Class OldCache

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CacheMap, ConfigurableCacheMap, ObservableMap, Serializable, Cloneable, Map
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class OldCache
    extends SafeHashMap
    implements ObservableMap, ConfigurableCacheMap
    As of Coherence 3.1, use LocalCache instead
    A generic cache manager.

    The implementation is thread safe and uses a combination of Most Recently Used (MRU) and Most Frequently Used (MFU) caching strategies.

    The cache is size-limited, which means that once it reaches its maximum size ("high-water mark") it prunes itself (to its "low-water mark"). The cache high- and low-water-marks are measured in terms of "units", and each cached item by default uses one unit. All of the cache constructors, except for the default constructor, require the maximum number of units to be passed in. To change the number of units that each cache entry uses, either set the Units property of the cache entry, or extend the Cache implementation so that the inner Entry class calculates its own unit size. To determine the current, high-water and low-water sizes of the cache, use the cache object's Units, HighUnits and LowUnits properties. The HighUnits and LowUnits properties can be changed, even after the cache is in use. To specify the LowUnits value as a percentage when constructing the cache, use the extended constructor taking the percentage-prune-level.

    Each cached entry expires after one hour by default. To alter this behavior, use a constructor that takes the expiry-millis; for example, an expiry-millis value of 10000 will expire entries after 10 seconds. The ExpiryDelay property can also be set once the cache is in use, but it will not affect the expiry of previously cached items.

    Cache hit statistics can be obtained from the CacheHits, CacheMisses, HitProbability, KeyHitProbability and CompositeHitProbability read-only properties. The statistics can be reset by invoking resetHitStatistics. The statistics are automatically reset when the cache is cleared (the clear method).

    The OldCache implements the ObservableMap interface, meaning it provides event notifications to any interested listener for each insert, update and delete, including those that occur when the cache is pruned or entries are automatically expired.

    This implementation is designed to support extension through inheritance. When overriding the inner Entry class, the OldCache.instantiateEntry factory method must be overridden to instantiate the correct Entry sub-class. To override the one-unit-per-entry default behavior, extend the inner Entry class and override the calculateUnits method.

    cp 2001.04.19, cp 2005.05.18 moved to package
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_UNITS
        By default, the cache size (in units).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRE
        By default, the cache entries expire after one hour.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_FLUSH
        as of Coherence 3.5
        By default, expired cache entries are flushed on a minute interval.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DEFAULT_PRUNE
        By default, when the cache prunes, it reduces its entries to this percentage.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int EVICTION_POLICY_HYBRID
        By default, the cache prunes based on a hybrid LRU+LFU algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int EVICTION_POLICY_LRU
        The cache can prune based on a pure Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int EVICTION_POLICY_LFU
        The cache can prune based on a pure Least Frequently Used (LFU) algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int EVICTION_POLICY_EXTERNAL
        The cache can prune using an external eviction policy.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int UNIT_CALCULATOR_FIXED
        Specifies the default unit calculator that weighs all entries equally as 1.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int UNIT_CALCULATOR_BINARY
        Specifies a unit calculator that assigns an object a weight equal to the number of bytes of memory required to cache the object.
        See Also:
        BinaryMemoryCalculator, Constant Field Values

        public static final int UNIT_CALCULATOR_EXTERNAL
        Specifies a external (custom) unit calculator implementation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final OldCache.EvictionPolicy INSTANCE_HYBRID
        The EvictionPolicy object for the Hybrid eviction algorithm.

        public static final OldCache.EvictionPolicy INSTANCE_LRU
        The EvictionPolicy object for the Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction algorithm.

        public static final OldCache.EvictionPolicy INSTANCE_LFU
        The EvictionPolicy object for the Least Frequently Used (LFU) eviction algorithm.

        public static final OldCache.UnitCalculator INSTANCE_FIXED
        The UnitCalculator object that counts each entry as one unit.

