Class RequestIncompleteException

    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestIncompleteException

        public RequestIncompleteException()
        Construct a RequestIncompleteException with no detail message.
      • RequestIncompleteException

        public RequestIncompleteException​(String s)
        Construct a RequestIncompleteException with the specified detail message.
        s - the String that contains a detailed message
      • RequestIncompleteException

        public RequestIncompleteException​(Throwable e)
        Construct a RequestIncompleteException from a Throwable object.
        e - the Throwable object
      • RequestIncompleteException

        public RequestIncompleteException​(String s,
                                          Throwable e)
        Construct a RequestIncompleteException from a Throwable object and an additional description.
        s - the additional description
        e - the Throwable object
    • Method Detail

      • getPartialResult

        public Object getPartialResult()
        Return a partial execution result that may have been assembled before an exception occurred. The result type is specific to a request, most commonly being either of the same Java type as the return value for the corresponding request or a collection of failed keys.
        a partial execution result
      • setPartialResult

        public void setPartialResult​(Object oPartialResult)
        Specify a partial execution result.
        oPartialResult - a partial execution result