Interface NamedCollection

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Obtain the name of this NamedCollection.
        the name of this NamedCollection
      • getService

        Service getService()
        Return the Service that this NamedCollection is a part of.
        the Service
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Release and destroy this instance of NamedCollection.

        Warning: This method is used to completely destroy the specified collection across the cluster. All references in the entire cluster to this collection will be invalidated, the collection data will be cleared, and all internal resources will be released.

      • isDestroyed

        default boolean isDestroyed()
        Specifies whether or not this NamedCollection has been destroyed. Implementations must override this method to provide the necessary information.
        true if the NamedCollection has been destroyed; false otherwise