        public static final OldCache.UnitCalculator INSTANCE_BINARY
        The UnitCalculator object that measures the bytes used by entries. This is intended for caches that manage binary data.
      • m_cCurUnits

        protected volatile long m_cCurUnits
        The current number of units in the cache. A unit is an undefined means of measuring cached values, and must be 0 or positive. The particular Entry implementation being used defines the meaning of unit.
      • m_cMaxUnits

        protected long m_cMaxUnits
        The number of units to allow the cache to grow to before pruning.
      • m_dflPruneLevel

        protected double m_dflPruneLevel
        The percentage of the total number of units that will remain after the cache manager prunes the cache (i.e. this is the "low water mark" value); this value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
      • m_cPruneUnits

        protected long m_cPruneUnits
        The number of units to prune the cache down to.
      • m_nUnitFactor

        protected int m_nUnitFactor
        The unit factor.
      • m_cExpiryDelay

        protected int m_cExpiryDelay
        The number of milliseconds that a value will live in the cache. Zero indicates no timeout.
      • m_lNextFlush

        protected volatile long m_lNextFlush
        The time before which a expired-entries flush will not be performed.
      • m_stats

        protected SimpleCacheStatistics m_stats
        The CacheStatistics object maintained by this cache.
      • m_listenerSupport

        protected MapListenerSupport m_listenerSupport
        The MapListenerSupport object.
      • m_nEvictionType

        protected int m_nEvictionType
        The type of eviction policy employed by the cache; one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values.
      • m_nCalculatorType

        protected int m_nCalculatorType
        The type of unit calculator employed by the cache; one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values.
      • m_arrayExpiry

        protected LongArray m_arrayExpiry
        Array of set of keys, indexed by the time of expiry.
        Coherence 3.5
      • m_lLastPrune

        protected long m_lLastPrune
        The last time that a prune was run. This value is used by the hybrid eviction policy.
        Coherence 3.5
      • m_cAvgTouch

        protected int m_cAvgTouch
        For a prune cycle, this value is the average number of touches that an entry should have. This value is used by the hybrid eviction policy.
        Coherence 3.5
      • m_iterEvict

        protected ListIterator m_iterEvict
        For deferred eviction, iterator of entries to evict. If null, then there are no entries with deferred eviction.
        Coherence 3.5
      • m_fIncrementalEvict

        protected boolean m_fIncrementalEvict
        Specifies whether or not this cache will incrementally evict.
      • m_fOptimizeGetTime

        protected boolean m_fOptimizeGetTime
        Specifies whether or not this cache is used in the environment, where the Base.getSafeTimeMillis() is used very frequently and as a result, the Base.getLastSafeTimeMillis() could be used without sacrificing the clock precision. By default, the optimization is off.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OldCache

        public OldCache()
        Construct the cache manager.
      • OldCache

        public OldCache​(int cUnits)
        Construct the cache manager.
        cUnits - the number of units that the cache manager will cache before pruning the cache
      • OldCache

        public OldCache​(int cUnits,
                        int cExpiryMillis)
        Construct the cache manager.
        cUnits - the number of units that the cache manager will cache before pruning the cache
        cExpiryMillis - the number of milliseconds that each cache entry lives before being automatically expired
      • OldCache

        public OldCache​(int cUnits,
                        int cExpiryMillis,
                        double dflPruneLevel)
        Construct the cache manager.
        cUnits - the number of units that the cache manager will cache before pruning the cache
        cExpiryMillis - the number of milliseconds that each cache entry lives before being automatically expired
        dflPruneLevel - the percentage of the total number of units that will remain after the cache manager prunes the cache (i.e. this is the "low water mark" value); this value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the map contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.

        This method is not synchronized; it returns the size at the moment that the method is invoked. To ensure that the size does not change from the returned value, the caller must synchronize on the map before calling the size method.

        Specified by:
        size in interface Map
        size in class SafeHashMap
        the number of key-value mappings in this map
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.

        This method is not synchronized; it returns the state of the map at the moment that the method is invoked. To ensure that the size does not change, the caller must synchronize on the map before calling the method.

        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface Map
        isEmpty in class SafeHashMap
        true if this map contains no key-value mappings
      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(Object key)
        Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.

        This method is not synchronized; it returns true if the map contains the key at the moment that the method is invoked. To ensure that the key is still in (or is still not in) the table when the method returns, the caller must synchronize on the map before calling the method.

