacheEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                                  int nId,
                                  Object oKey,
                                  Object oValueOld,
                                  Object oValueNew,
                                  boolean fSynthetic,
                                  Object oValueRecent)
        Create a Historic CacheEvent that contains the most recent value before the now-current value.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event id as defined by the MapEvent class
        oKey - the key into the map
        oValueOld - the old value (for update and delete events)
        oValueNew - the new value (for insert and update events)
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is historically synthetic
        oValueRecent - the most recent value before the new value
    • Method Detail

      • getLatestOldValue

        public Object getLatestOldValue()
        Obtain the value that needs to be saved if this event represents a merged sequence of events ending with the eviction of data.
        the most recent data value before the new value