        Specified by:
        containsKey in interface Map
        containsKey in class SafeHashMap
        key - key whose presence in this map is to be tested
        true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key
      • get

        public Object get​(Object oKey)
        Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key. Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this key. A return value of null does not necessarily indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map explicitly maps the key to null. The containsKey operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
        Specified by:
        get in interface Map
        get in class SafeHashMap
        oKey - key whose associated value is to be returned
        the value to which this map maps the specified key, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key
      • getEntry

        public SafeHashMap.Entry getEntry​(Object oKey)
        Locate an Entry in the hash map based on its key.
        getEntry in class SafeHashMap
        oKey - the key object to search for
        the Entry or null
      • put

        public Object put​(Object oKey,
                          Object oValue)
        Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced.

        This method is not synchronized; it only synchronizes internally if it has to add a new Entry. To ensure that the value does not change (or the Entry is not removed) before this method returns, the caller must synchronize on the map before calling this method.

        Specified by:
        put in interface CacheMap
        Specified by:
        put in interface Map
        put in class SafeHashMap
        oKey - key with which the specified value is to be associated
        oValue - value to be associated with the specified key
        previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key. A null return can also indicate that the map previously associated null with the specified key, if the implementation supports null values
      • put

        public Object put​(Object oKey,
                          Object oValue,
                          long cMillis)
        Associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache. If the cache previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced. This variation of the CacheMap.put(Object oKey, Object oValue) method allows the caller to specify an expiry (or "time to live") for the cache entry.
        Specified by:
        put in interface CacheMap
        oKey - key with which the specified value is to be associated
        oValue - value to be associated with the specified key
        cMillis - the number of milliseconds until the cache entry will expire, also referred to as the entry's "time to live"; pass CacheMap.EXPIRY_DEFAULT to use the cache's default time-to-live setting; pass CacheMap.EXPIRY_NEVER to indicate that the cache entry should never expire; this milliseconds value is not a date/time value, such as is returned from System.currentTimeMillis()
        previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key. A null return can also indicate that the map previously associated null with the specified key, if the implementation supports null values
      • remove

        public Object remove​(Object oKey)
        Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface Map
        remove in class SafeHashMap
        oKey - key whose mapping is to be removed from the map
        previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key. A null return can also indicate that the map previously associated null with the specified key, if the implementation supports null values
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes all mappings from this map.
        Specified by:
        clear in interface Map
        clear in class SafeHashMap
      • addMapListener

        public void addMapListener​(MapListener listener)
        Add a standard map listener that will receive all events (inserts, updates, deletes) that occur against the map, with the key, old-value and new-value included. This has the same result as the following call:
           addMapListener(listener, (Filter) null, false);
        Specified by:
        addMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the MapEvent listener to add
      • removeMapListener

        public void removeMapListener​(MapListener listener)
        Remove a standard map listener that previously signed up for all events. This has the same result as the following call:
           removeMapListener(listener, (Filter) null);
        Specified by:
        removeMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the listener to remove
      • addMapListener

        public void addMapListener​(MapListener listener,
                                   Object oKey,
                                   boolean fLite)
        Add a map listener for a specific key.

        The listeners will receive MapEvent objects, but if fLite is passed as true, they might not contain the OldValue and NewValue properties.

        To unregister the MapListener, use the ObservableMap.removeMapListener(MapListener, Object) method.

        Specified by:
        addMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the MapEvent listener to add
        oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to raise events
        fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
      • removeMapListener

        public void removeMapListener​(MapListener listener,
                                      Object oKey)
        Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about a specific key.
        Specified by:
        removeMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the listener to remove
        oKey - the key that identifies the entry for which to raise events
      • addMapListener

        public void addMapListener​(MapListener listener,
                                   Filter filter,
                                   boolean fLite)
        Add a map listener that receives events based on a filter evaluation.

        The listeners will receive MapEvent objects, but if fLite is passed as true, they might not contain the OldValue and NewValue properties.

        To unregister the MapListener, use the ObservableMap.removeMapListener(MapListener, Filter) method.

        Specified by:
        addMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the MapEvent listener to add
        filter - a filter that will be passed MapEvent objects to select from; a MapEvent will be delivered to the listener only if the filter evaluates to true for that MapEvent (see MapEventFilter); null is equivalent to a filter that alway returns true
        fLite - true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not have to include the OldValue and NewValue property values in order to allow optimizations
      • removeMapListener

        public void removeMapListener​(MapListener listener,
                                      Filter filter)
        Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events based on a filter evaluation.
        Specified by:
        removeMapListener in interface ObservableMap
        listener - the listener to remove
        filter - the filter that was passed into the corresponding addMapListener() call
      • getAll

        public Map getAll​(Collection colKeys)
        Get all the specified keys, if they are in the cache. For each key that is in the cache, that key and its corresponding value will be placed in the map that is returned by this method. The absence of a key in the returned map indicates that it was not in the cache, which may imply (for caches that can load behind the scenes) that the requested data could not be loaded.

        The result of this method is defined to be semantically the same as the following implementation, without regards to threading issues:

         Map map = new AnyMap(); // could be a HashMap (but does not have to)
         for (Iterator iter = colKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
             Object oKey =;
             Object oVal = get(oKey);
             if (oVal != null || containsKey(oKey))
                 map.put(oKey, oVal);
         return map;
        Specified by:
        getAll in interface CacheMap
        colKeys - a collection of keys that may be in the named cache
        a Map of keys to values for the specified keys passed in colKeys
      • evict

        public void evict​(Object oKey)
        Evict a specified key from the cache, as if it had expired from the cache. If the key is not in the cache or the entry is not eligible for eviction, then this method has no effect.
        Specified by:
        evict in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        oKey - the key to evict from the cache
      • evictAll

        public void evictAll​(Collection colKeys)
        Evict the specified keys from the cache, as if they had each expired from the cache.

        The result of this method is defined to be semantically the same as the following implementation: for (Iterator iter = colKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object oKey =; evict(oKey); }

        Specified by:
        evictAll in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        colKeys - a collection of keys to evict from the cache
      • tryEvict

        public void tryEvict()
        Attempt to call evict() when no one else is, to avoid contention on opportunistic attempts at evicting.
      • evict

        public void evict()
        Evict all entries from the cache that are no longer valid, and potentially prune the cache size if the cache is size-limited and its size is above the caching low water mark.
        Specified by:
        evict in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
      • getCacheStatistics

        public CacheStatistics getCacheStatistics()
        Returns the CacheStatistics for this cache.
        a CacheStatistics object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        For debugging purposes, format the contents of the cache as a String.
        toString in class AbstractMap
        a String representation of the cache contents
      • getUnits

        public int getUnits()
        Determine the number of units that the cache currently stores.

        Note: It is expected that the return type will be widened to a long in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        getUnits in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the current size of the cache in units
      • getHighUnits

        public int getHighUnits()
        Determine the limit of the cache size in units. The cache will prune itself automatically once it reaches its maximum unit level. This is often referred to as the "high water mark" of the cache.

        Note: It is expected that the return type will be widened to a long in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        getHighUnits in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the limit of the cache size in units
      • setHighUnits

        public void setHighUnits​(int cMax)
        Update the maximum size of the cache in units. This is often referred to as the "high water mark" of the cache.

        Note: It is expected that the parameter will be widened to a long in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        setHighUnits in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        cMax - the new maximum size of the cache, in units
      • getLowUnits

        public int getLowUnits()
        Determine the point to which the cache will shrink when it prunes. This is often referred to as a "low water mark" of the cache. If the cache incrementally prunes, then this setting will have no effect.

        Note: It is expected that the parameter will be widened to a long in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        getLowUnits in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the number of units that the cache prunes to
      • setLowUnits

        public void setLowUnits​(int cMin)
        Specify the point to which the cache will shrink when it prunes. This is often referred to as a "low water mark" of the cache.

        Note: It is expected that the parameter will be widened to a long in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        setLowUnits in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        cMin - the number of units that the cache prunes to
      • getUnitFactor

        public int getUnitFactor()
        Determine the factor by which the Units, LowUnits and HighUnits properties are adjusted. Using a binary unit calculator, for example, the factor 1048576 could be used to count megabytes instead of bytes.

        Note: This property exists only to avoid changing the type of the units, low units and high units properties from 32-bit values to 64-bit values. It is expected that the parameter will be dropped in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        getUnitFactor in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the units factor; the default is 1
      • setUnitFactor

        public void setUnitFactor​(int nFactor)
        Determine the factor by which the Units, LowUnits and HighUnits properties are adjusted. Using a binary unit calculator, for example, the factor 1048576 could be used to count megabytes instead of bytes.

        Note: This property exists only to avoid changing the type of the units, low units and high units properties from 32-bit values to 64-bit values. It is expected that the parameter will be dropped in Coherence 4.

        Specified by:
        setUnitFactor in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        nFactor - the units factor; the default is 1
      • toInternalUnits

        protected static long toInternalUnits​(int cUnits,
                                              int nFactor)
        Convert from an external 32-bit unit value to an internal 64-bit unit value using the configured units factor.
        cUnits - an external 32-bit units value
        nFactor - the unit factor
        an internal 64-bit units value
      • toExternalUnits

        protected static int toExternalUnits​(long cUnits,
                                             int nFactor)
        Convert from an internal 64-bit unit value to an external 32-bit unit value using the configured units factor.
        cUnits - an internal 64-bit units value
        nFactor - the unit factor
        an external 32-bit units value
      • getEvictionType

        public int getEvictionType()
        Determine the current eviction type.
        one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
      • setEvictionType

        public void setEvictionType​(int nType)
        Specify the eviction type for the cache. The type can only be set to an external policy if an EvictionPolicy object has been provided.
        nType - one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
      • getUnitCalculatorType

        public int getUnitCalculatorType()
        Determine the current unit calculator type.
        one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
      • setUnitCalculatorType

        public void setUnitCalculatorType​(int nType)
        Specify the unit calculator type for the cache. The type can only be set to an external unit calculator if a UnitCalculator object has been provided.
        nType - one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
      • getExpiryDelay

        public int getExpiryDelay()
        Determine the default "time to live" for each individual cache entry.
        Specified by:
        getExpiryDelay in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the number of milliseconds that a cache entry value will live, or zero if cache entries are never automatically expired
      • setExpiryDelay

        public void setExpiryDelay​(int cMillis)
        Specify the default "time to live" for cache entries. This does not affect the already-scheduled expiry of existing entries.
        Specified by:
        setExpiryDelay in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        cMillis - the number of milliseconds that cache entries will live, or zero to disable automatic expiry
      • getNextExpiryTime

        public long getNextExpiryTime()
        Determine the next expiry time for the cache entries. This value is supposed to be used only by the "active" expiry algorithms, so for implementations that choose to return the value of zero the entries will be evicted as with pre-existing "passive" expiry approach.
        Specified by:
        getNextExpiryTime in interface ConfigurableCacheMap
        the earliest time (using the SafeClock) that one or more cache entries will expire or zero if the cache is empty, its entries never expire or the implementation chooses to avoid the pro-active eviction
      • getFlushTime

        public long getFlushTime()
        as of Coherence 3.5
        Determine the date/time at which the next cache flush is scheduled. Note that the date/time may be Long.MAX_VALUE, which implies that a flush will never occur. Also note that the cache may internally adjust the flush time to prevent a flush from occurring during certain processing as a means to raise concurrency.
        the date/time value, in milliseconds, when the cache will next automatically flush
      • setFlushTime

        public void setFlushTime​(long lMillis)
        as of Coherence 3.5
        Specify the date/time at which the next cache flush is to occur. Note that the date/time may be Long.MAX_VALUE, which implies that a flush will never occur. A time in the past or at the present will cause an immediate flush.
        lMillis - the date/time value, in milliseconds, when the cache should next automatically flush
      • isIncrementalEviction

        public boolean isIncrementalEviction()
        Determine if incremental eviction is enabled. (Incremental eviction is not supported for custom eviction policies.)
        true if eviction is incremental; false if it is done in bulk
        Coherence 3.5
      • setIncrementalEviction

        public void setIncrementalEviction​(boolean fIncrementalEvict)
        Specify whether incremental eviction is enabled.
        fIncrementalEvict - pass true to enable incremental eviction; false to disable incremental eviction
        Coherence 3.5
      • getCacheHits

        public long getCacheHits()
        Determine the rough number of cache hits since the cache statistics were last reset.
        the number of get(java.lang.Object) calls that have been served by existing cache entries
      • getCacheMisses

        public long getCacheMisses()
        Determine the rough number of cache misses since the cache statistics were last reset.
        the number of get(java.lang.Object) calls that failed to find an existing cache entry because the requested key was not in the cache
      • getHitProbability

        public double getHitProbability()
        Determine the rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that any particular get(java.lang.Object) invocation will be satisfied by an existing entry in the cache, based on the statistics collected since the last reset of the cache statistics.
        the cache hit probability (0 <= p <= 1)
      • resetHitStatistics

        public void resetHitStatistics()
        Reset the cache statistics.
      • configureEviction

        protected void configureEviction​(int nType,
                                         ConfigurableCacheMap.EvictionPolicy policy)
        Configure the eviction type and policy.
        nType - one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
        policy - an external eviction policy, or null
      • configureUnitCalculator

        protected void configureUnitCalculator​(int nType,
                                               ConfigurableCacheMap.UnitCalculator calculator)
        Configure the unit calculator type and implementation.
        nType - one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
        calculator - an external unit calculator, or null
      • getEntryInternal

        protected SafeHashMap.Entry getEntryInternal​(Object oKey)
        Locate an Entry in the hash map based on its key. If the Entry has expired and is eligible for eviction, it is removed from the hash map.

        Unlike the getEntry(java.lang.Object) method, this method does not flush the cache (if necessary) or update cache statistics.

        getEntryInternal in class SafeHashMap
        oKey - the key object to search for
        the Entry or null if the entry is not found in the hash map or has expired
      • removeExpired

        protected boolean removeExpired​(OldCache.Entry entry,
                                        boolean fRemoveInternal)
        Remove an entry (if it is eligible for eviction) because it has expired.

        Note: This method is the same as removeEvicted(Entry) and is left for backward compatibility.

        entry - the expired cache entry
        fRemoveInternal - true if the cache entry still needs to be removed from the cache
        true iff the entry was removed
      • removeEvicted

        protected boolean removeEvicted​(OldCache.Entry entry)
        Remove an entry (if it is eligible for eviction) because it has expired.
        entry - the expired cache entry
        true iff the entry was removed
      • removeIfExpired

        protected boolean removeIfExpired​(OldCache.Entry entry)
        Remove an entry if it has expired.
        entry - the entry
        true iff the entry was actually removed
      • adjustUnits

        protected void adjustUnits​(int cDelta)
        Adjust current size.
        cDelta - the delta units to adjust to
      • prune

        protected void prune()
        Prune the cache by discarding the lowest priority cache entries.
      • checkFlush

        protected void checkFlush()
        as of Coherence 3.5, use evict()
        Check if any entries in the cache have expired, and evict them if they have.
      • instantiateMapEvent

        protected MapEvent instantiateMapEvent​(int nId,
                                               Object oKey,
                                               Object oValueOld,
                                               Object oValueNew)
        Factory pattern: instantiate a new MapEvent corresponding to the specified parameters.
        nId - the event Id
        oKey - the key
        oValueOld - the old value
        oValueNew - the new value
        a new instance of the MapEvent class (or a subclass thereof)
      • getMapListenerSupport

        protected MapListenerSupport getMapListenerSupport()
        Accessor for the MapListenerSupport for sub-classes.
        the MapListenerSupport, or null if there are no listeners
      • hasListeners

        protected boolean hasListeners()
        Determine if the OldCache has any listeners at all.
        true iff this OldCache has at least one MapListener
      • dispatchEvent

        protected void dispatchEvent​(MapEvent evt)
        Dispatch the passed event.
        evt - a CacheEvent object
      • getCurrentTimeMillis

        public long getCurrentTimeMillis()
        Return the current safe time or last safe time depending on the optimization flag.
        the current time
      • setOptimizeGetTime

        public void setOptimizeGetTime​(boolean fOptimize)
        Specify whether or not this cache is used in the environment, where the Base.getSafeTimeMillis() is used very frequently and as a result, the Base.getLastSafeTimeMillis() could be used without sacrificing the clock precision. By default, the optimization is off.
        fOptimize - pass true to turn the "last safe time" optimization on
      • instantiateEntry

        protected SafeHashMap.Entry instantiateEntry()
        Factory method. This method exists to allow the OldCache class to be easily inherited from by allowing the Entry class to be easily sub-classed.
        instantiateEntry in class SafeHashMap
        an instance of Entry that holds the passed cache value